National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Why is "all lives matter", especially from a civil servant, so hurtful or anti-black? I mean, all lives, would encompass black, no?

If you want an honest answer, it's because #ALM is not philosophically grounded. It is, in essence, a reactionary movement only in response to BLM. This makes it seem not genuine. In other words, there is nothing grounding All Lives Matter if Black Lives Matter were to disappear tomorrow. If BLM is gone, ALM would disappear. Weird! (This isn't necessarily true, but is my intuition).

Notice here how this is very different from the capitalism vs socialism fight. Neither is necessarily reactionary. That is, both have solid philosophical grounds on which to stand. Both can be advocated for without necessarily invoking the other.

Imagine if there as an organization that is calling for the proper care of treatment for Army Rangers after a combat injury--Ranger Lives Matter. Then some Air Force guy takes offense to this and says well "All Military Matter"!!!!!!! Of course, Rangers aren't saying only Rangers matter, that would be dumb and a straw-man. We are just calling for the proper treatment of Rangers after combat injuries. That doesn't mean other people shouldn't start organizations to help drone operators with their PTSD. It would, however, be weird to adopt the slogan Drone Operator Lives Matter but only after Ranger Lives Matter exists. On my intuition this seemingly reactionary slogan makes it seem less genuine and in good faith.

I'm not here to play team red or blue. I don't care. I'm just trying to explain how #ALM as a slogan has bad optics for a civil servant without invoking "you can't care about all lives until you care about black lives". Hopefully, I have done that here.
WTF, over.

At some point, people of means will sue against the civil liability immunity protections that prosecutors have. Will they be the couple? I think there will be a reckoning, and I can't wait for all of these SJW DAs to get a shit sandwich to eat.
I read the article and no where does it state on what basis the search warrant was issued or why the guns were confiscated. That's a pretty important fact to omit.
If you want an honest answer, it's because #ALM is not philosophically grounded. It is, in essence, a reactionary movement only in response to BLM. This makes it seem not genuine. In other words, there is nothing grounding All Lives Matter if Black Lives Matter were to disappear tomorrow. If BLM is gone, ALM would disappear. Weird! (This isn't necessarily true, but is my intuition).

Notice here how this is very different from the capitalism vs socialism fight. Neither is necessarily reactionary. That is, both have solid philosophical grounds on which to stand. Both can be advocated for without necessarily invoking the other.

Imagine if there as an organization that is calling for the proper care of treatment for Army Rangers after a combat injury--Ranger Lives Matter. Then some Air Force guy takes offense to this and says well "All Military Matter"!!!!!!! Of course, Rangers aren't saying only Rangers matter, that would be dumb and a straw-man. We are just calling for the proper treatment of Rangers after combat injuries. That doesn't mean other people shouldn't start organizations to help drone operators with their PTSD. It would, however, be weird to adopt the slogan Drone Operator Lives Matter but only after Ranger Lives Matter exists. On my intuition this seemingly reactionary slogan makes it seem less genuine and in good faith.

I'm not here to play team red or blue. I don't care. I'm just trying to explain how #ALM as a slogan has bad optics for a civil servant without invoking "you can't care about all lives until you care about black lives". Hopefully, I have done that here.

I'm just over here eating my popcorn as BLM and others around that movement share their openly anti-semitic views. Here's a great one, how do they treat Sephardic Jews from North Africa?
I read the article and no where does it state on what basis the search warrant was issued or why the guns were confiscated. That's a pretty important fact to omit.
The only way to know that is for someone to do a FOIA to get the warrant I'm sure.

McCloskeys served with search warrant, police take rifle shown in viral pictures

McCloskeys served with search warrant, police take rifle shown in viral pictures

Local press state that the search warrant was "just for the guns." Like why?
If you want an honest answer, it's because #ALM is not philosophically grounded. It is, in essence, a reactionary movement only in response to BLM. This makes it seem not genuine. In other words, there is nothing grounding All Lives Matter if Black Lives Matter were to disappear tomorrow. If BLM is gone, ALM would disappear. Weird! (This isn't necessarily true, but is my intuition).

Notice here how this is very different from the capitalism vs socialism fight. Neither is necessarily reactionary. That is, both have solid philosophical grounds on which to stand. Both can be advocated for without necessarily invoking the other.

