National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

It's spread to Canada as well. Toronto is the biggest city I've seen talk about it and they already had a 20% budget decrease in recent year's. I find it ironic that the programs they want to divert funding have been asking for money for year's. Maybe if they took a pay cut to fund these other program's as well as funding law enforcement properly.

'Defund the police' movement gathers momentum in Canada
Watching the Liberal Left fight over who is the most enlightened and least-racist is becoming almost Sports-like entertainment. I'm surprised he didn't make it yet one more "executive order" and just assume that "One Minnesota" would follow along.....

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George Floyd's death has become a catalyst for an international conversation related to police. I wouldn't have split the conversation.
George Floyd's death has become a catalyst for an international conversation related to police. I wouldn't have split the conversation.
Agreed. But there are some topics that end up becoming 2 seperate conversations within the same thread and then become difficult to follow; as sometimes you cannot tell which topic a member is referring to when you want to reply.
This is an example of a minority viewpoint getting much more attention than it deserves. Not sure how or why they're getting attention; probably because it's an election year?!

If you believe polls (take your pick), none show more than ~15% support cuts to police funding, let alone disbanding. The only purpose I really see the discussion serving is to call out the most ridiculous of politicians; seems most are local, except for maybe AOC.
You think this enables or creates another BLA movement like in the 70s?
I don't know. I know that the New Black Panthers were already armed.

So you have a judicial system whose aim is to arrest as many people as possible to fill out prisons, but not reform any of them. So they more often than not go back to crime. Which leads LE to specifically target those neighborhoods they deem 'High Risk' and the cycle continues. Leading to mistrust and resentment from the populace, as well as the police treating certain groups much more aggressively than others because of the past criminal history of said populace.

Let this cycle continue for 100+ years and you eventually get what we saw in Minneapolis.

Disagree. In the current clime you have Law Enforcement withdrawing their presence from "high risk" areas and that is how you end up with the neighborhoods in Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit where crime runs the ville. Because the DA will campaign on "reform" but actually puts their cops at risk with their policies. Since the Freddie Gray Riots, Baltimore has cut police funding (and number of officers) and the violent crime rate and murder rate has climbed on a per capita basis as people have fled the city. Look at Detroit as an example, it's basically a dead city. Baltimore specifically has 150k less people than it did in 2015.

Now, many Democrats enacted really shitty policies when it came to crime over time. In the late 90s, early 2000s it was about being tough on crime. Martin O'Malley led this in Baltimore. If anything it made everything worse. But hey it got him elected governor and onto the national stage.
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But The Daily Mail in my eyes reaally lacks credibility as a source.
What I like about DailyMail is that they often cover the US better and deeper than most American papers.

That said, their grammar and editing is atrocious, and yes, they sometimes rush so much they run into accuracy issues.

On the whole though, if you see it on DailyMail, there is likely “something” to it and other legit sites are going to be forced to at least investigate it.
On the whole though, if you see it on DailyMail, there is likely “something” to it and other legit sites are going to be forced to at least investigate it.

Yeah I can appreciate *that* value, just on this particular report, not even sure it makes much of 'news'.

I mean there were off-shoots of BLM say in 2015 on Twitter, all very public, same declarations and posturing. And nothing came out of it, not even in social media sphere much less physical illegal acts. It was just that, some guys with wishful thinking and lots of posturing.

All I'm saying even with as full of tension as the current atmosphere is, not all calls to arms are actionable, and may not be on par with say, when the fricking ISIS makes similar calls to arms on Youtube, Twitter, FB or wherever else *these* degenerates parade their 'successes' these days.

I might hand round donuts in case I stepped on toes with the jihadis mention overall.
So, what do we think...2 months, max, before "we" completely move on and virtually stop talking about this story?

That seems to be the total attention span these days, although 2020 has been pretty spectacular so far, with a new crisis monthly. Nonetheless, this story may've peaked too soon for leftists hoping for change in the fall election...
It's a real source, yes, they're sensational, but they are credible. It's also not behind a paywall. But here's another from a separate interview last week.

Tomi Lahren spoke to Black Lives Matter leader calling for armed patrols to counter police brutality

But still, that cites a NY chapter. I.e. may not reflect other cities' communities at all.

IME how even communities of color respond to which calls is super specific to the culture of the concrete cities. Just because it may reach even other East Coasters doesn't mean say West Coast'll be down with that.
I can see it now. Disband the police so now the blacks form their own police force not allowing any other race in their territories. The whites do the same. The Hispanics do the same, as do the Asians. Not counting the Somali's neighborhoods, etc. After all we can't allow anyone not of our race living among us. So who better to head up those protectors than the local gang because they are better armed. Think it can't happen? The way things are going now who would be able to stop it.
Balkanization. We've been headed here for almost 200 years.

My little village of about about 260,000 is talking about the same thing. The city councilwoman quoted in the article is an idiot, first class, with multiple awards.

Defunding police part of discussion for Durham, as council votes on new budget ::

Our cops are far from perfect, but it's a good department. When I was a medic I was a team medic on the tactical team, which is a great and active team. That said, they did the lion's share of making downtown safe, which it used to not be.
Reminds me, anything like the maybe old fashioned home guards, hood watches of vets or anybody else, and the like against these clowns?

I mean in the US comparatively to Europe soo many people serve (d) and y'all know your homes' needs so order should be doable?

That said, I *do* acknowledge / respect people have their own wives and families and health needs and what not, than be yet asked to deal with people who just want to wreck havoc.

Just wondering of actions that can be taken if & when the official representatives are too out of it or disinterested in serving their citizens.