National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)


Save yourself and those you love.

I've been out since 2000. I'm just north now. Our resident cop/medic and I trained together in Philly, I'm born/raised there. That's how he and I became tight.

Unfortunately, my wife's aunt lives in the city, actually, not far from Temple, in the Kensington section, a truthful shit hole full of scallywag scoundrels, junkies, drug dealers and lots of homicides.

We go down there at least twice a month, I try to not cross the city line that my county connects. My anxiety heightens and my anger gets bad when I do.

At this point, I'd rather be in Lancaster County, far away from those mutts.

God willing, sooner than later, my wife will accept my wishes to move to Idaho, Wyoming or Montana.
God knows we have our own shit sandwich in North Carolina but compared to some of these other places it's the land of milk and honey....

I absolutely understand the family connection, ironically the only family I have here are my in-laws, all transplants from Buffalo NY, and my wife doesn't want to leave them. I would head towards North Carolina coast in an absolute heartbeat if I could.
Jewish Privilege.jpg

So I saw the hashtag and thought there would be a lot of anti-semitic shit on there from BLM types. I clicked the hashtag for Jewish Privilege and you had jews talking about their experiences with anti-semitic and racist abuses against them.
Sure it wasn't an unforgettable night in Seattle's bohemian district? No judgement, just love. ;-)


In other news, additional proof the BLM movement is a sham. Woman was murdered in public cause she didn't toe the BLM lie.
Family of downtown canal shooting victim seeks justice

Lol. Sure. 0300 downtown and there have been several homicides in that area over the last week. That’s putting a hard right spin on a murder if I ever saw one.
Lol. Sure. 0300 downtown and there have been several homicides in that area over the last week. That’s putting a hard right spin on a murder if I ever saw one.
At the local level that might seem inconsequential, just another day at the canal. Looking at things at the national level though, this is another instance of racially motivated violence. Between mobs beating small business owners to death, assaulting little old ladies, and everything else, one can safely assume the criminal class is using this Floyd BS as a justification/cover for their actions.

Right now it's open season on the rest of us.
Listening to DeBlasio's plan to try and stem the surge of violent crime on this clip...wait I thought we didn't need cops and we were paying too much overtime? Specifically 1:20 to 1:37. The rest of it could be in the Gun Control thread.

At the local level that might seem inconsequential, just another day at the canal. Looking at things at the national level though, this is another instance of racially motivated violence. Between mobs beating small business owners to death, assaulting little old ladies, and everything else, one can safely assume the criminal class is using this Floyd BS as a justification/cover for their actions.

Right now it's open season on the rest of us.

I have no doubt that it was racially motivated. Just like the other homicides down there recently. That said, there’s been an uptick in shootings downtown which is relatively rare in that area.
I have no doubt that it was racially motivated. Just like the other homicides down there recently. That said, there’s been an uptick in shootings downtown which is relatively rare in that area.
I haven't seen any actual evidence to support what I'm about to say but, anecdotally, my guess is violent crime is up rather significantly in every major city in the country. Locally, thugs were emboldened by a lack of support to police departments from elected officials and a lack of response to unrest in general. Unless that changes, this elevated level of crime will continue.
I have no doubt that it was racially motivated. Just like the other homicides down there recently. That said, there’s been an uptick in shootings downtown which is relatively rare in that area.
Prior to this debacle, how common in your eyes we're racially motivated crimes compared to now? I've been looking at the FBI's UCR's but the navigation is a mess and the most recent data isn't going to be up for a while.