National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

The Current SHITUATION in Seattle.

They're armed and they're patrolling. To protect the people of course. Literally no different from the gang or dirty cops forcing businesses to pay for protection
Eastern WA would probably celebrate if Seattle and those idiots all burned.
Eh, wonder how long it takes to start collecting taxes from the locals.
They already did via the seizure of goods earlier in the riots.

It's like those idiots want to kick off a civil war. Arson, murder, rioting, looting, and the establishment of their own little leftist fiefdoms is getting old.
Maybe I went over the top on the 'kneeling to other nations' bit, but I think it takes away from the kneeling that athletes do during The Anthem. Their 'taking a knee' is personal to them. What the Dems did here was staged and essentially makes a mockery of the folks who are truely trying to make a statement.

In my humble opinion, as they say.

I grew up in eastern Washington. There’s some decent parts around, but you could donate it to northern Idaho and I don’t think it would be missed.
Like I said, we travel in very different socioeconomic circles. If Seattle and it's ideals were so great people wouldn't be fleeing it.
Like I said, we travel in very different socioeconomic circles. If Seattle and it's ideals were so great people wouldn't be fleeing it.
Or you’re just wrong, and what you consider your “socioeconomic” group of friends is just an echo chamber...

Seattle is a cool city. Beautiful. Plenty of decent people. Plenty of idiots. Same as Austin, Gainesville, Boston, Savannah... every other American city. None of which I “want to see burn.”

You rant about the left tearing the country apart. Maybe it’s not just them. Maybe you’re part of the problem, with your demonization of your fellow citizens.
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Or you’re just wrong, and what you consider your “socioeconomic” group of friends is just an echo chamber...

Seattle is a cool city. Beautiful. Plenty of decent people. Plenty of decent idiots. Same as Austin, Gainesville, Boston, Savannah... every other American city. None of which I “want to see burn.”

You rant about the left tearing the country apart. Maybe it’s not just them. Maybe you’re part of the problem, with your demonization of your fellow citizens.

I don't know about "burning" but many many many people in most of the state do not agree with the policies of Olympia and Seattle as seen by the amount of Sheriffs that openly do not enforce the new gun laws.

Update to the Seattle Shituation. A Councilwoman decided to open up City Hall to protesters last night.

Seattle protesters storm City Hall, demand mayor resign after driving police out of area, declaring autonomous zone
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I feel like a lot of folks that live in Seattle have some serious cognitive dissonance. Driving around and immediately seeing how bad their homelessness problem is and being told that they don't think there's a problem. The place is a cesspool for growing fringe groups like Antifa/Occupy/Black Bloc. Cool city? sure..
Or you’re just wrong, and what you consider your “socioeconomic” group of friends is just an echo chamber...

Seattle is a cool city. Beautiful. Plenty of decent people. Plenty of idiots. Same as Austin, Gainesville, Boston, Savannah... every other American city. None of which I “want to see burn.”

You rant about the left tearing the country apart. Maybe it’s not just them. Maybe you’re part of the problem, with your demonization of your fellow citizens.
There's a difference between socioeconomic and social circles.

As for 'burn', I should have specified to the idiocy going on in the 'CHAZ' area and the permissive idiots that let Seattle fester. State is effectively held hostage by leftist citiot politicians.

Arson, rioting, looting, killing, etc, over a farce makes for a dim view of my 'fellow citizens'. A better term for them would be useful idiots.
General question, how many of you have previously said "Can't wait for California to fall into the sea in the next Earthquake". It's a pretty similar sentiment with that, a bit more serious without an /s or an emoji for sure.
I don’t think I’ve ever railed against California. Maybe I have, I’m not going to look back through my search history.

I get pretty tired of those comments. You are correct, people do make remarks like that. I think they’re shitty, regardless of the state.
General question, how many of you have previously said "Can't wait for California to fall into the sea in the next Earthquake". It's a pretty similar sentiment with that, a bit more serious without an /s or an emoji for sure.
/Raises hand. I'm an insensitive prick remember.

On a side note. You guys need to watch "The Hunt" You will enjoy it.
General question, how many of you have previously said "Can't wait for California to fall into the sea in the next Earthquake". It's a pretty similar sentiment with that, a bit more serious without an /s or an emoji for sure.
Definitely guilty of that, if not here then in private. Though I'm hearing that the rest of CA is pretty much held hostage by the cities uber corrupt liberal politicians.
/Raises hand. I'm an insensitive prick remember.

On a side note. You guys need to watch "The Hunt" You will enjoy it.
Read the synopsis... it seems fitting considering the situation being played out across the country.