National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Duluth pushes to remove 'chief' from job titles, calling it offensive to indigenous people
DULUTH – City leaders are making a push to remove the word “chief” from job titles, calling the term offensive to indigenous people.

At a news conference Wednesday, Duluth Mayor Emily Larson implored City Council members to vote to approve the change next week “so that we have more inclusive leadership and less language that is rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.”

The measure, slated to go before the council Monday night, would change Chief Administrative Officer Noah Schuchman’s title to city administrator and Chief Financial Officer Wayne Parson’s title to finance director.

“I think that there are other titles that we have the opportunity to use to steer away from language that may put people down based off their race or culture,” said Alicia Kozlowski, Duluth’s community relations officer and member of the Grand Portage and Fond du Lac Bands of Lake Superior Chippewa.

I'd like to think the city leaders are actually racist for being so simple that they would automatically associate a word with a group of people that it has nothing to do with
It's not just America. The same bullshit is spreading to Canada, even Ireland isn't immune. An Irish detective was attacked and executed with his service weapon by BLM last night.

How is this related to BLM? Is there more to this than what's being reported?

Because the story I'm seeing mentions absolutely nothing other than the fact that the shooter was in his 40s

Murder of Irish detective was random act – police chief
How is this related to BLM? Is there more to this than what's being reported?

Because the story I'm seeing mentions absolutely nothing other than the fact that the shooter was in his 40s

Murder of Irish detective was random act – police chief

The media and Gardai definitely won't advertise it. I got it from an inside source and it's still being investigated. BLM has been very active in Ireland and the UK recently. There's some backlash because the recent BLM protests are being investigated and criminal charges are pending.
So honest question; is BLM a loose movement of groups with somewhat similar goals or an organized operation?

Because I mentioned a few days ago about the boog boi killing cops and basically had multiple members attempt to argue "they aren't a real movement", even though people associated with that camp keep getting arrested for terrorism plots/murder.

By the same token, we'll see basically ever act of violence in this thread attributed to BLM/ANTIFA, even if there isn't a good link.

Why do some of y'all treat the Boogaloo groups with kids gloves?
The media and Gardai definitely won't advertise it. I got it from an inside source and it's still being investigated. BLM has been very active in Ireland and the UK recently. There's some backlash because the recent BLM protests are being investigated and criminal charges are pending.

Gotcha. I know the UK/Euro media is a bit more closed off about "breaking news" than the US is, so if you have a source I'll take your word for it.
Why do some of y'all treat the Boogaloo groups with kids gloves?

Calling things Boogaloo groups when they're in fact just extremist groups that the left has chosen to label as such is probably why you're getting push back. The left also doesn't want to address to violent fringes of their side...hello Antifa. Armed wings of BLM. Right Wing extremists aren't getting a pass by us. But labeling them as "boogaloo groups" isn't really that accurate because the "boogaloo" is a 4 Chan joke.
we'll see basically ever act of violence in this thread attributed to BLM/ANTIFA, even if there isn't a good link.
I don't know if that is exactly true 'every act of violence', and I think in recent weeks especially, most members are getting better about linking or backing up their accusations or claims. That said, there is nothing wrong with calling someone out for more clarification, (like you recently did with @RackMaster ).

If you (or any member) thinks a member is not being held to the same standard as everyone else and you don't want to publicly call it out, "report it". Someone from the staff will review and if necessary, call attention to it. No harm no foul.
Calling things Boogaloo groups when they're in fact just extremist groups that the left has chosen to label as such is probably why you're getting push back. The left also doesn't want to address to violent fringes of their side...hello Antifa. Armed wings of BLM. Right Wing extremists aren't getting a pass by us. But labeling them as "boogaloo groups" isn't really that accurate because the "boogaloo" is a 4 Chan joke.

Oh I fully understand it started as a dumb 4chan thing.

But when the dude is scrawling "Boog" in blood on the blood of a car, its not a joke anymore.

Man accused in deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood

ETA: This is why I bring up "Boogaloo" as a movement, not a specific group. A whole bunch of nationalist/sovereign citizens/anarchist types fall under that.
Oh I fully understand it started as a dumb 4chan thing.

But when the dude is scrawling "Boog" in blood on the blood of a car, its not a joke anymore.

Man accused in deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood

ETA: This is why I bring up "Boogaloo" as a movement, not a specific group. A whole bunch of nationalist/sovereign citizens/anarchist types fall under that.
In the same sense that when BLM is spray painted on buildings that have been torched?

I'm on the "they're all bad train". Because they all are.

ETA: Who has burnt down our cities? That's probably why you're getting pushback.
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Okay dead serious question, I am trying to understand....

Is Boogaloo an extremist version of the right, the same way Antifa is an extremist version of the left?

If that is the case, has Trump declared Boogaloo a terrorist organization the same way he has Antifa?

Or is that part of the problem, we 'righties' are quick to blame Antifa for everything, but we won't acknowledge that Boogaloo even exists?

To add, the term Boog or Boogaloo is gay as fuck.
Okay dead serious question, I am trying to understand....

Is Boogaloo an extremist version of the right, the same way Antifa is an extremist version of the left?

If that is the case, has Trump declared Boogaloo a terrorist organization the same way he has Antifa?

Or is that part of the problem, we 'righties' are quick to blame Antifa for everything, but we won't acknowledge that Boogaloo even exists?

To add, the term Boog or Boogaloo is gay as fuck.

This is where the problem is. Antifa is obviously an organization. The Boogalo so far is just a loose connection to right wing extremists.