National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Mayor is calling for all out of state guardsmen to leave her city. As far as I know that includes at least Ohio, South Carolina, and Utah. There might be some more though. Saw some pictures of guys that I'm assuming are coming from 19th SFG.

I go back to my question though on who owns the authority for the district? She doesn't even control the DC National Guard, the President does.

I believe they govern for local affairs only.

D.C. Home Rule • Council of the District of Columbia
I quit Facebook yesterday, the reason was this post you just made.

I had literally typed almost exactly what you just said, and within minutes was getting lit up for my“insensitivite” comments.

I deleted the post, locked down my homepage and vowed never to post again.

The only thing you’ll find there going forward is a picture of me and my email address.

I understand why you did that. Social media is weaponized in the name of America’s new religion and it’s hard to be on if you’re not willing to literally bend the knee to it.

But for me, FB is something useful and interesting from a business, educational, and social standpoint. It’s also one of the front lines of the cold civil war that’s raging right now, and I’m not going to be driven from it. Because that’s what people want: not a rational debate, not reasonable discussion and disagreement, but capitulation, subjugation, and submission.

You're a very rational and "centrist" person, and our country needs to hear those kinds of voices right now. I hope one day you'll reconsider.
Seems like a lot of the posts last night got lost to the void,

@R.Caerbannog We didn't cover that in school, just a cursory course over the Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya and Stalin pushing everyone out. Nothing in depth, do you have recommendations on articles for the stuff you mentioned?

@Florida173 I'm glad they're looking at qualified immunity, it's a shame that no one is talking about it though. I will agree though that I'm worried that people are wanting to effectively remove the polices ability to do their job when it most likely needs proper oversight and training.

@ThunderHorse I stated before that I'm fully against the actual rioting and looting. But thats not what we're really seeing the majority of right now. Did any of those people I posted about deserve that for exercising their first amendment right? I'm for trying to find reconciliation but don't do it at the expense of my rights.
Seems like a lot of the posts last night got lost to the void,

@R.Caerbannog We didn't cover that in school, just a cursory course over the Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya and Stalin pushing everyone out. Nothing in depth, do you have recommendations on articles for the stuff you mentioned?

@Florida173 I'm glad they're looking at qualified immunity, it's a shame that no one is talking about it though. I will agree though that I'm worried that people are wanting to effectively remove the polices ability to do their job when it most likely needs proper oversight and training.

@ThunderHorse I stated before that I'm fully against the actual rioting and looting. But thats not what we're really seeing the majority of right now. Did any of those people I posted about deserve that for exercising their first amendment right? I'm for trying to find reconciliation but don't do it at the expense of my rights.

I tried to find quickly if SCOTUS already had the question of qualified immunity on the docket, but only found that they had recently refused and now are looking into it. I believe we can probably find something that us citizens feel safe from that immunity, and the LEOs safe from a really litigious citizenry.

What else can be helped from a Federal level? The president has been working on prison reform and been getting a lot of praises from certain black leaders on his efforts. Why are people protesting in front of the White House over the alleged systemic racism that the POTUS didn't bring with him. If there was a voice of the people that could list out some demands and expectations at the Federal level, I would say, yeah.. let's all have that discussion and murderboard the shit out of it for pros/cons, but who's leading this from the BLM and greater movement?
I quit Facebook yesterday, the reason was this post you just made.

I had literally typed almost exactly what you just said, and within minutes was getting lit up for my“insensitivite” comments.

I deleted the post, locked down my homepage and vowed never to post again.

The only thing you’ll find there going forward is a picture of me and my email address.
Join the club. One thing is for sure, if you post any view on anything you’ll offend someone somewhere without a doubt.
@ThunderHorse I stated before that I'm fully against the actual rioting and looting. But thats not what we're really seeing the majority of right now. Did any of those people I posted about deserve that for exercising their first amendment right? I'm for trying to find reconciliation but don't do it at the expense of my rights.

I think many people do not seem to understand how active duty troops would be used. They would be used much like the National Guard are being used. They would back up law enforcement and as you've seen the majority of Guard elements have been attached to a Law Enforcement element. Federal troops don't have the authority to arrest people. I guess the rhetoric is all crap because we're in such a polarized world. As I posted earlier, the time for federal troops to be deployed has expired. That needed to happen over a week ago. The deployment of Federal Troops to Los Angeles in 1992 lasted a week. Parts of Los Angeles had the National Guard in place for almost a month.

I'm afraid you haven't read my posts that clearly because I've made several posts showing wtf about police brutality during these protests. No ones rights should be forfeited. However, if someone impedes my rights with either attempting to deprive me of my life or property and the police aren't there, and they aren't there in many communities right now, then the citizen will take their arms and protect themselves. That is the problem we currently face. But this is the third time I've mentioned this. Is that not a problem set? Do we want private militias guarding different neighborhoods? Or do we want to restore order? Because eventually we will have to restore order or we will have major conflicts in our cities beyond the conflicts some of them had.
I tried to find quickly if SCOTUS already had the question of qualified immunity on the docket, but only found that they had recently refused and now are looking into it. I believe we can probably find something that us citizens feel safe from that immunity, and the LEOs safe from a really litigious citizenry.

