National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I'll reply to this in PM as suggested.

Second part I'll address it openly as you did.
Hate because you’re either being purposely obtuse and now claiming the victim OR because we just can’t even have a rational conversation on this board. Both are sad.

Either way, looking forward to the PM.
Meanwhile, not in other news. Has anyone seen Mille Weaver's documentary yet? It's definitely more conspiracy theory stuff with elements of truth all layered in to create more distrust of the government. Does it help her story though that she was arrested leading up to the release though? I'd link it, but youtube apparently already took it down. Flat earth and ancient alien videos good, big military industrial complex trying to derail trump conspiracy apparently bad. I'll link of i see it again

Here's my favorite Canadian lawyer talking about the arrest.

Edit to clarify the common thread is the prorests and defund the policy movements are part of the overall IO campaign against the American people. So honestly my post would have sat in probably four different threads.
You’re not wrong. Ben Shapiro’s new book (How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps) is a great dive into the coordinated campaign as well.

The audiobook is a VERY easy listen and well worth it.
Somebody will have to explain to me why this is okay.

This is Democrat John Thompson, campaigning for State House in district 67A in St. Paul, protesting at the the home of Minneapolis Police Officer Bob Kroll, who is the head of the MPD Police union.

I missed memo that Officer Kroll was a “klansman and Grand Wizard” as candidate Thompson accuses him of being.
It looks like a predictable 'rhetort' to Kroll's previous hyperbolic designation of Black Lives Matter as a terrorist movement, with the comment likely stemming on this and this incident involving Kroll, notwithstanding his checkered MPD history mentioned further down in the first link.

It also looks like a smart play for him to secure the slot in that district.
I would assume the addresses of police officers is confidential information? So that means he was doxed.
The way you preface the term suggests that the confidentiality of the information factors in to whether it qualifies as 'doxxed'. If we accept that premise, then the fact that the protesters knew where to go doesn't conclude anything about how the information got out. There are a number of legal and socially acceptable ways for people to come upon a peace officer's home address without putting in any work engaging in Internet database searches or cracks.
And I'd also arrest every single one of those dudes.
All costing valuable manpower, resources, time, and tax dollars to accomplish.

It seems they saved a lot more in each of those areas just by dispatching officers just to monitor the protest and keep the peace.
No surprise. Austin has had a deluge of of west coast liberals flood the area and slowly turn the city into a liberal tech center hell hole. Here's hoping the Lone Star spirit curb stomps the useful idiots trying to radically change Texas.
Link? Or just your opinion? I have a lot of friends in Austin. What makes it a ‘liberal tech center he’ll hole’?
Link? Or just your opinion? I have a lot of friends in Austin. What makes it a ‘liberal tech center he’ll hole’?
Austin tends to be the butt of many jokes from my more conservative acquaintances in Texas. (Welcome to Texas please don't move here. Welcome to Texas, we're full.)

Here you go though. A picture is worth a thousand words. :p

The Worst Kinds of Austin Transplants
Gonna get real weird, here, but yeah. They are Americans. Stupid, misguided, young, brainwashed, misled, exploited. Whatever.

So, like anything else in the world, Americans come first. I’m not willing to write other Americans off without a cursory attempt to actually engage with them.
To clear the waters, I think the bolded is the crux of the issue. The thing is Marxism and it's ideals don't really adhere with the principals of nationality. To a degree, Marxism uses nationality as a way to protect it's ideologues. (It's akin to an invading cancer cell using the body's own defense mechanism to replicate and kill it's host.)

I think @Hungry_Dog hit on an important topic too. Being born American doesn't automatically make you a good person. Just because these Marxists are US nationals, it doesn't excuse them breaking social order to bend us to their misguided (and extremely suicidal) will.

Look at it like this. The Russian Marxists who killed and tortured millions of their fellow citizens thought of themselves as patriots, doing dirty work that had to be done. That same premise is repeated wherever Marxism has been allowed to take hold. American or not these homegrown Marxists are heralds of death and destruction.

Kidding. It’s fine except for about 4 blocks and some organized protests. And everyone there- even the ‘woke’ ones- aren’t what the MSM (remember, kids, Faux News and One Atrocious News Network are still MSM) would lead you to believe.

And the seafood hasn’t skipped a beat!
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ETA- all y’all talking about how the news has people brainwashed and are posting news about where you aren’t? Have a beer and some oysters. Put your phone down. It’ll do wonders.

My post here is only to say that we will be out there next month to visit our kids. Have a salmon fishing trip booked and a house rented for three nights on the beach, going to bloat myself on seafood and beer for a week. Can’t f’ing wait.
It looks like a predictable 'rhetort' to Kroll's previous hyperbolic designation of Black Lives Matter as a terrorist movement, with the comment likely stemming on this and this incident involving Kroll, notwithstanding his checkered MPD history mentioned further down in the first link.

It also looks like a smart play for him to secure the slot in that district.
The way you preface the term suggests that the confidentiality of the information factors in to whether it qualifies as 'doxxed'. If we accept that premise, then the fact that the protesters knew where to go doesn't conclude anything about how the information got out. There are a number of legal and socially acceptable ways for people to come upon a peace officer's home address without putting in any work engaging in Internet database searches or cracks.All costing valuable manpower, resources, time, and tax dollars to accomplish.

