National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I was in Olympia this weekend. Downtown, walking around, having lunch. I was there for like- 6 hours? I literally saw zero unrest, protests, soy boys...

Being in Seattle/Olympia during both the COVID and race riots (sort of ground zero for both) has really shown me exactly what all news organizations are. Not trustworthy.
I haven't seen any actual evidence to support what I'm about to say but, anecdotally, my guess is violent crime is up rather significantly in every major city in the country. Locally, thugs were emboldened by a lack of support to police departments from elected officials and a lack of response to unrest in general. Unless that changes, this elevated level of crime will continue.

I don't know that I would classify my little berg of approx 275,000 a "major city," but we've had a handful--4 or 5--multiple shootings (groups of 5-10 people), all in 'bad neighborhoods' and most likely gang related, within the past week. The SJW scene has been calling for defunding the police, a lot of the more affluent black people have called for disbanding patrol, yet the locals in these neighborhoods have been calling for more police presence and involvement.

I swear it's like watching a custody battle between two fighting parents....
I don't know that I would classify my little berg of approx 275,000 a "major city," but we've had a handful--4 or 5--multiple shootings (groups of 5-10 people), all in 'bad neighborhoods' and most likely gang related, within the past week. The SJW scene has been calling for defunding the police, a lot of the more affluent black people have called for disbanding patrol, yet the locals in these neighborhoods have been calling for more police presence and involvement.

I swear it's like watching a custody battle between two fighting parents....
Sounds familiar. Seeing much of the same here.
I don't know that I would classify my little berg of approx 275,000 a "major city," but we've had a handful--4 or 5--multiple shootings (groups of 5-10 people), all in 'bad neighborhoods' and most likely gang related, within the past week. The SJW scene has been calling for defunding the police, a lot of the more affluent black people have called for disbanding patrol, yet the locals in these neighborhoods have been calling for more police presence and involvement.

I swear it's like watching a custody battle between two fighting parents....
Let me guess, the SJW's and "Black Leaders" don't live in those neighborhoods?
I say we put on a social experiment and have all law enforcement officers take a week off. But also broadcast which week it is so everybody understands the timeline.
Prior to this debacle, how common in your eyes we're racially motivated crimes compared to now? I've been looking at the FBI's UCR's but the navigation is a mess and the most recent data isn't going to be up for a while.

The homicide rate in Indy was already skyrocketing this year and most of the murders were in the usual areas. The stuff going on downtown has been after midnight, in areas where people tend to hangout around the time bars close. I can’t really speak to race related aspects as I don’t have actual numbers. That may change after the next big meeting with impd.

As of a few weeks ago, crime in general was down here. Not sure if that’s still the case.
The homicide rate in Indy was already skyrocketing this year and most of the murders were in the usual areas. The stuff going on downtown has been after midnight, in areas where people tend to hangout around the time bars close. I can’t really speak to race related aspects as I don’t have actual numbers. That may change after the next big meeting with impd.

As of a few weeks ago, crime in general was down here. Not sure if that’s still the case.
Wonder how the numbers are going to look. I would've assumed the Kung Flu lock down might've kept people indoors and outta trouble.

I was in Olympia this weekend. Downtown, walking around, having lunch. I was there for like- 6 hours? I literally saw zero unrest, protests, soy boys...

Being in Seattle/Olympia during both the COVID and race riots (sort of ground zero for both) has really shown me exactly what all news organizations are. Not trustworthy.
Agree with news organizations being untrustworthy, but ain't Olympia one of the nicer areas along the WA Coast? Thought the unrest we're seeing is in Seattle's and Portland's governmental districts, especially at night.

Have the Feds there done a good job of quieting things down? Cause I've heard they got better ROE's than the Portland Police Department guys, due to them (the Feds) not being hamstrung by WA's political quislings.
Looks like SOP for agitators is having the National Lawyers Guild number sharpied onto their arm or body and giving them a call when they get booked.

Agitator mentions it in the last 30 seconds.
ANTIFA Tough Guy Spills The Beans On Who Is Backing And Bailing Them Out Of Jail

In this other video the woman and man yell "MLG will get you out", after a masked man gets nabbed.

The Chinese are even spreading misinformation and making it seem like we're doing what they're doing. Chicoms even added dramatic music to the clip.
Wonder how the numbers are going to look. I would've assumed the Kung Flu lock down might've kept people indoors and outta trouble.
Indy is way ahead on homicides this year. Last I heard they were at 118, compared to 80ish last year. During the lockdown it was business as usual in the hood. The PD limited response and contact made it appear as though overall crime was down but the dead bodies don’t lie.
The Chinese are even spreading misinformation and making it seem like we're doing what they're doing. Chicoms even added dramatic music to the clip.

Seems to be de rigueur for totalitarian or authoritarian regimes to capitalize off of isolated incidents and engage in weapons grade whataboutism. If I recall, the Soviets did the same thing in the late 1960s.
So I guess the shitshow in Portlandia is getting stupid. Federal agents have had to deploy and protect Federal Buildings, etc. Most of the media reports I'm seeing on this are trying to paint the government as aggressors in this. Rather than putting blame on the Mayor and the Governor.

Also, the outragey bullshit on twitter: OMG WHY ARE THEY IN CAMOUFLAGE!?!

(Well folks, it's because it's comfy)

Portland protests end Friday downtown in tandem force by federal, local police

Oregon will sue federal police agencies, open criminal investigation into use of force