National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

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NSW's response is pathetic too.
It makes perfect sense for an apolitical military organization to distinguish themselves from any group bearing their own namesake that carries out inappropriate and politically loaded performative gestures like this one.
Looks like the BLM useful idiots are extorting local businesses. Either the businesses pay up or the BLM causes trouble for them. Sound familiar anyone? The useful idiots "demands" are posted in the spoiler section.

Louisville Black Lives Matter Using 'Mafia Tactics' on Hispanic Business Owners
The Louisville cadre of Black Lives Matter activists sent a letter to many downtown businesses demanding they “diversify” their employees. But at least one Cuban-American business owner objected to the threatening tone of the letter and posted his displeasure on Facebook.

Fernando Martinez owns a restaurant group with several Hispanic eateries. He accused BLM of using “mafia tactics” and explained his position.
“There comes a time in life that you have to make a stand and you have to really prove your convictions and what you believe in,” Martinez wrote in a public Facebook post. “… All good people need to denounce this. How can you justified (sic) injustice with more injustice?”

The response by Black Lives Matter was immediate. Several members stood outside one of the business owner’s establishments demonstrating their displeasure and confronting Martinez when he came outside to talk to them.
“If you and I can sit down as human beings that we are without screaming at each other, without calling each other names, without offending each other, we can come to an understanding,” Martinez told one protester after explaining that he felt threatened by the way the demands were delivered to his business. “… How is destroying our business going to bring any justice?”

Not surprisingly, some of the business owners who were recipients of the BLM letter are caving to the pressure. The “demands” include “employ more Black people, purchase more inventory from Black retailers and undergo diversity training” according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.
  • Adequately represent the Black population of Louisville by having a minimum of 23% Black staff;
  • Purchase a minimum of 23% inventory from Black retailers or make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to a local Black nonprofit or organization;
  • Require diversity and inclusion training for all staff members on a bi-annual basis;
  • And display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement.

The protesters claim the business owners benefitted by the “gentrification” of the neighborhood when a public housing project was torn down. So the neighborhood is improved and this is an “injustice”? Sheesh.

One BLM activist, Phelix Crittenden, wasn’t very subtle.
Crittenden said several NuLu business owners have volunteered to sign a contract created by the protesters and are open to discussing their roles in gentrification.
But others have expressed anger and an unwillingness to work together, she said.
“How you respond to this is how people will remember you in this moment,” Crittenden said. “You want to be on the right side of justice at all times.”

And if you refuse to be on the “right side (my side) of justice at all times”? Nice business you have there. Be a shame if anything happened to it because you weren’t on the “right side of justice at all times.”

Martinez’s pleas for understanding fell on deaf ears. His restaurant has been the target of vandalism and overt threats in recent days. In response, the Hispanic community is rallying around Martinez and offering their support for his resistance.
According to a press release, members of the city’s Cuban community will meet outside the NuLu restaurant at 4 p.m. Sunday to support the immigrant-owned business, which “has been subject to vandalism and extortion in recent days.”
The release states that La Bodeguita de Mima was forced to close July 24 during a demonstration that shut down East Market Street, at which several protesters presented Martinez with the list of demands and said he “better put the letter on the door so your business is not f*cked with.”
The restaurant remained closed the next two days because “management and staff were concerned about safety,” according to the release. “30+ staff members (mostly immigrants) were unable to earn a paycheck.”

That’s what you get for not being on the “right side of justice all the time.”
Looks like the BLM useful idiots are extorting local businesses. Either the businesses pay up or the BLM causes trouble for them. Sound familiar anyone? The useful idiots "demands" are posted in the spoiler section.

Louisville Black Lives Matter Using 'Mafia Tactics' on Hispanic Business Owners
The Louisville cadre of Black Lives Matter activists sent a letter to many downtown businesses demanding they “diversify” their employees. But at least one Cuban-American business owner objected to the threatening tone of the letter and posted his displeasure on Facebook.

Fernando Martinez owns a restaurant group with several Hispanic eateries. He accused BLM of using “mafia tactics” and explained his position.

The response by Black Lives Matter was immediate. Several members stood outside one of the business owner’s establishments demonstrating their displeasure and confronting Martinez when he came outside to talk to them.