Imagine if there as an organization that is calling for the proper care of treatment for Army Rangers after a combat injury--Ranger Lives Matter. Then some Air Force guy takes offense to this and says well "All Military Matter"!!!!!!! Of course, Rangers aren't saying only Rangers matter, that would be dumb and a straw-man. We are just calling for the proper treatment of Rangers after combat injuries. That doesn't mean other people shouldn't start organizations to help drone operators with their PTSD. It would, however, be weird to adopt the slogan Drone Operator Lives Matter but only after Ranger Lives Matter exists. On my intuition this seemingly reactionary slogan makes it seem less genuine and in good faith.

I'm not here to play team red or blue. I don't care. I'm just trying to explain how #ALM as a slogan has bad optics for a civil servant without invoking "you can't care about all lives until you care about black lives". Hopefully, I have done that here.
Not sure if it helps, but I may have have a simpler explanation.

I've been looking at the BLM stuff from the optic of "Fobbit Lives Matter". In other words, if the Fobbits don't get "respect" they're gonna stop issuing gear and doing support stuff. Meanwhile the grunts and non-fobbits are going, "We All Matter, do your jobs Fobbits!".

As for organization... the Fobbits are being organized by some peeved off SJW Pentagon Officer, whose been freebasing estrogen, soy, and Carl Marx :ROFLMAO: (courtesy of their rich uncle). Meanwhile the grunts and non-fobbits are still adhering to their respective chains of command, while pulling extra duty, to maintain mission op tempo.
"Local press state that the search warrant was "just for the guns." Like why?"

It depends on what the offense is that the SW is supporting. Probably some kind of assault charge for pointing the guns at the demonstrators...if so, the guns seen on the images is the evidence the SW is looking for.
Yeah I get that. But the people they were "brandishing" towards were in fact on their property. Therefore, I can't wait for this DA to lose civil liability protections and sued into the ground. If you remember, Law Enforcement was investigating this as Criminal Trespass and the McCloskeys were the victims. It was the DA that said she would go after them.
Agreed...not sure who is pushing this, but if St. Louis Police executed the warrant then they are also pushing this. A DA's office can't force a PD to take action, but can either support or deny action a PD takes.
Saw this in my school email today:

View attachment 34834

Are you even surprised? That whole fucking AO is a prom night dumpster baby abortion. Temple is pandering to the social justice dickheads that are anti-cop. I was down there the other day. It's a fucking war zone but it's crickets when a 10 year old catches a round to the dome piece.

The crime in the city has gone up, our resident cop/medic is fucking busy I'm sure. This entire thing is a fucking joke. Universities, celebrities and companies are pandering to useful idiots and BLM, it's a joke.

I'm glad I exfil'd that cesspool 20 years ago, not like where I'm at (15) miles north is any better but at least it's not there.

City cops not supported by city hall, a DA that panders to the scum of the city while outwardly condeming Philly PD.

Let that cesspool burn.
Not sure if it helps, but I may have have a simpler explanation.

I've been looking at the BLM stuff from the optic of "Fobbit Lives Matter". In other words, if the Fobbits don't get "respect" they're gonna stop issuing gear and doing support stuff. Meanwhile the grunts and non-fobbits are going, "We All Matter, do your jobs Fobbits!".

As for organization... the Fobbits are being organized by some peeved off SJW Pentagon Officer, whose been freebasing estrogen, soy, and Carl Marx :ROFLMAO: (courtesy of their rich uncle). Meanwhile the grunts and non-fobbits are still adhering to their respective chains of command, while pulling extra duty, to maintain mission op tempo.
Are you even surprised? That whole fucking AO is a prom night dumpster baby abortion. Temple is pandering to the social justice dickheads that are anti-cop. I was down there the other day. It's a fucking war zone but it's crickets when a 10 year old catches a round to the dome piece.

The crime in the city has gone up, our resident cop/medic is fucking busy I'm sure. This entire thing is a fucking joke. Universities, celebrities and companies are pandering to useful idiots and BLM, it's a joke.

I'm glad I exfil'd that cesspool 20 years ago, not like where I'm at (15) miles north is any better but at least it's not there.

City cops not supported by city hall, a DA that panders to the scum of the city while outwardly condeming Philly PD.

Let that cesspool burn.


Save yourself and those you love.