Verified Military
Gabriel Mouton thought to himself, that whole mm, cm, m, km 1, 10, 100, 1000 thing worked a treat. I'll make a litre a 10cm by 10cm by 10cm cube, and I'll make a ml a thousandth of that. It'll be piss easy, even the kids will have it mastered by the time they've hit their first decimal.
But then we have the gallon, 10 different Brit versions, the eventual imperial version, a US dry one and a wet one. One is 10 pounds of water at 62 degrees F, because, why the fuck not? Same the US gallon, lets make it 128 fluid ounces, because someone was born on the 28th of January, no doubt... What's a fluid ounce? Imperial, or US, 1/20th of an Imperial pint, or 1/16th of a colonial one... Just making shit up as they went along, the only thing in the country that holds fluid is that old wine barrel from the Mayflower. It shall be the basis for all volume calculations from this point onward...
Fuckers would have got to the moon in 1960 if the German scientists didn't have to translate all of their metric calculations into gibberish...

We would have got to the moon in 1960 if we didn't have German scientists standing in our way....