National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

It's a ridiculous question. There is a possibility that boog lua folks could be eventually viewed or associated with established groups, but the extremism is coming from fringe lone-wolf types that might have indicators on forums that the FBI will be tracking, much like a lot of others

BLM is well established
Why is it ridiculous?

Please, try to explain it to me/us?

Please know, this is not said with any sarcasm, snark, or anything else. Why is it (in your opinion) ridiculous to suggest that Antifa and Boog are analogous?

Because if the question is in good faith, you've been ignoring pages worth of content regarding this topic in multiple threads.
Because if the question is in good faith, you've been ignoring pages worth of content regarding this topic in multiple threads.
It is in good faith, but truthfully my eyes hurt after reading these political threads all day everyday. If I was not on staff here, I would ignore them all together. I read members arguing back and forth all day long about these groups. Who/what am I supposed to believe?

But okay @Florida173 , you've got my attention now. I've asked a question in good faith, you've deemed it "ridiculous" because .... I should have figured it out in the 49 pages of this thread?


That out of the way, enlighten me/us? Just one last time?
Is Boogaloo an extremist version of the right, the same way Antifa is an extremist version of the left?

If that is the case, has Trump declared Boogaloo a terrorist organization the same way he has Antifa?

Or is that part of the problem, we 'righties' are quick to blame Antifa for everything, but we won't acknowledge that Boogaloo even exists?
Because if the question is in good faith, you've been ignoring pages worth of content regarding this topic in multiple threads.

That's the worst non-answer I've seen in awhile. Defend your stance with facts, or don't make these statements, please.

Cite said posts at the very least.
But okay @Florida173 , you've got my attention now. I've asked a question in good faith, you've deemed it "ridiculous" because .... I should have figured it out in the 49 pages of this thread?

I don't blame you for not liking some of these threads. I was thinking the more than 280 posts regarding the subject since 2017 with a ton of content regarding it could help. There are some great articles from back in the day from around the world, some even critiquing them back in 2008. I love how they all share the same flags and have been well documented to be an international organization. Super active in Portland with the Rose City Antifa - Wikipedia

I believe arguments to their legitimacy of not being considered an organization is indeed ridiculous.

Regarding the boog bois or whatever they are calling themselves. Still in meme form and actions are lone-wolf as I stated before.
Regarding the boog bois or whatever they are calling themselves. Still in meme form and actions are lone-wolf as I stated before.
Okay thank you. One more....and acknowledging ahead of time that they are not an 'official' organization. Is it fair to consider those who call themselves "Boog bois" to be an extreme for of Conservatism, the same way Antifa is considered an extreme form of Liberalism?

To add - thank you for all of the links in your prior post.
Is it fair to consider those who call themselves "Boog bois" to be an extreme for of Conservatism, the same way Antifa is considered an extreme form of Liberalism?

I'd say it's more complicated than that and it's quite an over-simplification that makes people decide on a false dilemma fallacy. One grew out of a 4chan joke and is trying to bring about a second Civil War because of a bunch of disenfranchised "patriots" think they are doing the right thing (nothing conservative about that) and one is hyper socialist anti-capitalist group pretending to be against nazis. Antifa has nothing to do with liberalism.
I'd say it's more complicated than that and it's quite an over-simplification that makes people decide on a false dilemma fallacy. One grew out of a 4chan joke and is trying to bring about a second Civil War because of a bunch of disenfranchised "patriots" think they are doing the right thing (nothing conservative about that) and one is hyper socialist anti-capitalist group pretending to be against nazis. Antifa has nothing to do with liberalism.
Thanks you.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to explain your view on that.
I'm with others...I don't understand this whole Boogaloo thing, let alone what it has to do with Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo?!
Electric Boogaloo was its own meme where you'd jokingly come up with an idea for a sequel that nobody wanted and slap 2: Electric Boogaloo at the end of the name. This lead to people saying Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo which was eventually shortened to just Boogaloo. Its kind of an offshoot of another meme, which is why it seems disconnected.
Okay thank you. One more....and acknowledging ahead of time that they are not an 'official' organization. Is it fair to consider those who call themselves "Boog bois" to be an extreme for of Conservatism, the same way Antifa is considered an extreme form of Liberalism?

To add - thank you for all of the links in your prior post.
They are similar, but dissimilar.
Antifa-Socialists/Communists/Anarchists who need/want a Civil War so they can remake America. From what I've seen they are primarily white 20 somethings
KKK-Proud Boyz, et al. White supremacists who need/want a civil war so they can "return" America to the way it was (i.e. white protestants rule, everyone else kneels)
BLM-Black supremacists who want a race war they will win, allowing blacks to take over every aspect of government, and then put the white people "in their place"
Booger Boyz, loose groupings of right-wingers who believe we have strayed from the Constitution (especially 2A) and need a civil war to restore constitutional order.

1st 3 groupings are organized with outside funding (esp Antifa and BLM) the last group is still organizing and IMO not as big a threat as Antifa.
They are similar, but dissimilar.
Antifa-Socialists/Communists/Anarchists who need/want a Civil War so they can remake America. From what I've seen they are primarily white 20 somethings
KKK-Proud Boyz, et al. White supremacists who need/want a civil war so they can "return" America to the way it was (i.e. white protestants rule, everyone else kneels)
BLM-Black supremacists who want a race war they will win, allowing blacks to take over every aspect of government, and then put the white people "in their place"
Booger Boyz, loose groupings of right-wingers who believe we have strayed from the Constitution (especially 2A) and need a civil war to restore constitutional order.

1st 3 groupings are organized with outside funding (esp Antifa and BLM) the last group is still organizing and IMO not as big a threat as Antifa.

Generally agree, but nothing racist in a multi cultured group like proud boys and to put them in with the kkk is crazy.

I also don't think BLM is a black supremacy organization. I'd say it's more of another system of control. It gets pretty messy when considering that the Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc. is not affiliated with Black Lives Matter, but used as a reason why poltifact says that the money being donated through actblue doesn't get allocated directly to any political campaign. With the track record of the DNC i don't trust any of it.
In regards to Boogaloo:

I dont think it's ridiculous to question about the motives of a movement, even if it only seems to be lone actors so far.
A lone actor doesn't get his(almost always a dude) ideas in a vacuum; its usually part of a bigger ideology.
We know how groupthink works with people; what's starts as one can easily turn into others.

I do appreciate the answers y'all have given, even if it's not my viewpoint.

One grew out of a 4chan joke and is trying to bring about a second Civil War because of a bunch of disenfranchised "patriots" think they are doing the right thing (nothing conservative about that) and one is hyper socialist anti-capitalist group pretending to be against nazis. Antifa has nothing to do with liberalism.

I wanted to highlight this in particular.
As much as ANTIFA may represent the worst of leftists and "disenfranchised Patriots" the worst of conservatives, I am of the same general mindset here of understanding that the fringe does not represent the majority.