National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)


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I may be wrong here, but I do believe that's an AK that fired first, and the smaller pops are the driver's EDC. Is my assessment incorrect, anyone?

Loud boom, then 5 shots, followed by 3 "lighter sounding" shots.

He was quoted earlier saying people who disagreed with them are pussies who won't stand up to them (I paraphrased his quote).

He is an example of accuracy trumps caliber, he's also DRT.
Loud boom, then 5 shots, followed by 3 "lighter sounding" shots.

He was quoted earlier saying people who disagreed with them are pussies who won't stand up to them (I paraphrased his quote).

He is an example of accuracy trumps caliber, he's also DRT.
The media is making it out that he was the good guy, complete with pictures of his black amputee sweetie. The Daily Fail is showing them both, and he served apparently.
Lemme just frizbee this shit from the backfield towards the 5 yard line...

Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One

Yupppp. What have I been saying regarding police impounds lately?

Best part, tow companies have a sorta pact going where they don't accept anything but in-person credit cards/funds... which means these fuckos don't get to use the celebrity support bail funds and shit, since they can't provide funds in person. Nothing over the phone, sorry!
Chief Best's letter to the City Council Regarding the tying of her hands in regards to crowd control: Letter to City Council Regarding Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools

This probably also goes in the defunding police thread but it needs to go in here too.

Chief Best is sending a letter to Residents and Business stating that under the new ordinance she cannot protect their homes or businesses.

I thought this was cute, in a sadistic way. Bending the knee to the mob just means you get walked on.

Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters torched his apartment building
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Chief Best's letter to the City Council Regarding the tying of her hands in regards to crowd control: Letter to City Council Regarding Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools

This probably also goes in the defunding police thread but it needs to go in here too.

Chief Best is sending a letter to Residents and Business stating that under the new ordinance she cannot protect their homes or businesses.

I thought this was cute, in a sadistic way. Bending the knee to the mob just means you get walked on.

Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters torched his apartment building
I'm pretty sure the city council is adding fuel to the fire. Those commie fucks are doing everything they can to aid the rioters. When I find it again I'll post it, but in Portland the transportation authority wants to get rid of the barricades protecting the fed courthouse.

Commies are starting their insurrection and it's pretty obvious to see where their spheres of influence are.

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