National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Gotcha. In the other video of the incident, which @ThunderHorse posted, you can clearly see that brown thing is a towel/scarf/shemagh or something. It's not a plate carrier...or if it is, it's the worse design ever.
I missed Thunder's video....I'll have to go back and look. That's why I made a point of saying:

Fact: This took place in New Mexico during a protest on Monday 06.16.20
Everything else is hearsay, finger-pointing, and speculation.
Fact: This took place in New Mexico during a protest on Monday 06.16.20

Everything else is hearsay, finger-pointing, and speculation.

His story: the 'good guys' are going with is he was just there exercising his rights to carry a long-gun when he was threatened and attacked. He was hit with the skateboard and felt threatened for his life.

Their story: He and a group of armed men were at the protest for no reason but to intimidate the protesters and were instigating a confrontation.

It looks like he was wearing a plate carrier and his shot patterns make me think he knew how to fire that rifle.

NSFW - Language and gun shots

I'm not sure how you see a plate carrier and long gun in that. Was able to back to the thread I found the video on and here are some stills. That looks like a Shemagh/Kiffiyah, and there is no long gun.


I’ve been generally understanding regarding the recent protests, the anger, trying to right history... now they’re losing me. Taking Lincoln’s statue down? Because you don’t like how the statue looks? This is just like “me too”- well intentioned, started for the right reasons... then the extremists come out. Give society an inch, they take a mile. America has become one big allegory for “If You Give a Moose a Muffin.”

I think I need to ETS and move to Alaska at this point.
So there was a protest in New Mexico over a Conquistador statue. A guy who "counter protesting" I guess, was assaulted and chased, based on the video he was hounded. The antifa shithead he shot tried to stab him. Seen the still images.

New Mexico governor condemns vigilantes who might have instigated violence at demonstration

Here's the extended video.

These aren't protests, at all.


What's outrageous is sympathy for a guy who tried to tackle and then swing a skateboard at someone. If someone did that to a cop we would say it's fully within their right to defend themselves, but as a private citizen we aren't.
Rumors on Twitter are that either all Six Atlanta Precincts have walked off the job, some sources on twitter are saying there remain two staffed precincts.

Whoever runs the twitter for Atlanta PD is denying it.

The local news however state that the Mayor is calling other agencies for aid.

Reaching out to a friend, he says that local agencies stopped helping APD a week ago and that her calls will go unanswered.

ETA: GBI Statement on the DA being an idiot (my words)

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Good article about Atlanta:

GBI Says Fulton DA Blindsided Agency Amid Investigation in Brooks Case - AllOnGeorgia

The Georgia SBI has not concluded its' investigation and is surprised that a) charges came so quickly, and b) they were not consulted before charges were brought. Also, interestingly, a taser is considered a "deadly weapon" in Georgia. I did not know that.

I am thinking the DA was either under enormous political pressure to bring charges quickly, or purposely overcharged/overreached knowing that the charges won't stick.

Edited to add, @ThunderHorse I posted before I saw all your posts. It is similar. I love that the mayor said "no prob, we'll just get help from our neighbors," and they all said "no." She's trying to cash in on the Floyd debacle, and it's going to blow up in her face, especially if the GBI says it's a good shoot.
Because a “not guilty” verdict always calms Pitchfork Nation.

Years ago, 1992, I was a fairly new medic and was dispatched to a shooting; the High Sheriff of our county shot a teen 6 times with his service revolver (.357 magnum), all shots under 5 feet, two were barrel-on-clothes contact. The (black) kid trying to hold up a grocery store with a toy gun, he didn't know the sheriff was in the back picking up some meat. When we got there, there was nothing for us to do: that kid wasn't just dead, he was very dead.

Under duress from the black community, the liberal DA was 'this' close to charging him with all sorts of stuff but the SBI got wind and said "hold up, this is a clean shoot." It took the SBI threatening to 'take away' the investigation from the DA for cooler heads to prevail, in which the right outcome was achieved. Of course, when it the papers he was cleared, the DA looked like the wise, measured man (which he usually was). Pitchfork Nation still assailed it as a cover-up and BS and all.


The Atlanta DA's actions may calm Pitchfork Nation for now, but what's going to happen if the GBI comes out with contradictory findings? Pitchfork Nation won't be satisfied with anything short of being found 'guilty'. I am afraid in his knee-jerk let's-convict-now-before-the-investigation-is-complete actions, he's just setting the stage for a worse outcome for the community.
I'm not buying the Union saying this wasn't organized. Atl is reaping what they sewed. The DA is a loon. On the one hand he says a taser is a deadly weapon yet on the other it isn't.

And he's also under state investigation for two separate things, both of which have to do with a nonprofit he is the CEO of. Howard not letting the GBI know of charges against the two officers probably stems from their investigation into him.

Fulton County DA faces election runoff battle while under state investigation
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Duluth pushes to remove 'chief' from job titles, calling it offensive to indigenous people
DULUTH – City leaders are making a push to remove the word “chief” from job titles, calling the term offensive to indigenous people.

At a news conference Wednesday, Duluth Mayor Emily Larson implored City Council members to vote to approve the change next week “so that we have more inclusive leadership and less language that is rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.”

The measure, slated to go before the council Monday night, would change Chief Administrative Officer Noah Schuchman’s title to city administrator and Chief Financial Officer Wayne Parson’s title to finance director.

“I think that there are other titles that we have the opportunity to use to steer away from language that may put people down based off their race or culture,” said Alicia Kozlowski, Duluth’s community relations officer and member of the Grand Portage and Fond du Lac Bands of Lake Superior Chippewa.