National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Let's say the officers were 100% in the right from a legal perspective. They walk.

You think the riots are now? Buckle up.

There was a guy recently on JRE thats been linked here pretty recently that touches on this. In the name of Justice someone needs to go to jail, but in the name of the law do the officers fit that bill without a shadow of a doubt?

Not to mention if it turns out that these guys walk due to them not having technically broken the law, is that what is best for our Nation as a whole?

ETA: here's the guy talking about it, all in all probably the best JRE podcast to come out in a while

Let's say the officers were 100% in the right from a legal perspective. They walk.

You think the riots are now? Buckle up.
Agree 100%. It seems to be a real possibility.

Here's the other thing, there is already a contingency in place for this. Remember, the MN AG, with no experience (maybe not even a valid law license) took the lead on this from the county prosecutor. The AG is a complete political activist. If he loses, he gets to claim "the system" is rigged against black people.."see, the entire system must be scrapped". And we'll sit back and watch things burn again.

This rush to judgement is a real problem in society, and we're all guilty of it. We see a short clip or two of an incident, a bunch of officials make statements, and we convict people before they've even gone to trial.

George Floyd did not deserve to die no matter how you slice it. But holy shit, based on a few things we've seen (autopsy, body cam transcripts, dispatch transcripts/statements) going for a murder charge against all 4 officers doesn't seem to fit. I was skeptical before, even moreso now. These facts are not going to be popular in many circles and now, with a gag order in place, who knows what else is being presented. Crazy stuff.
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Cool, Chauvin thought "can't choke if you talk".

How about the 4ish minutes after Floyd passes out?

Because going off the "talking=breathing" assumption, not talking is a problem, right?
It's a more than a fair question, although I don't think he was out for 4 min. Nonetheless, that actually is the real question...and does that amount to negligence or something more intentional? If you think it's something.more, how do you prove it? It may be a real challenge.
I certainly don’t envy whoever ends up on the jury for this trial.
Let's say the officers were 100% in the right from a legal perspective. They walk.

You think the riots are now? Buckle up.

Especially if this ^ is the case.

Bret Weinstein touched on that in the JRE podcast. It seems like it will be incredibly difficult to get an impartial jury, given the knowledge that a not-guilty verdict (whether correct or not), will result in mass rioting (and almost certainly more deaths).
When Rusty writes, read it all and take it to heart - ie, long and storied SOF and LEA career{s}
IMHO, the point of the underlined is to take all of the different influences of daily life you can now and be that better person, and the faster the better. As an LEO, stop and buy that lemonade from that little girls lemonade stand, stop and play football or basketball with that kiddo playing sports...whatever it may be.

Hell, when I wrote that the Question was "sincerely a good question", that answer, subliminally, subconsciously, applies to ALL OF US in some ways. We all need to treat each other better.

Thanks brother. I don’t know about long and storied, but it’s been a good ride so far.
And that is part of community policing or whatever they call it. You rotate guys out and staff it with guys who aren’t familiar, you have dudes who are on edge, treating everyone like a suspect. It’s not that different than handing off battlespace to a new unit.

The next time the FBI, DEA, or local drug task force do a large scale operation, watch the blotter first that area in the weeks following. The fight for power is phenomenal. There is never a plan in place to address the power vacuum or handle the petty crime that the local crew took care of.

I won’t go into Grossman other than saying I’m not fan. He’s in it for the money peddling his BS to anyone who will pay. Go to any cop convention where he’s speaking and you see a plethora of overweight cops wearing sheepdog or gruntstyle shirts.

As for fixing things, leaders in these agencies need to step up. LE needs to be part of the conversation, not excluded from it. How do you turn it off? Training + experience + maturity. Years ago I sat through a presentation by one of our chiefs who addressed some of this and I recognized a lot of the problems he talked about in myself. One of his solutions: decompress after work. Take 5/10/15 minutes or more when you get home. Take off the gun and the badge, change clothes, get that stink off you. Don’t bring the job home. Don’t identify as a cop. It’s what you do, not what you are. Have non LE related hobbies. Have friends who aren’t cops. I took a lot of that stuff to heart and it made me better at home and better at work.

I’m way different now than I was 15 years ago. For better or worse, the adrenaline dump isn’t there anymore, at least not like it used to be. Learn to treat people like humans. I’ve fought to get handcuffs on dudes an had them apologize to me after the fact. Why? Because I handled business and when it was over it was over. Hell, we hooked up a dude a few hrs ago who had been on the run for a couple years for a laundry list of crimes. After he asked if he could call his girl. The dudes deferred to me and I said yep. Why? Why not? Who does it hurt to let a dude make a call to family or have a smoke, or have a drink of cold water on a hot ass day? No one. You can be a dick, or not. You’re the one who has to live with yourself and look at yourself in the mirror every morning.

The more I read this, the more gems I see. The bolded/italicized stuff, I say that all the time, to my coworkers, to my kids. "Your 'who' is more important than your 'do'". I saw this in the military, I saw it when I was a paramedic, I see it in nursing, and I saw it when I was on the PD tactical team with the cops. But to get there takes maturity and experience; it's largely a product of individual growth and mentoring.
Even if the cop is found innocent of criminal charges, there will be a civil lawsuit the magnitude of which will be of epic proportions.
Yep. Minneapolis has been forking out some huge settlements lately and when we get to this one, they'll pale in comparison. They also need to worry about the fact that over 150 officers have filed for disability the past few weeks, citing PTSD. Combined with Covid and everything else, the city is about to take a huge financial kick in the ball sack.
Yep. Minneapolis has been forking out some huge settlements lately and when we get to this one, they'll pale in comparison. They also need to worry about the fact that over 150 officers have filed for disability the past few weeks, citing PTSD. Combined with Covid and everything else, the city is about to take a huge financial kick in the ball sack.

Us Christians would say, Gal. 6: 7-9 (KJV) 7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Or, karma's a bitch.....
Yep. Minneapolis has been forking out some huge settlements lately and when we get to this one, they'll pale in comparison. They also need to worry about the fact that over 150 officers have filed for disability the past few weeks, citing PTSD. Combined with Covid and everything else, the city is about to take a huge financial kick in the ball sack.
Us Christians would say, Gal. 6: 7-9 (KJV) 7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Or, karma's a bitch.....
Problem is the useful idiots, who fed these flames, are gonna try and push the cost onto productive citizens. Only people getting shafted are local businesses and Joe/Jill, unless they band together and clean out MN's Marxist skewed political system they're boned.

Every SJW ever...

I don't know about y'all, but I've moved on from open disgust to humorous cynicism. :ROFLMAO:

Why is "all lives matter", especially from a civil servant, so hurtful or anti-black? I mean, all lives, would encompass black, no?
Because “all lives” cannot matter until “black lives” matter.

At least that is what my enlightened nephew tells me.
Yeah, we probably lost a couple of friends because their daughter went all SJW on FB.
Her contribution: I call people out.
My response, whoop de do, FB posts don't mean shit. Sponsor a disadvantaged youth at your work.
Unfriended, and blocked.
Oh well, derka derka.