It seems they saved a lot more in each of those areas just by dispatching officers just to monitor the protest and keep the peace.

I don't get you man. And no, this is not socially acceptable. Your attempt to defend this behavior is awful. He'll now have a detail on his street patrolling in a greater capacity because his address was leaked. (Legally or illegally)
I don't get you man. And no, this is not socially acceptable.
Social decorum rarely is a driving concern for any groups who have successfully attempted change through activism. In fact, disagreement on those grounds from non-supporters is often taken as an indicator to non-rioting protesters like these to continue exercising their free speech rights in those ways.
Your attempt to defend this behavior is awful.
I suppose you are also free to conflate my feedback with a defense of his behavior.
He'll now have a detail on his street patrolling in a greater capacity because his address was leaked. (Legally or illegally)
That should hopefully help in case more malicious elements want to take advantage of information that, beyond its immediate availability to neighbors and anyone delivering material to his doorstep, is increasingly more challenging to hide due to the IoT.
Link? Or just your opinion? I have a lot of friends in Austin. What makes it a ‘liberal tech center he’ll hole’?
No surprise. Austin has had a deluge of of west coast liberals flood the area and slowly turn the city into a liberal tech center hell hole. Here's hoping the Lone Star spirit curb stomps the useful idiots trying to radically change Texas.
Austin tends to be the butt of many jokes from my more conservative acquaintances in Texas. (Welcome to Texas please don't move here. Welcome to Texas, we're full.)

Here you go though. A picture is worth a thousand words. :p
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The Worst Kinds of Austin Transplants
Keep Austin weird has been a local joke for decades.

That said, Austin (home of UT Austin) has been extremely liberal as long as I have been in Texas, 16 years and counting.
Previous, and current Governor have gone out of their way to bring CA tech firms into Texas (primarily Austin). My very liberal brother-in-law (tech guy who USE to live in Austin) has started to complain about people californicating his state.

Austin isn't a total hell-hole, but that's because the current Governor use State Law and agencies to go in and clean up when things start to get out of control.
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I like Austin, I do. Some great food and beer, and historically I like UT. But it is indeed the most liberal city in Texas; reminded me of a bigger, hipper Chapel Hill (NC). I don't know if it is because it's where the flagship school is located or what. And like Chapel Hill, that place is expensive as hell to live in.
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Social decorum rarely is a driving concern for any groups who have successfully attempted change through activism. In fact, disagreement on those grounds from non-supporters is often taken as an indicator to non-rioting protesters like these to continue exercising their free speech rights in those ways.I suppose you are also free to conflate my feedback with a defense of his behavior.That should hopefully help in case more malicious elements want to take advantage of information that, beyond its immediate availability to neighbors and anyone delivering material to his doorstep, is increasingly more challenging to hide due to the IoT.

Next thing you'll say is that the Taliban, in whole, is just a group of activists.
Only if they did something as egregious as saying mean things to a peace officer outside his residence.
I’m trying to walk the fine line of not personally attacking another member, but come on man. COME ON!

Leading a caravan of vehicles from the city to the man’s home, and then doing what he did and saying what he said, is well beyond just “saying mean things. “
I’m trying to walk the fine line of not personally attacking another member, but come on man. COME ON!
No worries. I'll avoid responding in kind if you decide to do that.
Leading a caravan of vehicles from the city to the man’s home, and then doing what he did and saying what he said, is well beyond just “saying mean things. “
That is, quite literally, all they did.

I find it astonishing that the outrage you're venting is directed entirely towards the way I summed up what the protesters did as a quip in place of @GOTWA's indirect back comparison of these nonviolent protesters to an Islamist terrorist organization that killed 3,000 of our citizens and destroyed the Twin Towers in one surprise attack, launched a two decade war, and killed thousands of our brave servicemembers meanwhile.

What's the point of doxxing someone and showing up at their house if not to harass and intimidate+?

If it was about protests and expressing themselves, they could have done that without dropping a pin on google maps.

What's the point of doxxing someone and showing up at their house if not to harass and intimidate+?
If you're interested in getting the attention of someone who seems to be ignoring you, showing up to their residence and being loud is a good step towards bridging that gap.
If it was about protests and expressing themselves in ways that wouldn't gain his attention, they could have done that without dropping a pin on google maps.
If you're interested in pissing off the locals and immediate neighbors, possibly endangering lives, and growing an all around distaste for your movement and tactics, showing up to their residence and being loud is a good step towards bridging that gap.

If you're interested in pissing off the locals and immediate neighbors, possibly endangering lives, and growing an all around distaste for your movement and tactics, showing up to their residence and being loud is a good step towards bridging that gap.FTFY
If showing up and being loud is all it takes to endanger lives in a Western liberal democracy, there is a far bigger underlying problem at hand than the people exercising those rights.

Few if any major social advances in American society would have occurred if a fear of pissing off locals and gathering distaste from people who don't share their views was all it took to quell the discontent of its citizens.
If showing up and being loud is all it takes to endanger lives in a Western liberal democracy, there is a far bigger underlying problem at hand than the people exercising those rights.

Few if any major social advances in American society would have occurred if a fear of pissing off locals and gathering distaste from people who don't share their views was all it took to quell the discontent of its citizens.

Do you have skin in the game?