Not surprisingly, some of the business owners who were recipients of the BLM letter are caving to the pressure. The “demands” include “employ more Black people, purchase more inventory from Black retailers and undergo diversity training” according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.
  • Adequately represent the Black population of Louisville by having a minimum of 23% Black staff;
  • Purchase a minimum of 23% inventory from Black retailers or make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to a local Black nonprofit or organization;
  • Require diversity and inclusion training for all staff members on a bi-annual basis;
  • And display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement.

The protesters claim the business owners benefitted by the “gentrification” of the neighborhood when a public housing project was torn down. So the neighborhood is improved and this is an “injustice”? Sheesh.

One BLM activist, Phelix Crittenden, wasn’t very subtle.

And if you refuse to be on the “right side (my side) of justice at all times”? Nice business you have there. Be a shame if anything happened to it because you weren’t on the “right side of justice at all times.”

Martinez’s pleas for understanding fell on deaf ears. His restaurant has been the target of vandalism and overt threats in recent days. In response, the Hispanic community is rallying around Martinez and offering their support for his resistance.

That’s what you get for not being on the “right side of justice all the time.”
Race war in 3,2,....
Race war in 3,2,....
That would be disastrous, especially for the commie idiots and communities leading the charge on this. Never thought I'd see Marxists openly engaging in racketeering. O_o Wondering if threatening local businesses like this could be construed as a racially motivated hate crime.

Whoever is organizing this is using race to stir the pot or segments of our society think they're untouchable, due to their skin color. Either way this is gonna need fixing.

Linked the commies "contract" with their list of demands, from the article posted. (They even included their contact info for "trainers" and where they want "profits" to go.)
Occupy Nulu Demands | Intersectionality | Sociological Theories

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So glad they included all the litigants names, phone numbers, email addresses, and companies for the FBI racketeering charge. When the "litigants" burn their places of business down, harass the owners, or defame the owners in any way, well.......The FEEB's have the list as a starting point... 8-) :sneaky:
Daily Mail go their hands on the Body Cam footage. Just like with hands up don't shoot, I can't breathe as portrayed is a lie. Watching it, he was saying I can't breath multiple times well before he was on the ground. He resisted arrest during that process.
The dude died after being subdued and with 4 officers there, could have easily been cuffed and stuffed.

I'm giving BLM this one.
Chauvin is going to prison (no argument from me), but not for murder 2. Defense will definitely argue he thought Floyd was lying.

