National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

isn't she a member of the Socialist Alternative party?

EDIT: just looked her up, yep...first socialist voted into office. " She was the first socialist to win a citywide election in Seattle since Anna Louise Strong was elected to the school board in 1916. "

I had no idea how screwed up the NW is.
Yep, she’s a SAP.
Kid doesn't realize said vehicle has things called firing ports.

Brandishing and pointing a rifle at an armored vehicle like that is pretty dumb. Are we now at the point where the Black Bloc is going to assemble armed and going toe to toe? For the most part, when deadly force could have been used during this period of unrest, no LEA has employed deadly force. Wonder why Law Enforcement have armored vehicles?

So, did the guy in Kenosha have a gun or not? This is a very important detail that is missing from every news report. He went back to the vehicle and was reaching in it when shot. So, why did he do that? What was going on?
I do not know if he had a gun or not, but what I see is a man leaning into the car (versus attempting to get in to drive), and the cop going full "weapons-free zone". In a nanosecond that cop saw something or thought he saw something.

Not that it will matter one whit to the defund-the-cops people, BLM, or the anti-cop folks, but I hope they find solid, conclusive, incontrovertible evidence that renders it a good shoot. And then I hope that cop tells the governor to kiss his ass.
So the police tail a man onto the street with guns drawn, then grab and hold him by the back of his tanktop to shoot him in the back, point-blank, seven times, in broad daylight, for opening the driver's side door to a car with his three children in it.

This should be interesting. Happy to reserve judgment until more information is released.
Well, my city has boarded up and closed down again. Most places closed at 1600 and EVERYONE is putting boards up on windows again.

I'm sick of this shit.

Hell, we had an 11yr old girl shot and killed last week, and no riots. Now. Kenosha happens and we get riots.

Where's that asteroid?
Trump’s fault

I realize I've been extremely critical of not only the POTUS and this administration, but I do feel like he/they recieve too much backlash for the results of Covid. It was a damned if you do or damned if you don't scenario with no easy answers. While I don't agree with some of the measures, people need to look at the big picture and realize we were going to get hosed in one way or another.
I realize I've been extremely critical of not only the POTUS and this administration, but I do feel like he/they recieve too much backlash for the results of Covid. It was a damned if you do or damned if you don't scenario with no easy answers. While I don't agree with some of the measures, people need to look at the big picture and realize we were going to get hosed in one way or another.
Dude. Couldn’t agree more.

I just can’t wait for like, 4-6 years to pass. Know why?

We are going to look back at this time and the most drastic and dramatic reactors to all this will be ridiculed. Guess who won’t be on that list? The president and this administration.

In my opinion, they did what they could with the information they had. At the very least, they were willing to change tack. People forget that we are figuring the science out on this as we go. The first videos we saw were of Chinese people collapsing and convulsing in the street.

The number one ding seems to be, “Trump didn’t sound empathetic enough.” Eat dicks, everyone that needs empathy from their government. They’re there to provide a service. Do you expect empathy at the post office? STFU.

There is PLENTY to vote this administration out on. 2A infringements, unreal geopolitical missteps, inability to close out priorities (remember healthcare?), general inability to stop tweeting dumb shit. But the corona response is definitely not one of them.