National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

As much as ANTIFA may represent the worst of leftists and "disenfranchised Patriots" the worst of conservatives, I am of the same general mindset here of understanding that the fringe does not represent the majority

I suggest stop thinking you can put these groups conveniently into your understanding of a two party political system. Antifa is actively trying to take down capitalism and the foundation of our republic. There's nothing democrat/republican about that.

The disenfranchised patriots is my phrase for the boog bois, and because it's come out of the gun culture/2a groups, you could probably find a high correlation with pro gun republican side, but again this stuff doesn't have to do with democrats and republicans. The republicans are just as much at fault for tearing down the bill of rights. You can look at the recent SCOTUS rulings to see that they are now retconning today's ideals into law. It's incredibly dangerous. Check out Levin's book Men in Black. So much truer today than when I read it like 15 years ago.
I suggest stop thinking you can put these groups conveniently into your understanding of a two party political system. Antifa is actively trying to take down capitalism and the foundation of our republic. There's nothing democrat/republican about that.

The disenfranchised patriots is my phrase for the boog bois, and because it's come out of the gun culture/2a groups, you could probably find a high correlation with pro gun republican side, but again this stuff doesn't have to do with democrats and republicans. The republicans are just as much at fault for tearing down the bill of rights. You can look at the recent SCOTUS rulings to see that they are now retconning today's ideals into law. It's incredibly dangerous. Check out Levin's book Men in Black. So much truer today than when I read it like 15 years ago.

I think this an important point. Because we have two parties, we feel a need to sort people and groups into two buckets, not likely understanding that some of the "fringe" groups may not 'sort' quite so neatly. And part of the issue lies exactly in your language*: " my phrase...." Both the alt-right and the extreme left feel they are 'true patriots', and definitions are changed to suit one's subjective interpretation.

I do get a kick out of the name 'ANTIFA', who actually engages in fascist tactics...

*not knocking you at all, we all do this....
I suggest stop thinking you can put these groups conveniently into your understanding of a two party political system. Antifa is actively trying to take down capitalism and the foundation of our republic. There's nothing democrat/republican about that.

Let me be clearer; I'm not making that statement in regards to our two party system, but more along the larger political spectrum line.
Thanks you.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to explain your view on that.

For myself, being on Instagram a bunch, I'd equate the boog as being the new hip term for the 3%/3 percenter movement, but said more in jest than anything. The boog certainly isn't the polar opposite of ANTIFA, not in numbers, actions, or motive.

The campaign also ran ads using the exact same copy text, but with stop signs and exclamation points.

Last I checked, those weren't ANTIFA symbols.

So if the Red Triangles were used as imagery because they represent ANTIFA(mostly outside the US it seems) why not also run ads with three arrows or the Red Flag Black Flag imagery? Both of those are much more used and recognized than a red triangle within the United States.
Based on my internet research across reddit,4chan and the like The Boogaloo is a term for what many consider to be the inevitable war over gun control there is no overall political goal or agenda save don’t touch our guns it’s made up of everyone from Right wingers to Social anarchists. They are most likely to fight each other as well as the government. Antifa is mainly made up of people with the same ideological goals your not gonna see a right winger being Antifa but you would see a socialist spouting Boogaloo talk
The community bitches, well when you act like animals, you get treated like a animal. You don’t have nice things. Still don’t have a grocery store.
The relationship between civil disturbances and a lack of economic development years later is not always linear. The obstacles to development can center around the red tape of municipal code (like minimum parking requirements) and also to property owners biding their time until they can invest in a development that will yield a higher ROI.

Local opposition to development can be a matter of NIMBYism and/or concerns over gentrification.
FWIW, an example of how the re-allocation of police funding could work.

Currently, a county in California has a parking problem that is impacting economic development. Because citations are issued by law enforcement, tickets can only be issued by sworn officers. As most of these officers have career aspirations beyond parking, the act of enforcement is not a priority.

Were funds reallocated, the enforcement could be handled at a lower cost to the county and likely be more effective. While the reallocation might mean fewer law enforcement FTEs in the short term, the increased pace of economic development would lead to more tax revenue and jobs for community members (and, arguably, less crime).
The relationship between civil disturbances and a lack of economic development years later is not always linear. The obstacles to development can center around the red tape of municipal code (like minimum parking requirements) and also to property owners biding their time until they can invest in a development that will yield a higher ROI.

Local opposition to development can be a matter of NIMBYism and/or concerns over gentrification.
Sorry, I wholly disagree. Significant swaths of Los Angeles got zero economic development for over a decade following the Rodney King riots. Companies don't come back. And guess who was the first company to go into many of these communities before the hippy coffee shops? WalMart. They bitched about WalMart because a certain segment of the media demonized WalMarts business practices. Even if there wasn't red tape, it would take a company years before they would return to a city that was burnt to a crisp.
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