National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

So, what do we think...2 months, max, before "we" completely move on and virtually stop talking about this story?

That seems to be the total attention span these days, although 2020 has been pretty spectacular so far, with a new crisis monthly. Nonetheless, this story may've peaked too soon for leftists hoping for change in the fall election...

Everyone wants change, but no one wants to work hard or long enough to enact it.

The Met are far from de-funded (yet they could also do with far more funding if you ask me, but it's not going to happen). Those officers all have full kit nearby. The only reason they are not wearing all that kit is some fucking coward of a supervisor has decided it looks too 'oppressive' and no one in the chain of command has the common fucking decency to put the lives and welfare of the officers under their direct command before their own sycophantic obsession with kissing the higher ups' collective comfortable arseholes.

I'm not joking or opinionating by the way. It's an actual strategy which is in use across almost all of the UK. Most police commanders are spineless career chasers who don't allow their officers to put on full riot gear until after the violence has already started. Even then, the padded gear goes on under the uniform. Again, because it looks too 'oppressive' if you've got all those pads on you.

Something coming your way in some cities no doubt, if things continue like this.
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This is awful powerful stuff; I highly recommend you watch -
Truthfully, I cannot state for fact everything she describes is 'the way it is', but SHE obviously believes it to be true, and if that's the case, then that is important too.

- "Language" at the end...just fair warning.
She's ignorant as hell but, agree, I'm sure she believes every word. Typical victim mentality and no personal accountability. Excuses at every turn. Any bets on whether she favors reparations as well?

Does she think only black people struggle? It's not possible that most of us face hurdles in our lives? That these aren't particularly unique. That most aren't in the top 5%. She fails to recognize all those minorities that owned and worked at those businesses they destroyed. She fails to recognize the success those willing to put in their work have achieved. Does she care about Native American, Asian, Latino communities as well? How about the work they put in...or do only "black lives matter"?

Nah, she and those like her can go fuck herself. Hope she enjoys living in the burned out community and house with nothing that she helped create. Then she'd have accountability.
I don't understand how this "disband the police" movement is getting so out of hand. The reason just about every functional government in the world has one, is because it works.

As a group, people are greedy, violent, petty, and easily led. If they are not keep in check by the rule of law backed up by the threat of legitimately-employed state violence, they revert to their true nature. Our country is "Exhibit A."

Without a police force, you'll first have individual vigilantes... then small groups... then big groups... then everyone has a group... then some of the big groups unite under a warlord... who then goes around subjugating other warlords (because hegemony is the only way to be legitimately safe).

Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, collectively, are "Exhibit B."

Meanwhile, everyone is reduced to serfdom, because hey, at least we have security. And besides, what are we going to do about it? The Brute Squad is the only ones with money, weapons, and organization.

But over time, a middle class begins to emerge. The Brute Squad doesn't like it, but they like the taxes they can squeeze out of it. And then the middle class begins clamoring for their "rights," especially property rights. And if the Brute Squad and its petty despot leader doesn't grant it to them, they revolt. Or, worse yet, they stop producing things. And then the tax base goes in the toilet, and then it's really hard to pay the Brute Squad or buy those new palaces or shiny swords or tanks or gold crowns, or whatever.

So the middle class starts getting rights, and the Brute Squad starts protecting them, and their property, and then more and more people start climbing out of poverty, and start clamoring for more and more rights. Capitalism and trade kick in, and LOTS of people start making money. And then LOTS of people want these pesky things called "rights," especially property rights. At this point, the government can either become represssive (North Korea) or permissive (UK). But either way, you don't want lots of little fiefdoms with their own militaries, so the government starts consolidating power, and a whole bunch of little Brute Squads become one big Brute Squad.

...and then the Brute Squad isn't the Brute Squad anymore, it's a professional, dedicated, and highly trained police force.

And so we are right back where we started.

If you destroy the police force, or if you "defund" it into ineffectiveness, you destroy the middle class. Without the middle class, the upper class and lower class will be perpetually at war with each other, until the lower class overthrows (and becomes) the upper class, or the upper class repressses and enslaves the lower class.
Can I steal this and post to my FB feed?
This is awful powerful stuff; I highly recommend you watch -
Truthfully, I cannot state for fact everything she describes is 'the way it is', but SHE obviously believes it to be true, and if that's the case, then that is important too.

