National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Gunman 2 as in the person who fired back at the car?
That is an interesting scenario.

If person A was justifiably shot by person B, but person C did not witness/is otherwise unaware of that justification, is person C in the wrong (legally) for firing back at person B?
They have to explain why they fired, and who they were shooting at. I don't know where the last 3 shots went, that may play in too.
Replied in quote.
Can’t remember if it was from the Statesman or a local station, but I initially read that the first loud “bang” that you hear was the vehicle hitting an orange construction barrel. I think it was the local Fox affiliate, but I can’t find it. Instead, here’s a separate article from The Insider that corroborates the driver of the car hitting an orange barrel.

Those things were everywhere in Austin 20yrs ago; I see not much has changed about the state capital.

According to the Governor, the violence Portland had for the 6 weeks before the Government hardened the court house and reinforced the locally assigned detachment was brought by the Federal Task Force. Again, all the POTUS fault and not hers.

Normally, in my line of work when you reach a deal, you're supposed to be amicable once it is concluded.

The Antifa based violence is not the fault of the Federal Government, it is the fault of her and the Mayor of Portland not doing their damn jobs.

Just holy shit! From the article:
This legislation was also sponsored by Councilor Quinton Zondervan. Zondervan said that in the event that an unlicensed driver has additional reasons for arrest, such as outstanding warrants, the individual should still be arrested. It is unclear how an unarmed city employee would go about arrested an individual who has an invalid license and a stack of warrants.

ETA: I think the city council should be the first to try out this new gig. :rolleyes:
According to the Governor, the violence Portland had for the 6 weeks before the Government hardened the court house and reinforced the locally assigned detachment was brought by the Federal Task Force. Again, all the POTUS fault and not hers.

Normally, in my line of work when you reach a deal, you're supposed to be amicable once it is concluded.

The Antifa based violence is not the fault of the Federal Government, it is the fault of her and the Mayor of Portland not doing their damn jobs.

Well... it's not like one can't expect much from a figurative commie. Deflect, deny, and counter accuse, is pretty much all they have going for them.
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