National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

More police officers are needed to prevent burnout and replenish after those who retire or resign. Moreso in the major cites were the shit is burning, you know with looters and other bad actors. There are bad apples and they should be weeded out however 95% cops are good men and women.
This is getting insane.

Atlanta Police Chief has now resigned.

Atlanta police chief steps down after black man shot and killed by an officer
It's gonna keep getting crazier and crazier until the elections dude (things might even kick off then). These people want martyrs and are gonna go outta their way to get them.


Floyd's death has served as a very effective catalyst in the anarchy we're seeing. Expect to see more of these displays where people start to divide as 'ideological sides' are cemented.
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For anyone watching the Floyd protest videos and wondering why fireworks/firecrackers are being tossed at the police... turns out the 'protestors' were/are tossing bottle of gasoline at riot cops and NG guys in formation. The useful idiots doing this were trying to set our guys on fire, but failed.

If anyone remembers what happened to that captured Jordanian pilot... that's what the these people were trying to do.

The people who set this in motion need to be treated like enemy HVT's. Same with their spies and collaborators. Any foreign assets associated with this movement should be dealt with as well. These people are enemy combatants and traitors.

Add on: Any politicians giving top cover for these protestors are part of the problem as well.
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For anyone watching the Floyd protest videos and wondering why fireworks/firecrackers are being tossed at the police... turns out the 'protestors' were/are tossing bottle of gasoline at riot cops and NG guys in formation. The useful idiots doing this were trying to set our guys on fire, but failed.

If anyone remembers what happened to that captured Jordanian pilot... that's what the these people were trying to do.

The people who set this in motion need to be treated like enemy HVT's. Same with their spies and collaborators. Any foreign assets associated with this movement should be dealt with as well. These people are enemy combatants and traitors.

Add on: Any politicians giving top cover for these protestors are part of the problem as well.
Got a link to that?
I first heard about the police attacking protesters on Joe Rogan but haven't watched any of the clips until today. The cops aren't doing themselves any favors not disciplining the police seen in these videos.

I understand in a lot of cases they're enforcing curfews or clearing crowds, but doesn't the 1st Amendment still cover the ability of Press to cover these events?

Police Attacking Press in Several Cities
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Only thing I can find* is a LEO being set on fire in Mexico. Nothing CONUS side, nothing about protestors dousing LE with gasoline. Nothing.

*I didn't go so far as to look on Breitbart, Info Wars or some small ass conservative podcast that's flying under the Google radar.
I first heard about the police attacking protesters on Joe Rogan but haven't watched any of the clips until today. The cops aren't doing themselves any favors not disciplining the police seen in these videos.

I understand in a lot of cases they're enforcing curfews or clearing crowds, but doesn't the 1st Amendment still cover the ability of Press to cover these events?

Police Attacking Press in Several Cities
I feel like there is much more to this story. Lotta variables at play. Press being used as cover by some of the rioters. Rioter scouts cosplaying as press to gather data. In one case a camera crew was sitting right on a rioter supply cache. Not clearing the area, etc.

Get the feeling these press people don't know what the heck they're doing or are actively impeding police forces out there. Can't just stand around with a camera and expect people to move past you. Like it or not you're gonna get involved in the melee. Rioters were tossing rocks at the press in MN... don't get why the press acts like they're immune.
Only thing I can find* is a LEO being set on fire in Mexico. Nothing CONUS side, nothing about protestors dousing LE with gasoline. Nothing.

*I didn't go so far as to look on Breitbart, Info Wars or some small ass conservative podcast that's flying under the Google radar.

There's probably better ways to communicate an opposing opinion.

It's a tactic for black bloc. When i worked the RNC in Tampa, we received a brief from DHS regarding it. We also found that when code enforcement identified a safe house being used by an Occupy group, there were fireworks and accelerants in jars in backpacks.

Edit: a few seconds of searching. granted, a lot of this might just be your common molotov. We already know a couple of ANTIFA folks are indicted on throwing them at police.

Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller said there is a high level of confidence within the NYPD that these unnamed groups had organized scouts, medics, and supply routes of rocks, bottles and accelerants for breakaway groups to commit vandalism and violence. There are strong indicators they planned for violence in advance using at times encrypted communications, he said.

NYPD’s Terrorism Official Says Unnamed Groups Planned Protest Violence in Advance
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