National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I don’t think I’ve ever railed against California. Maybe I have, I’m not going to look back through my search history.

I get pretty tired of those comments. You are correct, people do make remarks like that. I think they’re shitty, regardless of the state.

I agree with you. We should never wish death, or injury, or financial/social ruin, on any of our fellow citizens simply because of where they live or because of their political beliefs.
Asked a can't breathe shirt wearing guy if he should apologize to my wife for his ancestors destroying their way of life, he got butt hurt.
Then I followed up by informing him that she is Choctaw, and the Buffalo Soldiers oppressed the indigenous population.
Called me a racist.
That's how stupid all this has become. SAPD Officer was purposely run done by someone in a SUV this morning.
Asked a can't breathe shirt wearing guy if he should apologize to my wife for his ancestors destroying their way of life, he got butt hurt.
Then I followed up by informing him that she is Choctaw, and the Buffalo Soldiers oppressed the indigenous population.
Called me a racist.
That's how stupid all this has become. SAPD Officer was purposely run done by someone in a SUV this morning.
Honestly, if anyone really still has a beef, it's the Native American tribes.
No.. I heard it's a really cool city. They even have their very own separatist group living in CHAZ. You think they will be seen as traitors one day?
Nope. They’re patriots. Good, solid folks. Hell, the South will rise again upon the shoulders of their secession.

#AntebellumSeattle #GoneWithTheNeedle
I agree with you. We should never wish death, or injury, or financial/social ruin, on any of our fellow citizens simply because of where they live or because of their political beliefs.
Mara I think you and @DasBoot are more cool headed than I. After seeing and living with the idiocy these people bring, I've developed a antipathy towards these mini tyrants.

Americans just want to be left alone, especially with standards of living falling. The useful idiots trying to ram their version of Marxism down our collective throats are a cancer upon the nation.
I’ve wished for California to break off and form their own country more times than I care to count. Not at the bottom of the sea, though. Where would my almonds come from?
If it helps those almond farms are in inland CA, which is held hostage by the cities. If the cities and some of the affluent coastal burbs fall I doubt many a tear will be shed. Same with Oregon and Portland. The inland's are fine, it's the coastal cities that have become wretched hives of scum and villainy.
Hard disagree, cops shouldn't be taking kids to the principle's office. Teachers and Teacher's aids need to do that.
Cops in schools is another example of politicians over tasking the cops.
Take the saved money, and "harden" the school if you are worried about an active shooter incident.
Hard disagree. Resource Officers are not in schools to remove unruly children from classrooms. You have school security and proctors for that. You have resource officers in place so that you have a first responder on campus for immediate action.
The Right needs to embrace the liberal arts. The Left dominates the mainstream culture with Books,movies,games,etc. The right likes to make fun of such things it seems but those things are the ones who shape the minds of youth and others. The right must tell their stories and show their cause and it must be through the arts.
I agree.

Psst... Anyone want to buy a copy of Gone with the Wind (Blue-ray or DVD) before they are forever eradicated?
Asked a can't breathe shirt wearing guy if he should apologize to my wife for his ancestors destroying their way of life, he got butt hurt.
Then I followed up by informing him that she is Choctaw, and the Buffalo Soldiers oppressed the indigenous population.
Called me a racist.
That's how stupid all this has become. SAPD Officer was purposely run done by someone in a SUV this morning.
That person sounds like a total tool.
I'm sorry but /Snicker. Guess who they called over when in need? The Police. LMAO!!

In the mid-90s I was dispatched to the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill during some protest for something (they are always having one). One of the campus cops pepper sprayed one of the protesters. She adamantly refused assessment or treatment, calling us all sorts of vicious names, just being a petulant brat. While she was rubbing her eyes and snotting from the spray, she tripped and gashed her leg pretty good. Then she demanded we treat her and take her to the ED. My boss was there, THE boss, he said "you had your chance, you said no. You're on your own."

We call this the law of unintended consequences; or, they are reaping what they sow.