National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

No worries dude. I'll try to reply in the same as last night. Since you refined your questions, as I ended up responding to all three, I'll refine my answers. ;-)

Since the earlier posts were lost to the ether, here are some search terms that'll be of use. Russian Red Guard, Bloody Sunday, October Revolution, Cheka. Start out on the wiki sites and move onward from there, if you end up on a Russian history site be aware that they've sanitized the uglier aspects of that history.

In one of your earlier posts you mentioned the Romanov's. Check out the video below, as the fate of the Romanov's echoed that of their supporters.

Like I stated yesterday, these protests we're seeing are a front. This is a coup masquerading as a legitimate protest, using racial overtones as justification. What's being touted as 'reconciliation' is really appeasement. Last night I called out the acts of kneeling and other shenanigans as virtue signaling.

Appeasement is for peasants, kneeling is for serfs. As citizens we're neither.
what are you smoking? I kneel to no man. Have you been watching a bunch of Monty Python movies during quarantine? you are a conspiracy guy aren’t you? Knock it off on this board
@R.Caerbannog I disagree strongly that this is a coup. Are there third parties infiltrating protests and planting bricks etc. to incite violence? Yes, definitely and you can easily find it on social media with those same people being caught by the main protesters and immediately being turned into LE. I don't see how the mainline protesters are actively trying to overthrow the American government.

In regards to you comparing whats going on to the October Revolution and the Bolsheviks, I don't see it and feel that it's a definite stretch to label the protesters as such.

In 1900's Russia you had a ruler that was lazy, inept, and entirely out of touch with his people. Who ruled with an iron fist but would put himself before the country, which had a direct causal effect of populists gaining wide appeal, all because of the heavy handed and out of touch actions that the ruling party put into place to quell uprisings. Oh, wait...

I'm being facetious with that, but just because Antifa has been trying to infiltrate the protests(and starting to fail I might add) and co-op them into something for their end goals, doesn't make this a "marxist uprising" hellbent on the destruction and removal of America.
1.) Dude... Nicholas was a reformer. If he had been a bit more heavy handed millions would have been spared the genocidal orgy of violence, famine, and death that were brought on by the Bolsheviks. Hence the reference to the Cheka.

2.) Find the images of the 'protestors' trying to storm the White House, compare them to events of Russia's Bloody Sunday (1905) and the later storming of the Winter Palace (1917).


Show me the proof. Where are the emails and Signal messages you’ve obtained that prove this is a coup.

Show me the proof.

I’m all ears man. Shows us the receipts.

You always post with such certainty. You make bold, often outlandish statements, usually with no proof.

Any proof you do provide, is typically some form of social media- a tweet, a viral video.

No hard facts.
1.) The people behind this movement (ANTIFA and BLM) are known leftist organizations who've previously worked in conjunction and received public praise and support from members of the DNC. (Check some of the earlier posts for images and links. I've even posted a link to the TTP's these organizations are using.)

2.) ANTIFA has been identified and designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization.

3.) We've literally had crowds of 'protestors/rioters' try to breach the White House. Multiple Secret Service personnel have been wounded in the clashes and the media is even reporting the President being forced into the WH bunker during this.

4.) Our country has multiple hot spots where the rule of law has broken down and leftist agitators are burning the cities/neighborhoods around them.

5.) Our police forces are overwhelmed. Citizens are literally arming themselves, posting guards on rooftops, and repelling looters and arsonists with force. Communities are having to band together and post guards/watches to keep their respective areas free from looting and arson.

6.) We've essentially had Gen. Milley tell the President we're on our own and that they're not getting involved. This is what leads to autodefensas and groups like Los Pepes when local govt's fail to regain control.
- Considering the response of some state and local representatives (appeasement) this problem ain't going away any time soon.

7.) The groups carrying these attacks have wide roots and aren't just a US phenomenon. Earlier this year we saw similar tactics used in Canada to shut down their railway networks. These same groups tried using similar operational methods to achieve their political goals.

8.) Our hyper partisan MSM apparatus is currently running full tilt to try and white wash the events playing out across the country and spin them as something they are not. Mainly the deification of Floyd and the wanton spread of police brutality. Yes there are problems, but nowhere near what's being reported. Check out the FBI's UCR's for further data.

