National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

In the face of a Banana Republic-tier election system, I am not surprised that American conservatives have had enough. I suppose it's now or never, that time to be "mostly peaceful".

Our election system heavily favors the conservatives on the federal level.

These are the types of people most afraid of a "1984" style government, but would happily support a facist authoritarian leader if he says what the want.

These aren't people who support freedom or American ideals anymore than the Marxists BLM members they hate.
Our election system heavily favors the conservatives on the federal level.

These are the types of people most afraid of a "1984" style government, but would happily support a facist authoritarian leader if he says what the want.

These aren't people who support freedom or American ideals anymore than the Marxists BLM members they hate.

Are you really sure about that? I mean, really sure?

I know a guy, works in IT at NC State Univ, who is there. He is as milquetoast as it gets. I see him snapping a la Michael Douglas in Falling Down. He honestly believes the DNC has orchestrated a bloodless coup in this election. He thinks there is zero for redress with the government. Six months ago he was politically in the middle.

Scary times.
Are you really sure about that? I mean, really sure?

I know a guy, works in IT at NC State Univ, who is there. He is as milquetoast as it gets. I see him snapping a la Michael Douglas in Falling Down. He honestly believes the DNC has orchestrated a bloodless coup in this election. He thinks there is zero for redress with the government. Six months ago he was politically in the middle.

Scary times.

I stand by my statement. That sounds like a person who never actually had any political philosophy himself, but was just a member of a team.
He feels his team was cheated, and he wants to do something about it.

I don't think it's more prone on one side or the other, but it is a big problem in America that politics is more akin to violent clashes between soccer clubs.
I stand by my statement. That sounds like a person who never actually had any political philosophy himself, but was just a member of a team.
He feels his team was cheated, and he wants to do something about it.

I don't think it's more prone on one side or the other, but it is a big problem in America that politics is more akin to violent clashes between soccer clubs.

I respect that. I think I used to feel more like that. I feel...less like that.
Interesting (but foolish, giving out his PII while admitting to a crime) testimonial from an eyewitness to the Capitol shooting.

Surprisingly collected, too, even though you can tell he is still a bit shaken.

That idiot needs to go to jail along with...whoever else was involved.

Jersey, that guy is an honorary Florida Man for that video. Send him to Lauderdale, they could use his insight.
Question for the group.

Can a minority commit a "hate crime" against someone of the same, or similar, minority?
Sure, why not?

Defining a Hate Crime​

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

Hate Crimes | Federal Bureau of Investigation
Sure, why not?

Defining a Hate Crime​

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

Hate Crimes | Federal Bureau of Investigation
Just ask this guy:
I thought he said they went through flash bangs and tear gas.
That’s what I hoped he was saying. I’ll have to relisten

EDIT - I listened again, he said through tear gas and flash bangs. It’s more likely that came from the Capital Police/Secret Service but then there’s a lot of talk on Twitter about how this is Antifa trying to stir stuff up blaming the MAGA crowd. At this point I don’t really care
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Kid is a patriot and any state that lays claim to him should be proud.
I think a lot of people are thinking that we are living back under some type of Monarchy oppressive rule like our forefathers had before the birth of this nation.

The people who stormed the Capital are referring to a revolution. This ain’t it.

There may actually come a time when we will need to take up arms against a truly oppressive government or foreign nation. But until that happens I’m going to keep working hard and take care of my wife and kids and stay away from extreme, trendy, sensationalized news/politics/social media.

Call me when there’s a war worth fighting for. Not this garbage.
I think a lot of people are thinking that we are living back under some type of Monarchy oppressive rule like our forefathers had before the birth of this nation.

The people who stormed the Capital are referring to a revolution. This ain’t it.

There may actually come a time when we will need to take up arms against a truly oppressive government or foreign nation. But until that happens I’m going to keep working hard and take care of my wife and kids and stay away from extreme, trendy, sensationalized news/politics/social media.

Call me when there’s a war worth fighting for. Not this garbage.
Your very freedom and that of your friends and loved ones is at stake. Not sure if you were here, but earlier this year in the all politics thread we covered liberal politicians wanting "lists" of Trump supporters.

Couple the above with the Covid Concentration/Detention Camp laws passed in NY and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Also, our forefathers stormed the capitol over grievances like "taxation without representation". How represented do you feel when places like Pakistan are getting millions and DC politicians are lining their pockets with your taxes?
PIcs attached of probable ANTIFA.
That tattoo is from a video game called Dishonored

Outsider's Mark

As for the American flag face painted viking dude; we did have anti-BLM people at protests too. I don't think "here's a photo someone took of a dude at a thing, with mo context!" is really all that reliable.

ETA: Literally seen after I posted