National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Does Patrol include Traffic Enforcement?
Basing this off the Website, Patrol seems to be a separate division from Traffice.

Department Fact Sheet - Police |

SPD has 1440 Sworn officers, 755 of them are assigned to Patrol, Councilmember Sawant wants cuts that equals a cut of 681 officers specifically from Patrol. Effectively halving the size of the department.

You mean the same "wall of vets" that turned into a wall of vet bomb throwers? Hard Pass. They may be vets, they may be moms, they may be dads, but those protests every night have led to fire bombs being thrown at Federal property and others.

From last night for your viewing pleasure:

It appears Joe Scarborough has finally woken up:

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Because having a productive conversation during a riot is an expectation for federal law enforcement in riot gear... I'm guessing he was expecting a "thank you for your service" with all the vet swag
Standing peacefully in front of federal officers with your hands down in a public space and speaking to them does not merit the disproportionately 'stupid prize' of being swung at full force repeatedly with a baton.
Standing peacefully in front of federal officers with your hands down in a public space and speaking to them does not merit the disproportionately 'stupid prize' of being swung at full force repeatedly with a baton.
No, but when given a lawful order to disperse, particularly in the midst of a riot, and you instead choose to stand your ground, you can and should expect to be forcefully motivated to reconsider. Case in point. He knew what he was doing. Now, he reaps the consequences.
You mean the same "wall of vets" that turned into a wall of vet bomb throwers?
Unless your idea of a wall is a scrawny lone fence-climber who by a stroke of luck turns out to be a vet, not a single one of your links supports your claim that the 'wall of vets' 'became' 'the bomb throwers'.

Your envisioned scene would still make for a interesting movie trailer, though.
It's pretty simple, the rioters in Portland have been the aggressors. The footage is out there. The narrative that the left wing media that is pushing that they're peaceful is completely untrue. If you want to know what's going on, you need to follow Andy Ngo, he's sharing stuff in real time. Every day the fences are repaired around the court house. The officers don't sally forth from the court house unless the barriers are yanked down, which of course happens every night.

Their intent is clear, they want Federal Law Enforcement to mow them down, although under direct threat, the task force has not once employed lethal force.

If you don't care, then cool.

No, but when given a lawful order to disperse, particularly in the midst of a riot, and you instead choose to stand your ground, you can and should expect to be forcefully motivated to reconsider. Case in point. He knew what he was doing. Now, he reaps the consequences.
Consequences that do not justify a lack of nuance in interpreting the results and certainly did not merit responding with the degree of disproportionality exhibited by the recklessly full-forced multiple swings of the baton-wielding officer - and doubly so when in possession of far more effective non-lethal substances like the pepper spray that was finally used.

They, too, reap their own consequences in the court of public opinion.
Unless your idea of a wall is a scrawny lone fence-climber who by a stroke of luck turns out to be a vet, not a single one of your links supports your claim that the 'wall of vets' 'became' 'the bomb throwers'.

Your envisioned scene would still make for a interesting movie trailer, though.
Are you purposely trying to piss folks off?
It's pretty simple, the rioters in Portland have been the aggressors. The footage is out there. The narrative that the left wing media that is pushing that they're peaceful is completely untrue. If you want to know what's going on, you need to follow Andy Ngo, he's sharing stuff in real time. Every day the fences are repaired around the court house. The officers don't sally forth from the court house unless the barriers are yanked down, which of course happens every night.

Their intent is clear, they want Federal Law Enforcement to mow them down, although under direct threat, the task force has not once employed lethal force.

If you don't care, then cool.
So you're saying don't have anything to support your 'wall of vets' into 'wall of bomb throwers' claim from your first post?

Got it.
Are you purposely trying to piss folks off?
How, for challenging him to support his wildly hyperbolic and wholly unsupported claim with the kind of factual basis and linked evidence that the moderators only months before requested for everyone to provide whenever they made bold assertions?
How, for challenging him to support his wildly hyperbolic and wholly unsupported claim with the kind of factual basis and linked evidence that the moderators only months before requested for everyone to provide whenever they made bold assertions?
Providing you with the name of someone who posts real time updates on Twitter (garbage pit that it is) is hardly hyperbolic.
Consequences that do not justify a lack of nuance in interpreting the results and certainly did not merit responding with the degree of disproportionality exhibited by the recklessly full-forced multiple swings of the baton-wielding officer - and doubly so when in possession of far more effective non-lethal substances like the pepper spray that was finally used.

They, too, reap their own consequences in the court of public opinion.

Do you see some kindred spirit with this guy or something, or see him as some champion of the righteous? He's partaking in an event that escalated to a riot and expecting to have a thought provoking conversation with guys in riot gear. The guy is wrong on every level.
@Locksteady -

It seems like you are catching some flack and by the tone of some of these responses, maybe pushing some buttons?
Go forth and prosper, but understand who your audience is too.

That's all....for now.
Do you see some kindred spirit with this guy or something, or see him as some champion of the righteous? He's partaking in an event that escalated to a riot and expecting to have a thought provoking conversation with guys in riot gear. The guy is wrong on every level.
My views on him or what he did in that context wouldn't change the fact of the abject disproportionality of their response.
Standing peacefully in front of federal officers with your hands down in a public space and speaking to them does not merit the disproportionately 'stupid prize' of being swung at full force repeatedly with a baton.
Refusing to leave, being dumb enough to think that on night 5x of riots you can talk to those that deal with this shit night after night, not going through proper channels to talk with those who CAN/are authorized to have a discussion with the public... he's looking for a photo op and got more. Time and place, time and place.

Night after night I deal with this shit at work. The peaceful protestors leave when it starts getting dark, they want nothing to do with this shit and have even tried to help the local businesses clean up.