9.) On the TTP's page I linked earlier, check out who and what organizations are bailing these 'protestors' out. You'll find they share similar theme when it comes to political orientation.

what are you smoking? I kneel to no man. Have you been watching a bunch of Monty Python movies during quarantine? you are a conspiracy guy aren’t you? Knock it off on this board
I'm not smoking anything, I'm in Idaho brother ;-). Apart from watching Quest for the Holy Grail once I haven't been on a Monty Python binge either.
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1.) Dude... Nicholas was a reformer. If he had been a bit more heavy handed millions would have been spared the genocidal orgy of violence, famine, and death, that was brought on by the Bolsheviks. Hence the reference to the Cheka.

2.) Find the images of the 'protestors' trying to storm the White House, compare them to events of Russia's Bloody Sunday (1905) and the later storming of the Winter Palace (1917).

1.) The people behind this movement (ANTIFA and BLM) are known leftist organizations who've previously worked in conjunction and received public praise and support from members of the DNC. (Check some of the earlier posts for images and links. I've even posted a link to the TTP's these organizations are using.)

2.) ANTIFA has been identified and designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization.

3.) We've literally had crowds of 'protestors/rioters' try to breach the White House. Multiple Secret Service personnel have been wounded in the clashes and the media is even reporting the President being forced into the WH bunker during this.

4.) Our country has multiple hot spots where the rule of law has broken down and leftist agitators are burning the cities/neighborhoods around them.

5.) Our police forces are overwhelmed. Citizens are literally arming themselves, posting guards on rooftops, and repelling looters and arsonists with force. Communities are having to band together and post guards/watches to keep their respective areas free from looting and arson.

6.) We've essentially had Gen. Milley tell the President we're on our own and that they're not getting involved. This is what leads to autodefensas and groups like Los Pepes when local govt's fail to regain control.
- Considering the response of some state and local representatives (appeasement) this problem ain't going away any time soon.

7.) The groups carrying these attacks have wide roots and aren't just a US phenomenon. Earlier this year we saw similar tactics used in Canada to shut down their railway networks. These same groups used similar operational methods to try and achieve their political goals.

(Hit tab and stuff got posted gimme a sec)
Give me links or screen shots of the accounts you have access to that show this is a coordinated revolt/Coup. You can spout bullshit all you want. I want fucking facts.

You see a Red Revolution.

I see a bunch of people who are angry, disillusioned, and unfocused.

You fear the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because you believeit’s all coordinated. You think someone is in charge.

I view the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because I realize humans are irrational members of the Great Apes and no one is in charge. No one is calling shots. People are just mad and taking it out in irrational ways.

End state- we both dislike what we see. One of us sees it through their own political skewered lens

The other sees it for the anarchist shot show it is.

I am still waiting for the proof that this is a Deep State coup attempt.
Give me links or screen shots of the accounts you have access to that show this is a coordinated revolt/Coup. You can spout bullshit all you want. I want fucking facts.

You see a Red Revolution.

I see a bunch of people who are angry, disillusioned, and unfocused.

You fear the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because you believeit’s all coordinated. You think someone is in charge.

I view the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because I realize humans are irrational members of the Great Apes and no one is in charge. No one is calling shots. People are just mad and taking it out in irrational ways.

End state- we both dislike what we see. One of us sees it through their own political skewered lens

The other sees it for the anarchist shot show it is.

I am still waiting for the proof that this is a Deep State coup attempt.
You are free to find the information for yourself dude. All I can do is share what I've found and hope you come to your own conclusions. In a way, this is a labor of love. I don't gain anything by having such unpopular opinions.

As for what I fear... it's not rioting or looting. I fear what comes after. I fear the mistakes of the past repeated here. I fear for the evolution of our species and the guiding principals we take with us into space. Those are my fears and it's why I look at things the way I do.
Give me links or screen shots of the accounts you have access to that show this is a coordinated revolt/Coup. You can spout bullshit all you want. I want fucking facts.

You see a Red Revolution.

I see a bunch of people who are angry, disillusioned, and unfocused.

You fear the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because you believeit’s all coordinated. You think someone is in charge.

I view the protests and (illegal) looting through a fearful lens because I realize humans are irrational members of the Great Apes and no one is in charge. No one is calling shots. People are just mad and taking it out in irrational ways.

End state- we both dislike what we see. One of us sees it through their own political skewered lens

The other sees it for the anarchist shot show it is.

I am still waiting for the proof that this is a Deep State coup attempt.

