National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Exactly how does it work that he's getting 2 murder charges and a manslaughter charge for one single death?
Based on the courts martial and jury panels I've served on, it is not uncommon for serious offenses to have lesser included charges in the event that the more serious charge(s) result in acquittal, but there was still an offense committed...I was on a rape court martial when I was a lieutenant and the lesser included charge was indecent conduct...since the act began consensually, it was difficult to convict the SM of rape, but his conduct fit the specifications for the lesser included charge...
Putting on the tinfoil hat here so take this with as much salt as you'd like, but MN AG is a known supporter of Antifa, correct? What would be the easiest way to sow discourse and further increase the divide we see right now, other than to inflate the charges beyond the point where you could feasibly convict Chauvin? The vast majority of society has already made its mind up and are convinced that Chauvin is guilty, we all know what happens when Chauvin is acquitted because the chosen charges can't stick.

That's too tinfoil... Unless the AG is deeply entrenched in/with Antifa, who is going to be the very first target of any anger if Chauvin is acquitted because the charges didn't stick?
I had the same question. My best guess is that if they charge him with all three, it allows a jury to pick which one to say he's guilty of. It's not double jeopardy unless they were to find him guilty of more than one of them. If they were to only charge him with the second degree and the jury found that the evidence didn't rise to the standard, then he's acquitted and they are unable to bring another round of charges.

Personally I would say it's BS. The charge should match what they think they can get a conviction for.
Happens pretty often. Burdens of proof for each charge is separate. As said below, he can still be convicted of lesser charges. It's not double jeopardy to have all those charges. It would be double jeopardy to have to trials under the same exact charges.
That's too tinfoil... Unless the AG is deeply entrenched in/with Antifa, who is going to be the very first target of any anger if Chauvin is acquitted because the charges didn't stick?
Agree it may be a little too tinfoil but the AG is a politican first and foremost. As a result, I believe there is a narrative he can and will push in the case of acquittal. That is: "The system" (legal) is inherently broken and/or tipped such that the black community cannot receive justice against those that do them wrong, like the police, citing case in point. Sadly, that message would probably resonate well with it's intended audience.
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That's too tinfoil... Unless the AG is deeply entrenched in/with Antifa, who is going to be the very first target of any anger if Chauvin is acquitted because the charges didn't stick?

You're right it probably is too far into the tinfoil roll, but as @Blizzard said the AG is a politician through and through looking for a political slam dunk. Whats to say while he may not be an Antifa supporter he inadvertantly spins it in a way that causes an absolute shit storm.
An Article from the New York Times from Survivors of the CHAZ. Sometimes journalism does happen there I guess. Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure

SEATTLE — Faizel Khan was being told by the news media and his own mayor that the protests in his hometown were peaceful, with “a block party atmosphere.”

But that was not what he saw through the windows of his Seattle coffee shop. He saw encampments overtaking the sidewalks. He saw roving bands of masked protesters smashing windows and looting.

Young white men wielding guns would harangue customers as well as Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out. To get into his coffee shop, he sometimes had to seek the permission of self-appointed armed guards to cross a border they had erected.

“They barricaded us all in here,” Mr. Khan said. “And they were sitting in lawn chairs with guns.”

For 23 days in June, about six blocks in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood were claimed by left-wing demonstrators and declared police-free. Protesters hailed it as liberation — from police oppression, from white supremacy — and a catalyst for a national movement.

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police, the Black Lives Matter movement is calling to defund the police, arguing that the criminal justice system is inherently racist.

Leaders in many progressive cities are listening. In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced a plan to shift $1 billion out of the police budget. The Minneapolis City Council is pitching a major reduction, and the Seattle City Council is pushing for a 50 percent cut to Police Department funding. (The mayor said that plan goes too far.)

Some even call for “abolishing the police” altogether and closing down precincts, which is what happened in Seattle.

That has left small-business owners as lonely voices in progressive areas, arguing that police officers are necessary and that cities cannot function without a robust public safety presence. In Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland, Ore., many of those business owners consider themselves progressive, and in interviews they express support for the Black Lives Matter movement. But they also worry that their businesses, already debilitated by the coronavirus pandemic, will struggle to survive if police departments and city governments cannot protect them.

On Capitol Hill, business crashed as the Seattle police refused to respond to calls to the area. Officers did not retake the region until July 1, after four shootings, including two fatal ones.

Now a group of local businesses owners — including a locksmith, the owner of a tattoo parlor, a mechanic, the owners of a Mexican restaurant and Mr. Khan — is suing the city. The lawsuit claims that “Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services, and inaccessible to the public” resulted in enormous property damage and lost revenue.

Click the Link above for the remainder of the article.
San Antonio is increasing the PD budget ($8M IIRC) and the defund crowd is going nuts.
They are also going to move some stuff from the PD to other agencies (good move).
One of the issues is FD/PD is 24/7, other agencies will have to become 24/7 , that'll be fun to watch.

I have an acquaintance who is a psych NP, he gets paid double time and a half per hour to cover LE-related psych evals at night. He is on-call, doesn't actually have to be awake, and gets paid $140/hour for this. So all these people who think that a lot of LE duties should be relegated to non-LE personnel are not thinking about the downhill consequences of having to cover 24/7.
Yep... media was full of shit, ran a disinformation campaign, and fomented political & social unrest. Same with the Commie AG, his comrades in govt, and the other Marxist subversives our nation is infected with.

As for all hell breaking loose, it doesn't have to. Though that requires rioters not being granted political top cover by the American Left. If people are gonna burn, loot, and murder, then turnabout is fair play.
@R.Caerbannog Full disclosure and BLUF, Although I agree with your ""media was full of shit, ran a disinformation campaign, and fomented political & social unrest""-- the media didn't have full access to the bodycam vids until this past week so no-one knew except the gubmint folks what was on those tapes.
It's gonna be a wild ride during the courtroom antics of one said Minnesota AG POS.
@R.Caerbannog Full disclosure and BLUF, Although I agree with your ""media was full of shit, ran a disinformation campaign, and fomented political & social unrest""-- the media didn't have full access to the bodycam vids until this past week so no-one knew except the gubmint folks what was on those tapes.
It's gonna be a wild ride during the courtroom antics of one said Minnesota AG POS.
As dumb as this sounds, I get the feeling the media had more information than they were letting on. Maybe I'm jumping at shadows, but the same MSM apparatus that had all sorts of contacts in the govt, secret dossiers, and led the charge on impeachment, didn't do this by accident.

There are too many things that just don't fit. Media malfeasance/incompetence and the death of a thug doesn't start a brushfire Marxist movement.