What else can be helped from a Federal level? The president has been working on prison reform and been getting a lot of praises from certain black leaders on his efforts. Why are people protesting in front of the White House over the alleged systemic racism that the POTUS didn't bring with him. If there was a voice of the people that could list out some demands and expectations at the Federal level, I would say, yeah.. let's all have that discussion and murderboard the shit out of it for pros/cons, but who's leading this from the BLM and greater movement?

In terms of protesting the WH I believe it's a combination of

A.) Who is actually in it right now and the extensive history of antagonistic comments made by him
B.) It's a symbol of power and 'the system'

The biggest problem and another thing I fear is that there is protesting but no clear and concise goal, yeah the overarching message is to get rid of police brutality, systemic racism, and fix 'the system'. Great, I'm all for reform because there are problems, but all of this is getting us no where because there is no "How", only the end state.

Every newbie that comes here is told the same thing, focus on the 25m and be honest and clear with yourself on what you want to achieve, it's rock solid advice because it's true. Right now, there is none of that going on, only the end state.
I think many people do not seem to understand how active duty troops would be used. They would be used much like the National Guard are being used. They would back up law enforcement and as you've seen the majority of Guard elements have been attached to a Law Enforcement element. Federal troops don't have the authority to arrest people. I guess the rhetoric is all crap because we're in such a polarized world. As I posted earlier, the time for federal troops to be deployed has expired. That needed to happen over a week ago. The deployment of Federal Troops to Los Angeles in 1992 lasted a week. Parts of Los Angeles had the National Guard in place for almost a month.

I'm afraid you haven't read my posts that clearly because I've made several posts showing wtf about police brutality during these protests. No ones rights should be forfeited. However, if someone impedes my rights with either attempting to deprive me of my life or property and the police aren't there, and they aren't there in many communities right now, then the citizen will take their arms and protect themselves. That is the problem we currently face. But this is the third time I've mentioned this. Is that not a problem set? Do we want private militias guarding different neighborhoods? Or do we want to restore order? Because eventually we will have to restore order or we will have major conflicts in our cities beyond the conflicts some of them had.

I apologize because I haven't read the past few pages since my initial post today. I'll come up with a proper response in a few.
Seems like a lot of the posts last night got lost to the void,
No worries dude. I'll try to reply in the same as last night. Since you refined your questions, as I ended up responding to all three, I'll refine my answers. ;-)

@R.Caerbannog We didn't cover that in school, just a cursory course over the Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya and Stalin pushing everyone out. Nothing in depth, do you have recommendations on articles for the stuff you mentioned?
Since the earlier posts were lost to the ether, here are some search terms that'll be of use. Russian Red Guard, Bloody Sunday, October Revolution, Cheka. Start out on the wiki sites and move onward from there, if you end up on a Russian history site be aware that they've sanitized the uglier aspects of that history.

In one of your earlier posts you mentioned the Romanov's. Check out the video below, as the fate of the Romanov's echoed that of their supporters.
@ThunderHorse I stated before that I'm fully against the actual rioting and looting. But thats not what we're really seeing the majority of right now. Did any of those people I posted about deserve that for exercising their first amendment right? I'm for trying to find reconciliation but don't do it at the expense of my rights.
Like I stated yesterday, these protests we're seeing are a front. This is a coup masquerading as a legitimate protest, using racial overtones as justification. What's being touted as 'reconciliation' is really appeasement. Last night I called out the acts of kneeling and other shenanigans as virtue signaling.

Appeasement is for peasants, kneeling is for serfs. As citizens we're neither.
Like I stated yesterday, these protests we're seeing are a front. This is a coup masquerading as a legitimate protest, using racial overtones as justification. What's being touted as 'reconciliation' is really appeasement. Last night I called out the acts of kneeling and other shenanigans as virtue signaling.

How is this a coup?
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I think many people do not seem to understand how active duty troops would be used. They would be used much like the National Guard are being used. They would back up law enforcement and as you've seen the majority of Guard elements have been attached to a Law Enforcement element. Federal troops don't have the authority to arrest people. I guess the rhetoric is all crap because we're in such a polarized world. As I posted earlier, the time for federal troops to be deployed has expired. That needed to happen over a week ago. The deployment of Federal Troops to Los Angeles in 1992 lasted a week. Parts of Los Angeles had the National Guard in place for almost a month.

I'm afraid you haven't read my posts that clearly because I've made several posts showing wtf about police brutality during these protests. No ones rights should be forfeited. However, if someone impedes my rights with either attempting to deprive me of my life or property and the police aren't there, and they aren't there in many communities right now, then the citizen will take their arms and protect themselves. That is the problem we currently face. But this is the third time I've mentioned this. Is that not a problem set? Do we want private militias guarding different neighborhoods? Or do we want to restore order? Because eventually we will have to restore order or we will have major conflicts in our cities beyond the conflicts some of them had.

