National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

So Jack Posobiec from OANN was inside the CHAZ. Live streaming at night on periscope.

I know some people don't like OANN, that's fine. The video doesn't lie. Yesterday I had people I know and work with who sit on the left side of spectrum intentionally go into the CHAZ to post and write about the hippy narrative of the day time. Which literally lies to their friends whom are connected to them. We've all seen from the riots that during the day most people don't go on the streets until the mid to late afternoon and cities have been relatively peaceful. But once the night hits? Oh it gets crazy.

A CHAZ resident broke into a busines outside the CHAZ, got detained by the business owner after he attempted arson, then the shipwrecks of the CHAZ attacked the business, the security force of the CHAZ detained the arsonist/burglar but then he escaped and ran back into the CHAZ. They're invading other parts of the city outside their "zone" and because the police have no political support from the Mayor there will be nothing done. The Governor has proven he's also incapable of being a leader.
The MSM has hardly covered this. I wonder had this been flipped and it was a bunch of conservatives doing this If the media would just ignore it or would they rant and rave about white supremacy and how the government needs to take action. My guess is the latter hipocritas
Was the shooting in Atlanta justified? Now that all the video is out, some people are still saying it wasn't justified because ultimately he was shot in the back. Doesn't seem like a reasonable argument to me.
Warlord stuff going on in the CHAZ. Kid doesn't even know how to use that rifle. (Mentioned earlier... think Pepes - formation of armed criminal gangs)

Aftermath of communities being destroyed by rioters. Mentioned people would be trapped in destroyed communities in a post at the beginning of this thread.

Article on Saul Alinsky, it's pertinient to the thread when we look at the chain of events leading up to this movement.
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Warlord stuff going on in the CHAZ. Kid doesn't even know how to use that rifle. (Mentioned earlier... think Pepes - formation of armed criminal gangs)

Aftermath of communities being destroyed by rioters. Mentioned people would be trapped in destroyed communities in a post at the beginning of this thread.

Article on Saul Alinsky, it's pertinient to the thread when we look at the chain of events leading up to this movement.
“Like” for your adding links along with your post.
So there was a protest in New Mexico over a Conquistador statue. A guy who "counter protesting" I guess, was assaulted and chased, based on the video he was hounded. The antifa shithead he shot tried to stab him. Seen the still images.

New Mexico governor condemns vigilantes who might have instigated violence at demonstration

Here's the extended video.

These aren't protests, at all.
Yep... were seeing America's version of the Red Guard (China) wreak havoc on our people and history. Sucks certain govt officials and bureaucrats are letting these people operate carte blanche.

Red Guards - Wikipedia

Check out latest search results.
An actual Popular Mechanics article on toppling "racist statues". Think of it as a DIY primer for the rioters out there. Suggestions include DIY thermite, liquid nitrogen, and leverage.

How to Topple a Statue Using Science

(Copy of article in case you don't want to give Popular Mechanics the clicks)
How to Topple a Statue Using Science
Bring that sucker down without anyone getting hurt.
By James Stout Jun 15, 2020
topshot us politics racism unrest statue


It hasn’t been a great past few weeks for statues.

From Bristol, England to Birmingham, Alabama, people all over the world have been grappling with the legacy of racism by tossing their grappling hooks around the heads of problematic monuments.

Should you happen to find yourself near a statue that you decide you no longer like, we asked scientists for the best, safest ways to bring it to the ground without anyone getting hurt—except, of course, for the inanimate racist who’s been dead for a century anyway.

1. The Physical Approach
The force required to pull down a statue isn’t as great as you think, says mechanical engineer Scott Holland. Most statues are bronze, using an alloy of 90 percent copper and 10 percent tin and a maximum thickness of 3/16 of an inch. The Statue of Liberty’s copper sheeting is only 3/32 of an inch thick, for comparison.

Holland says your average statue of a person tops out at around 3,500 pounds. (FYI: A horse statue is approximately 7,000 pounds.) Meanwhile, the OSHA-mandated upper force limit for horizontal pulling per person is 50 pounds of force—“but that’s for working every day,” he says, “so you could probably do twice that.”

At 100 pounds of force, then, we’re talking about a 35-person job to drag the statue, Holland says. But to pull it down, “let’s assume twice the force—so you’ll need twice as many people.” So before you start toppling, you’d better recruit 70 buddies with a bit of muscle.

Now that you have your crew, you’ll need the right tools. Holland suggests grabbing a few 4x4 recovery straps, which can be rated to over 32,000 pounds and are far less cumbersome than a chain. Once you’re properly equipped, you want to get leverage, Holland says, “so you need to get the straps around the head or the neck [of the statue].”

To break the statue from its base, split into two teams on either side and work in a back-and-forth motion. Most statues are attached to the base by 2 to 3 feet of rebar, so you’ll actually be breaking it at the bronze above the rebar—not the rebar itself, says Holland. (That’s steel.) “When the U.S. took down that statue of Saddam Hussein, you can see it folds at that spot where the rebar is in the base of it,” he says.

Let’s say you can’t find 70 friends. If you still want to attempt this with a smaller removal squad, you have to weaken the monument itself. That’s where temperature comes in.