- "Language" at the end...just fair warning.
I tried. She sounds very genuine. But she seems to be totally ok with tearing down her own community, destroying black owned businesses, for what? Look at all of the cities that these have taken place in, who's in charge? Who are they voting for?

Interesting stuff, but Looters and Rioters need to go to prison. But she failed to mention the murderers. Because there have been murders during these riots.

ETA: I posted this in the de-funding police thread but it should also be here as well.

We've previously discussed on this thread about the law enforcement response, and what should be done, should there be active duty troops used, etc. Well, this kind of shit is how you have forces you to literally go back in and retake the facility, or you end up completely withdrawing and it gets nasty.
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This is awful powerful stuff; I highly recommend you watch -
Truthfully, I cannot state for fact everything she describes is 'the way it is', but SHE obviously believes it to be true, and if that's the case, then that is important too.

- "Language" at the end...just fair warning.
Lucky Black People want equality not revenge? Is she serious? Good job give the White Supremacist more fuel for his propaganda
So....somebody wears cornrows or dreadlocks and they are accused of "cultural appropriation".
Nancy and her minions wear Kente cloth and they are....? The pandering and hypocracy of these folks just never ends.

Not to mention...what's the deal with the kneeling? Americans do not kneel. They did not kneel to the Brits, the Nazis, or The Russians during the Cold War. American's kneel to no man, period. Kneeling is a form of submission, to what or to whom exactly, are these American leaders submitting to?

(for the record I consider NFL players "taking a knee" during the Anthem completely different)

Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 5.00.17 PM.png
So....somebody wears cornrows or dreadlocks and they are accused of "cultural appropriation".
Nancy and her minions wear Kente cloth and they are....? The pandering and hypocracy of these folks just never ends.

Not to mention...what's the deal with the kneeling? Americans do not kneel. They did not kneel to the Brits, the Nazis, or The Russians during the Cold War. American's kneel to no man, period. Kneeling is a form of submission, to what or to whom exactly, are these American leaders submitting to?

(for the record I consider NFL players "taking a knee" during the Anthem completely different)

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I want to preemptively add this caveat- I cant stand Nancy Pelosi. She’s a terrible leader. I have zero love for the Democrats.

With that said-

the whole “kneeling” symbolism here is no different than kneeling during the national anthem. It’s all a protest against police brutality.

I don’t see the overall relation to “taking a knee” and our past interactions with foreign powers.

You know I enjoy your point of view, but I’m not seeing the major issue here. Other than the fact it’s been done by a bunch of politicians who are obviously pandering.

ETA- I also agree about the cloths. That’s lame, and adds to the pandering nature of the photo op.
the whole “kneeling” symbolism here is no different than kneeling during the national anthem. It’s all a protest against police brutality.
You know I enjoy your point of view, but I’m not seeing the major issue here. Other than the fact it’s been done by a bunch of politicians who are obviously pandering.
Maybe I went over the top on the 'kneeling to other nations' bit, but I think it takes away from the kneeling that athletes do during The Anthem. Their 'taking a knee' is personal to them. What the Dems did here was staged and essentially makes a mockery of the folks who are truely trying to make a statement.

In my humble opinion, as they say.
I think what Ooh-Rah was trying to point out is that this was all staged. I can Picture it now: Nancy puts the word out that everyone is to go find or buy a Kente cloth and we will meet at x-time. Make sure the photographer is on hand. Now lets make sure the cloth is hanging just right. All drop at the same time. Great picture, publish it.
That kneeling against police brutality is a dumb stunt. We literally have one of the better policing apparatus's on the planet. What's sad is how black on black crime hurts these communities way more than some bad apple cops. Too bad attention whores like kapernik and the frauds in the BLM give cover for the worst elements of those communities.

This movement is a fraud. I hope the organizers of this BS pay a heavy toll for what they've done to our nation.
So....somebody wears cornrows or dreadlocks and they are accused of "cultural appropriation".
Nancy and her minions wear Kente cloth and they are....? The pandering and hypocracy of these folks just never ends.

Not to mention...what's the deal with the kneeling? Americans do not kneel. They did not kneel to the Brits, the Nazis, or The Russians during the Cold War. American's kneel to no man, period. Kneeling is a form of submission, to what or to whom exactly, are these American leaders submitting to?

(for the record I consider NFL players "taking a knee" during the Anthem completely different)

View attachment 34318
I bow before no man but the SON of GOD and GOD himself.

I think it is ironic that kneeling killed George Floyd and that's all these imbeciles want to do.