We're arguing the same stance but from two different perspectives, do I agree with AD being deployed to help bring order to the country? I don't know, and that's the truth. Yes we need to get things back on track because there are third parties heavily interested in us being discordant. However, in a high tension environment I don't see the act of ordering AD into cities being helpful from a "message" standpoint. I hope it goes smoothly and people slow their collective roll, but and maybe I'm being cynical I don't see that happening.

In regards to citizen militia's I'm for it. If local LE can't protect you communities need to band together but the problem is the actual rioters and looters, not the people in front of the police line protesting. Crush the rioters and looters, and I mean with extreme prejudice because at this point it's nothing to do with the actual protests, it's about sowing chaos. But, why treat protesters with that same level of violence? I don't see how this is resolved without someones feet getting pissed on.
We're arguing the same stance but from two different perspectives, do I agree with AD being deployed to help bring order to the country? I don't know, and that's the truth. Yes we need to get things back on track because there are third parties heavily interested in us being discordant. However, in a high tension environment I don't see the act of ordering AD into cities being helpful from a "message" standpoint. I hope it goes smoothly and people slow their collective roll, but and maybe I'm being cynical I don't see that happening.

In regards to citizen militia's I'm for it. If local LE can't protect you communities need to band together but the problem is the actual rioters and looters, not the people in front of the police line protesting. Crush the rioters and looters, and I mean with extreme prejudice because at this point it's nothing to do with the actual protests, it's about sowing chaos. But, why treat protesters with that same level of violence? I don't see how this is resolved without someones feet getting pissed on.

Are you familiar with Warren v. District of Columbia, because protecting communities gets a bit fuzzy.
This is the grocery store that I frequent in Tempe.


All of the windows have been busted out.

I've previously talked about models of Occupation when it comes to pacifying a country and how the WWII model is our successful model that we haven't chosen to replicate post Korea.

People saying that we should not use Active Troops to quell riots and looting aren't paying attention to previous models that "we" have. Other countries deal with this a little differently, they have active duty riot units. Specifically in France, Italy, and Spain that fall under national command authority because they have national police forces.

Listening to this clip from Rogan is interesting. As I've mentioned in several posts we are well past the date to use active duty troops in my view. 1992 showed decisive action by Bush, we deployed 7k active duty troops on Day 3 of the LA Riots. Active Duty and National Guard troops that were partnered with Law Enforcement was how those riots were subdued. We will end up with a body count across the country, but because we've had a heavy police presence we haven't lost a ton of lives. You have to look further into the timeline, on Day 2 of the LA Riots National Guard troops began deployment in LA.

What we've seen almost everywhere is a lack of leadership and initiative to attempt to stop the violence.

In five days of riots in Los Angeles 63 civilians were killed, most of them by other civilians. There were close to 3,000 people injured. It was horrific. Just as Minneapolis and New York have been horrific.
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@R.Caerbannog I disagree strongly that this is a coup. Are there third parties infiltrating protests and planting bricks etc. to incite violence? Yes, definitely and you can easily find it on social media with those same people being caught by the main protesters and immediately being turned into LE. I don't see how the mainline protesters are actively trying to overthrow the American government.

In regards to you comparing whats going on to the October Revolution and the Bolsheviks, I don't see it and feel that it's a definite stretch to label the protesters as such.

In 1900's Russia you had a ruler that was lazy, inept, and entirely out of touch with his people. Who ruled with an iron fist but would put himself before the country, which had a direct causal effect of populists gaining wide appeal, all because of the heavy handed and out of touch actions that the ruling party put into place to quell uprisings. Oh, wait...

I'm being facetious with that, but just because Antifa has been trying to infiltrate the protests(and starting to fail I might add) and co-op them into something for their end goals, doesn't make this a "marxist uprising" hellbent on the destruction and removal of America.

Are you familiar with Warren v. District of Columbia, because protecting communities gets a bit fuzzy.

I read that as I was typing this out, I heavily disagree with the courts ruling. But if that's the law..
Like I stated yesterday, these protests we're seeing are a front. This is a coup masquerading as a legitimate protest, using racial overtones as justification. What's being touted as 'reconciliation' is really appeasement. Last night I called out the acts of kneeling and other shenanigans as virtue signaling.

Appeasement is for peasants, kneeling is for serfs. As citizens we're neither.


Show me the proof. Where are the emails and Signal messages you’ve obtained that prove this is a coup.

Show me the proof.

I’m all ears man. Shows us the receipts.

You always post with such certainty. You make bold, often outlandish statements, usually with no proof.

Any proof you do provide, is typically some form of social media- a tweet, a viral video.

No hard facts.

Show me the proof. Where are the emails and Signal messages you’ve obtained that prove this is a coup.

Show me the proof.

I’m all ears man. Shows us the receipts.

You always post with such certainty. You make bold, often outlandish statements, usually with no proof.

Any proof you do provide, is typically some form of social media- a tweet, a viral video.

No hard facts.

3 self-proclaimed members of the far-right 'boogaloo' movement were arrested on domestic terrorism charges for trying to spark violence during protests