Yield strength changes a lot with temperature. A 90 percent copper/10 percent tin statue, for example, will have a yield strength at room temperature of 31.4 megapascals—that’s compared to 275 MPa for 6061 aluminum—“so structurally,” Holland says, “it’s not hard to break.”

temperature and strength of metals chart
(Engineering Toolbox)

With 35 people, you need to cut the statue’s yield strength in half by heating it up. And how do you do that? For a bronze statue, your target temperature is around 450 degrees Celsius, or 842 degrees Fahrenheit. “You could use a butane torch,” says Holland, “but it would be much quicker with a propane torch. Those burn hotter. You’ll be there for 15 to 20 minutes, but it’s a lot easier.”

Just make sure you use the proper protective equipment and look to see that nobody is underneath the statue when it falls. That means using a long rope to make sure the first person on the rope is farther away from the statue than the statue is tall. Use this handy Pythagorean triangle calculator to help figure that out.

black lives matter protests

(Protesters in Bristol, England throw a statue of slave trader Edward Colston into the harbor on June 7, 2020. Ben Birchall - PA ImagesGetty Images)

2. The Chemical Approach
Maybe you’re operating with an even smaller team—or, bless your soul, toppling the statue all by yourself. In that case, your best bet is melting the damn thing. So let’s make a thermite reaction.

“The formula is very simple,” says Chris Harrison, a chemistry professor at San Diego State University. “It’s 3:1 by mass of rust and aluminum powder. You mix those together and use a piece of magnesium to use as a high temperature fuse. And if you don’t have one, you could use a sparkler.”

The melting point of the hypothetical bronze statue is 1,742 degrees Fahrenheit, but even if you come across a racist cast in copper (melting point: 1,984 degrees), you can still easily melt both with thermite, as it burns at 2,500 degrees.

While thermite might burn nearly half as hot as the sun, it isn’t explosive. “You could pack the thermite around [the statue’s] ankles using a plastic or metal bucket with the base removed,” Harrison says. “You could invert the halves of the bucket and place them on either side of the feet, and then pour in the thermite, packing it down as best as possible. The more open space there is, the less efficient the reaction will be.”

head removed from christopher columbus statue in north end of boston

(A statue depicting Christopher Columbus is seen with its head removed on June 10, 2020 in Boston. Tim BradburyGetty Images)

Once you melt the statue’s ankles, it should just fall over, Harrison says, as that metal likely supports everything above it.

If you’re out of sparklers, snag some liquid nitrogen from a distributor like Airgas or Praxair. Then, drill a hole in the statue and pour the nitrogen inside to shatter the ankles.

Or you could combine the two, says Harrison. “If the liquid nitrogen is above the height of the thermite, you’ll have some very cold metal, right next to some metal getting very hot,” he says. “This should induce a lot of thermal strain, likely causing the metal to crack in that region.”

Just keep that hole way above your thermite, or you’ll be spraying incredibly hot molten metal into the air.

And here’s a fun bonus: The liquid nitrogen will quickly turn to a gas and come shooting out of that hole you drilled, says Harrison, which will almost certainly cause a high-pitched squeal. “One could imagine it sounding something like the sound a confederate general would make if their feet were on fire.”
These demonstrations aren't about Floyd, we're seeing the sparks of a home grown Marxist cultural revolution.
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ANTIFA is an obvious organized group (whether they admit it or not) that is using violence to push their political goals.

The "Boogalo Movement" is a Social Media joke being lumped in with the Alt-Right. Just because the media says so. I think this is a perfect example of the media stoking division.
ANTIFA is not officially a terrorist organization....a twitter post doesn't count as official designation ;-)

I know, it's more to the people on here who were supporting that possibility.
I think it's a slippery slope to losing 1st ammendment rights.

ANTIFA is an obvious organized group (whether they admit it or not) that is using violence to push their political goals.

The "Boogalo Movement" is a Social Media joke being lumped in with the Alt-Right. Just because the media says so. I think this is a perfect example of the media stoking division.

This comment perfectly sums up my point.

A lose-knit "right-wing" group member uses political protests in order to kill cops, but is written off as a joke.

The Boogaloo movement/anti-government far right is just as real as ANTIFA, even if it is tounge in cheek for most people.
This comment perfectly sums up my point.

A lose-knit "right-wing" group member uses political protests in order to kill cops, but is written off as a joke.

The Boogaloo movement/anti-government far right is just as real as ANTIFA, even if it is tounge in cheek for most people.

What is the Boogaloo movement? They're not out in our streets murdering shop owners. They're not out in the streets burning down housing projects. Whatever you think the "proud boys" or the "boogaloo" is. It ain't Antifa, it ain't the armed elements of BLM, it ain't the New Black Panthers.

Why do we send hundreds of Law Enforcement officers to invade the Bundy Ranch for overdue rent instead of freezing their accounts? But we won't put down civil unrest that is killing people and creating hundreds of millions of dollars in damage?
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What is the Boogaloo movement? They're not out in our streets murdering shop owners. They're not out in the streets burning down housing projects. Whatever you think the "proud boys" or the "boogaloo" is. It ain't Antifa, it ain't the armed elements of BLM, it ain't the New Black Panthers.

It was a 4chan troll movement named after the movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo