National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

In the mid-90s I was dispatched to the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill during some protest for something (they are always having one). One of the campus cops pepper sprayed one of the protesters. She adamantly refused assessment or treatment, calling us all sorts of vicious names, just being a petulant brat. While she was rubbing her eyes and snotting from the spray, she tripped and gashed her leg pretty good. Then she demanded we treat her and take her to the ED. My boss was there, THE boss, he said "you had your chance, you said no. You're on your own."

We call this the law of unintended consequences; or, they are reaping what they sow.
Nice! And agreed.
I’m making a half ass effort to avoid news stories for a while, but WTF is happening in Seattle?
Do “they” really have a blocked off perimeter designed to keep police out?

Trump says 'domestic terrorists have taken over Seattle' in the CHAZ
Yes they are. See this post from @Ranger Psych. A councilwoman breached their own security at City Hall and allowed protesters inside, Seattle City Hall has basically been occupied for two days.

ETA: This is how shitty it's getting in England. Can we never lockdown our countries ever again?

The Statue of Baden-Powell is apparently on a hit list.
Scouts founder statue to be removed

ETA2: Mayor Jenny...that's literally her twitter handle. Is in a fight with the POTUS as blocks of her city get taken over by marxists. But she wants to do nothing about it and her Police department are surrendering these blocks because they have no political backup. And the governor of Washington is also a limp.

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Chappelle has a new netflix special on both youtube and Netflix. Haven't seen it yet, but I know its dealing with the first week of protests
Last warning. Keep this thread on track. We have a whole thread of political bullshit.
I’ve offered this warning once or twice in this thread as well. After conferring with @RackMaster , this thread is locked.
The political stuff will be moved to the “what’s wrong with...” thread....continue that stuff there.

This thread will remained dedicated to what is happening with the Floyd case or similar cases around the country.

- locked -
And we’re back....
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Why to go guys, can’t even act like adults on a web page. Go to your safe space now, and when you can talk to me like a big boy you can come out of the corner.