The other guys? Charging them was probably a dumb idea.
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They could walk if they were "over charged" (probably not a legal term). Casey Anthony walked in part because the prosecution charged her with murder 1 thus setting an impossibly high bar. Chauvin could take a murder 2 charge, but if it is ultimately manslaughter he walks unles he takes a plea deal. Plus, the longer the delay, the better it is for the accused. Emotion will burn off and leave everyone with a sober reality and that could backfire on the prosecution,
He would be alive today had he just followed directions. For those in their 50's or older, do u remember being told what to do and how to behave if pulled over by the police? Remember learning how to write a check? I believe I learned b4 high school. I'm not proud of it I have had numerous interactions with the police. Way back from the time I was 16. Lots of DUI's. B4 I could buy alcohol, 3 then 4th. Took chances and drove to work with no licenses for 16 yrs. Was never suppose to get em back. But I did. Anyway never hurt anyone luckily. But every interaction. Was and still today would be. Yes sir, sorry sir, you got me sir. Dammit sir.I screwed up lets go sir".
There's a speed trap on Perth Rd around Lake Norman, NC. Kyle Busch was caught doing like 125 in a 45. I was coming back from Winston-Salem. Perth is a little short cut off 77 to 150 and avoids Mooresville. I crested a hill bam NC Trooper had me. He said 64 n a 45. I knew I was caught he turned on his blue lights and I bout locked it down. Immediately backed up to him with flashers and interior light on. Hands up and out the window. He just walked across the 2 lane road.. I asked with a smile. How bout a warning he explained he clocked 64 he seen my truck react and my 3rd light iluminat the bed b4 his radar read so he guessed I was 70 or more and just couldn't let it slide. But since he did not have to chase me he reduced my speed and said if I paid court cost b4 trial date I didn't have to show up. I don't think parents or the schools are teaching what I learned at a young age. (Right from wrong) (respect) (all lives matter). Yes sir no sir do what the cops say and you'll live. Go to court. Take your punishment.LIVE. grow up and contribute. Sorry for dragging it out.
He would be alive today had he just followed directions. For those in their 50's or older, do u remember being told what to do and how to behave if pulled over by the police? Remember learning how to write a check? I believe I learned b4 high school. I'm not proud of it I have had numerous interactions with the police. Way back from the time I was 16. Lots of DUI's. B4 I could buy alcohol, 3 then 4th. Took chances and drove to work with no licenses for 16 yrs. Was never suppose to get em back. But I did. Anyway never hurt anyone luckily. But every interaction. Was and still today would be. Yes sir, sorry sir, you got me sir. Dammit sir.I screwed up lets go sir".
There's a speed trap on Perth Rd around Lake Norman, NC. Kyle Busch was caught doing like 125 in a 45. I was coming back from Winston-Salem. Perth is a little short cut off 77 to 150 and avoids Mooresville. I crested a hill bam NC Trooper had me. He said 64 n a 45. I knew I was caught he turned on his blue lights and I bout locked it down. Immediately backed up to him with flashers and interior light on. Hands up and out the window. He just walked across the 2 lane road.. I asked with a smile. How bout a warning he explained he clocked 64 he seen my truck react and my 3rd light iluminat the bed b4 his radar read so he guessed I was 70 or more and just couldn't let it slide. But since he did not have to chase me he reduced my speed and said if I paid court cost b4 trial date I didn't have to show up. I don't think parents or the schools are teaching what I learned at a young age. (Right from wrong) (respect) (all lives matter). Yes sir no sir do what the cops say and you'll live. Go to court. Take your punishment.LIVE. grow up and contribute. Sorry for dragging it out.

Yea man, gonna disagree.

"Following directions" doesn't forgive three cops kneeling on that man while he died.
The dude died after being subdued and with 4 officers there, could have easily been cuffed and stuffed.

I'm giving BLM this one.
I dunno man. One would be surprised how strong a non compliant person can be, especially when they're hyped up on stimulants and adrenaline. Odd moment in my life was me and two other guys carrying/dragging/pulling a non-compliant, and non-restrained, addict/psych patient into a police paddy wagon. It was like something outta the exorcist.

Iraq I could've konked the dude, zip tied him, put a bag over his head, and loaded him onto the truck... here not so much.
He would be alive today had he just followed directions. For those in their 50's or older, do u remember being told what to do and how to behave if pulled over by the police? Remember learning how to write a check? I believe I learned b4 high school. I'm not proud of it I have had numerous interactions with the police. Way back from the time I was 16. Lots of DUI's. B4 I could buy alcohol, 3 then 4th. Took chances and drove to work with no licenses for 16 yrs. Was never suppose to get em back. But I did. Anyway never hurt anyone luckily. But every interaction. Was and still today would be. Yes sir, sorry sir, you got me sir. Dammit sir.I screwed up lets go sir".
There's a speed trap on Perth Rd around Lake Norman, NC. Kyle Busch was caught doing like 125 in a 45. I was coming back from Winston-Salem. Perth is a little short cut off 77 to 150 and avoids Mooresville. I crested a hill bam NC Trooper had me. He said 64 n a 45. I knew I was caught he turned on his blue lights and I bout locked it down. Immediately backed up to him with flashers and interior light on. Hands up and out the window. He just walked across the 2 lane road.. I asked with a smile. How bout a warning he explained he clocked 64 he seen my truck react and my 3rd light iluminat the bed b4 his radar read so he guessed I was 70 or more and just couldn't let it slide. But since he did not have to chase me he reduced my speed and said if I paid court cost b4 trial date I didn't have to show up. I don't think parents or the schools are teaching what I learned at a young age. (Right from wrong) (respect) (all lives matter). Yes sir no sir do what the cops say and you'll live. Go to court. Take your punishment.LIVE. grow up and contribute. Sorry for dragging it out.
There are numerous videos that have been released just in the last few years of people who have been killed by police even after following their directions. But as @Cookie_ said, cops shouldn’t be kneeling on a guy’s neck for 9 minutes.