Give me a heads up when the legal looting happens I want to get a nice louis vuitton for the wife.
You are free to find the information for yourself dude. All I can do is share what I've found and hope you come to your own conclusions. In a way, this is a labor of love. I don't gain anything by having such unpopular opinions.
And there in lies the problem with folks who push conspiracy theories.
Instead of saying, “here’s my proof”, we get “prove I’m not right”, or “it’s all out there for you to find”.

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I'm not saying I agree with @R.Caerbannog. But by strict definition a coup does not have to involve the military. A violent uprising to depose a government can come from its citizens. I don't think we're there with this at all. What I do think is several governors, and the president did not act decisively to protect the American people from criminals. Like Rogan said, you have to put out this fire.

If Governor Walz had immediately deployed the entirety of 1/34 ID rather than just a battalion we'd be in a difference space of time right now. If Cuomo had done the same with 27th IBCT to NY we'd also be in a different space than we are right now.
That arrest was definitely for his benefit - and there's a reason that sort of conclusion to someone with the nerve to do that happened north of the border. :sneaky:
And there in lies the problem with folks who push conspiracy theories.
Instead of saying, “here’s my proof”, we get “prove I’m not right”, or “it’s all out there for you to find”.

Part of the problem is the overabundance and proliferation of any kind of media you want to use that can support or refute your position, all the way from the far left to the far right and back around again. You find enough of information like that you can build your case and argument just as your opponent can do the same to refute.

Obviously the other big part of the problem is being unable to figure out the veracity or the legitimacy of that media or information.

Shit, forget about politics, just try googling an above ground pool and you can find thousands of articles and blogs and websites to either talk you into one or out of one.
And there in lies the problem with folks who push conspiracy theories.
Instead of saying, “here’s my proof”, we get “prove I’m not right”, or “it’s all out there for you to find”.

I've already provided a link to some of the resources and TTP's these guys are using. Everything else is either in this thread or can be found using the site search feature. Anything not here can be found via a quick search on your favorite engine.

Since you seem to want to lump me in with loonies, I'm going to refer you to Yuri Bezmenov and his explanation of ideological subversion. (I feel this is like the 3rd or 4th time this has been posted.)
I swear to god we are gassing up the Nickleback bacon... or crayon eaters... shit.

Is @RustyShackleford still around? What the fuck I need an adult.

@amlove21 These are not the droids you are looking for!

I haven’t had the time or inclination to deal with threads like these, as most of the posters view shit through rose colored lenses and quite honestly don’t know what they’re talking about.

George Floyd, regardless of his criminal Hx and toxicology, is dead and should not be. Accountability is the game and those turds will be held accountable, as should the people who stood around and watched and/or recorded that incident. There’s a few roads I can go down here but I’ll keep it brief because I only have a few since I’m working again today/tonight.

People are pissed and rightfully so. People need to be held accountable. A good piece of this movement has been co-opted by all kinds of extremists of race creed and color, suburbanites, criminals, etc. I’ve seen it first hand all week. We’ve found all kinds of small caches For bad actors ranging from medical supplies to bats, rocks, Molotov cocktails, gas, etc. Due to the actions of 4 pieces of shit wearing badges, I have to watch my fucking back on the street just like a lot of other dudes in LE who are just trying to make the world a little less shitty.

Those of you who think this is some sort of large scale conspiracy ran by Soros, the Clintons, Masons, whatever, get your fucking T checked and stay off Facebook. Next you’ll be talking about UN troops on our borders.

Back to work. Maybe I’ll get to swap medic patches with a riot medic! :p
I read the article. How was that an arrestable offense?
There is precedent in Canadian common law that permits police to arrest people when they believe it may prevent a breach of the peace. The arrests at best would only reflect the safest and quickest way to prevent the breach from happening, but apparently doing something that can incite others to act violently (like wearing heavy make-up in public) can land you in jail.

Yes, this necessarily permits Canadian police officers to target and arrest specific people who haven't even committed a crime yet, and who in fact may be the targets of the predicted crime themselves (as in the case above), for the purpose of quelling the breach as expediently as possible. At that point it is up to the courts to assign or dismiss penalties to the arrested person. Also, the courts historically have leaned towards supporting the measures police take in these scenarios rather than heavily scrutinizing their tactical decisions. This is an interesting point to consider when people in America who disagreed with increasing scrutiny or penalization of American police officers who acted in the spur-of-the-moment meanwhile may support such measures in the Toronto case.