National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I know, it's more to the people on here who were supporting that possibility.
I think it's a slippery slope to losing 1st ammendment rights.

This comment perfectly sums up my point.

A lose-knit "right-wing" group member uses political protests in order to kill cops, but is written off as a joke.

The Boogaloo movement/anti-government far right is just as real as ANTIFA, even if it is tounge in cheek for most people.

There's a huge difference between a bunch of extreme right wingers that follow Boogalo meme pages on Facebook and an actual organization. ANTIFA is a worldwide organization with a long history.
The major problem we have differentiating between both "organizations", is that one has infiltrated the media that has declared the Boogalo Movement the Alt-Right organization. What we are seeing today is the result of decades of Marxist infiltration into western society and was predicted by Nikita Khrushchev.

“we will take America without firing a shot and we will bury you.”
Khrushchev’s predictions

From below -
They are de rigueur in newsrooms, faculty lounges, and among the staff of mayors’ and attorneys general’s offices.

The Boogalo Movement...

the Boogaloo movement, the followers of which are largely an assortment of right-wing extremists, according to hate group experts. The movement began on the internet but is now spilling on to the streets of the United States. The name was derived from a 1980s film Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. The Boogaloo movement originated largely on 4chan’s /k/ forum, where users discuss weapons and guns. The term “boogaloo” has been used on the forum since 2012, in reference to "Barack Obama’s reelection causing a second civil war", according to Reuters. However, among the recent protests this year where supporters of the movement were seen was in January in Richmond, Virginia at a rally against the state’s attempt to bring in more stringent gun laws.

From social media to US streets: Boogaloo movement makes its presence felt during George Floyd protests - Firstpost


Of course, in the age of the 1619 Project, such positions are no longer held just by members of underground Communist terror organizations. They are de rigueur in newsrooms, faculty lounges, and among the staff of mayors’ and attorneys general’s offices. The modern Antifa movement advances the robust legacy infrastructure of the revolutionary Left through a belief in the efficacy of loose organization. The basic building block of direct-action organizing is the “affinity group,” which is exactly what it sounds like: a group of like-minded people who share a common objective.

The Real History of Antifa
I also feel that all of this has been covered through pages and pages on this site across multiple threads.

Which is fine, but we're past that.
Break, break:
If I need to make a stronger statement on the topic, I'm sure the members will let me or the staff know.
Which is fine, but we're past that.
Break, break:
If I need to make a stronger statement on the topic, I'm sure the members will let me or the staff know.

Should I move this topic to the politics thread, since it's sort of derailed this one?

Because it seems a topic worth discussing based some of the responses I got.
Fact: This took place in New Mexico during a protest on Monday 06.16.20

Everything else is hearsay, finger-pointing, and speculation.

His story: the 'good guys' are going with is he was just there exercising his rights to carry a long-gun when he was threatened and attacked. He was hit with the skateboard and felt threatened for his life.

Their story: He and a group of armed men were at the protest for no reason but to intimidate the protesters and were instigating a confrontation.

It looks like he was wearing a plate carrier and his shot patterns make me think he knew how to fire that rifle.

NSFW - Language and gun shots

when he committed, he committed.
I’ve been (was before the pandemic) getting tactical pistol training and that’s no shit. The muscle memory exercises are, if you have to draw, you draw and commit, assess and evaluate, then reholster.

That church shooting a few months ago really made me think about how and why I carry.
Fact: This took place in New Mexico during a protest on Monday 06.16.20

Everything else is hearsay, finger-pointing, and speculation.

His story: the 'good guys' are going with is he was just there exercising his rights to carry a long-gun when he was threatened and attacked. He was hit with the skateboard and felt threatened for his life.

Their story: He and a group of armed men were at the protest for no reason but to intimidate the protesters and were instigating a confrontation.

It looks like he was wearing a plate carrier and his shot patterns make me think he knew how to fire that rifle.

NSFW - Language and gun shots

Who was wearing a plate carrier and shooting a rifle? I believe this is a different video/angle of the same incident Thunderhorse posted earlier.

The guy in the blue shirt doesn't have a carrier visible to me and shot the other guy using a pistol. Maybe I'm missing something?
Fact: This took place in New Mexico during a protest on Monday 06.16.20

Everything else is hearsay, finger-pointing, and speculation.

His story: the 'good guys' are going with is he was just there exercising his rights to carry a long-gun when he was threatened and attacked. He was hit with the skateboard and felt threatened for his life.

Their story: He and a group of armed men were at the protest for no reason but to intimidate the protesters and were instigating a confrontation.

It looks like he was wearing a plate carrier and his shot patterns make me think he knew how to fire that rifle.

NSFW - Language and gun shots

Plenty of video for people to form an educated opinion. Showing him walking away from the altercation, and then being chased down. I can't imagine any part of what happened prior to him being chased down being in any way relevant to his actions. You can hear what the intent of running him down was and one voice is loud and clear "We're going to fucking kill you."
Who was wearing a plate carrier and shooting a rifle? I believe this is a different video/angle of the same incident Thunderhorse posted earlier.

The guy in the blue shirt doesn't have a carrier visible to me and shot the other guy with a pistol. Maybe I'm missing something?

Image of what could be his plate carrier.. and a guy with a knife?
