National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I tell you what is getting to me now is the massive virtue signaling, on social media, at work, everywhere, where it seems to be a race to see who is the most 'un-racist.'
I quit Facebook yesterday, the reason was this post you just made.

I had literally typed almost exactly what you just said, and within minutes was getting lit up for my“insensitivite” comments.

I deleted the post, locked down my homepage and vowed never to post again.

The only thing you’ll find there going forward is a picture of me and my email address.
I quit Facebook yesterday, the reason was this post you just made.

I had literally typed almost exactly what you just said, and within minutes was getting lit up for my“insensitivite” comments.

I deleted the post, locked down my homepage and vowed never to post again.

The only thing you’ll find there going forward is a picture of me and my email address.

Probably the safe option..

Harvard came out with an implicit bias test that people can take. One of them has to do with light and dark skin people. So many of my friends were all signaling back and forth to each other on how they passed.
Was he upset when Clinton moved Marines into LA during those riots?
I just want to issue the correction here y'all. Clinton did not send Active Duty troops into Los Angeles.

Bush Senior was president at the time. If anything we're significantly behind the timeline of the Rodney King riots and troops should have been deployed in the middle of last week. We're going on almost two weeks of riots in certain places. 4,000 active duty personnel and 9,000 guard personnel were deployed to Los Angeles on the third day of Riots.

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia

However, in 1993 Clinton did deploy active duty troops to Waco as part of the siege force on the Branch Davidian compound. There was a Bradley company involved in the assault, I'd have to look, but I do believe that is the ONLY time crew serves were used against Americans in the last 50 years.

Somehow the insurrection act was not invoked, not sure what authority active duty troops were there.
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She is not evicting. The state of emergency is no longer active. She's asking they go home.

You're right. Asking them by having them kicked out of the hotel they were in.

I'm actually not too familiar with who has jurisdiction in this matter. Who has the legal authority to employ security measures on federal property?
She is not evicting. The state of emergency is no longer active. She's asking they go home.
That's not what the protestors are sayin, they want a repeat of the Bolsheviks Bloody Sunday.

Add on: Unless something breaks their spirit, chain of command, or commo, I don't see these people throwing in the towel.
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You're right. Asking them by having them kicked out of the hotel they were in.

I'm actually not too familiar with who has jurisdiction in this matter. Who has the legal authority to employ security measures on federal property?

The city doesn't need them therefore they don't want to pay for their lodging anymore. Where's the issue with that?
I don't see why usung an existing law is a threat to the constitution, unlike weaponizing the DoJ. I wonder how Mattis feels about that?
Huge strawman here but I’ll play your game, because I’m off work today. While Mattis used this as an example, he cities the presidents prior behavior and not just the current situation

Sedition and treason are still laws. Punishable by felonious imprisonment and up to death. So when this administration decides to merk some looters here post-arrest using sedition and treason, we’re cool here? We gonna hang some traitors for treason to make a point to the rest of the populace that protesting- I mean, rioting and looting- won’t be tolerated.

I don’t know how Mattis feels about weaponizong the DoJ. I also don’t know why that matters. I will say, I know exactly how Mattis feels about the president’s 3 years running up to this mess. Remember- he’s not saying the riots are are overstep of the constitution, he said quite clearly that the presidents divisive nature and entire presidency has led to this.

Mattis worked for the president; spent his life in service to a country he loved; quit the admin when he no longer could tolerate the admin’s actions.

You wanna have him prosecuted for his work on Theranos? Fine. I’m sure some internet lawyers I know will lay out an ironclad case- doing yeoman’s work for actual lawyers who don’t seem terribly interested in actual prosecutions.
The city doesn't need them therefore they don't want to pay for their lodging anymore. Where's the issue with that?

I'll have to look into this more. I don't know why a city would be paying for the federal activation of troops. Where would that line of accounting in DTS be? Usually the state will set up a line of accounting and bill the federal side after the fact so that account bureaucracy doesn't get in the way of mobility.
I'll have to look into this more. I don't know why a city would be paying for the federal activation of troops. Where would that line of accounting in DTS be? Usually the state will set up a line of accounting and bill the federal side after the fact so that account bureaucracy doesn't get in the way of mobility.
Weren’t these NG soldiers? Or did I misread?
I guess people don't actually listen to the POTUS words much. Because what I'm reading in the media after today's Rose Garden speech are clear lies. I watched it.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is necessary. Trump should have definitely used it, it should have been invoked last Thursday. I posted the timeline of what occurred in 1992 above. In a sense we're well past the period where deploying federal troops will actually aid a situation.

I also mentioned above the only time you actually saw armored vehicles on the "streets" in an attempt to anything against Americans was in 1993 during the Clinton Administration. The goalposts in this thread seem to have moved. Nothing Trump has done or said would indicate that there would be an armored division sent into a city to quell the violence.

So can we agree that the POTUS is trash, Mattis is trash, and every other dickhead using this moment to score points is also trash?

Now, back to what's really going on out there. I take you to Buffalo:

Entire BPD Emergency Response Team resigns in support of suspended officers

This obviously looks like cow shit. WTF?
Weren’t these NG soldiers? Or did I misread?

I'll assume you are asking sincerely.

I'm guessing my use of "federal activation of troops" is what you're hung up on. Active duty components don't get activated, they are already "active." Comes down to authorities and who's paying. States have sovereignty from each other and can't just send troops into another state without permission. No idea when it comes to DC. I believe the 3500 or so soldiers deployed were on request by the Pentagon, not a governor, so if they are federally activated, they would more likely be in a title 10 capacity and would therefore gain federal benefits. Although the title 10 vs 32 thing might be a little iffy here because you have federally activated title 32 missions in various states, like counter drug and stuff.
Utah NG troops to be precise.

Mayor is calling for all out of state guardsmen to leave her city. As far as I know that includes at least Ohio, South Carolina, and Utah. There might be some more though. Saw some pictures of guys that I'm assuming are coming from 19th SFG.

I go back to my question though on who owns the authority for the district? She doesn't even control the DC National Guard, the President does.