National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I think.........................Famous last words................

I know the officer ACCUSED of murdering George hasn't got a friend in this world BUT I also think he wasn't entirely responsible for Floyds death if at all.

I had a good friend recently die of a Fentanyl overdose and it wasn't pretty. He was also a hell of a human being. One of those guys who'd give you the shirt off his back. George on the other hand............... Like I said. I didn't know the man. So I'll leave judgement to the Man upstairs. That's his realm.

We/Us we are Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen/women. We don't judge we just deliver the accused. That's our jobs and we are good at it. Maybe the best on earth at it. But I digress.

So lets ASSUME................ George did die of a fentanyl overdose exacerbated by a knee on his neck. Does that make the officer in question solely responsible.............I'm gonna lean towards NO. Does it make it a tragic ACCIDENT? I'd have to say yes.

Are we gonna see more riots if there is an acquittal? Most definitely. Would we have seen them anyways? I'd say yes to that as well.

So what have we learned from all of this? Don't do drugs and maybe when you get detained by a law enforcement officer you won't act like a complete jackass that might end in a horrible tragedy (for you) and for everyone else involved.

John 14:6
While I feel sorry for the guy dying like that, George Floyd was no saint, and played a role in his own death.

The early claims that the officer knew him personally have died down. The new body cam footage clearly shows him saying he can't breaht/having a panic attack before he was on the ground. The media and many people are going out of their way to make it look like a white privilege, white supremacy homicide which it most definitely was not.

I blame poor training and inaction on the part of the other officers, combined with the fact that the suspect was chock full'o drugs...

I want to also point out how bad "Snopes" fact checking is... Some of the more colorful statements bolded. The page reads "partly false" instead of "mostly true" like it should.

Snopes Floyd Criminal Record

"That video, as well as misleading photographs, memes like the one displayed below, and sensationalized tabloid stories about Floyd’s past, prompted numerous inquiries to Snopes from people wondering if he had indeed served time in jail or prison before his death at age 46.

In brief, the alleged crimes and time periods are mostly accurate, with the caveat that Floyd was convicted of theft in 1998, not armed robbery. But the following information makes other aspects of the post misleading: Not all the crimes resulted in prison time, but rather jail sentences; :rolleyes: no evidence suggests a woman involved in the 2007 charge was pregnant; it’s an exaggeration of toxicology results to claim Floyd “was high on meth” when he was choked by a cop, and there’s no proof that Floyd was “getting ready to drive a car” before his fatal encounter with police other than the fact that officers say they approached him as he sat in the driver’s seat of a vehicle. "????

Or that he drove there to begin with.

Like they said, "no evidence"... until the body cam footage is released and he's literally sitting in a car driver's seat. He probably wasn't going to drive, driving from the steering wheel at the driver seat is a capitalist white supremacist construct. Who are we to say he would've driven high?
Like they said, "no evidence"... until the body cam footage is released and he's literally sitting in a car driver's seat. He probably wasn't going to drive, driving from the steering wheel at the driver seat is a capitalist white supremacist construct. Who are we to say he would've driven high?

Dude was going to get a DU/WI, and booked anyway; taken from a Minneapolis Lawyer site about DUI's while not driving:

"While “driving” and “operating” are generally interpreted using their ordinary meanings, “physical control” is amorphous and is heavily dependent on the facts of each individual case. The jury instruction recommended by the Minnesota Supreme Court in State v. Duemke states that physical control is “being in a position to exercise dominion or control over the vehicle. Thus, a person [is] in physical control of a vehicle if he has the means to initiate any movement of that vehicle and he is in close proximity to the operating controls of the vehicle, and this is true whether the vehicle can be driven on the highway at that point or not.'"

Pretty ambiguous however, goes onto clarify later "intent" and/or past driving or future intention to drive:

"...The driver in State v. Juncewski decided to take a nap behind the wheel while parked with his keys in the ignition, and the appellate court found this constituted physical control.

To justify these somewhat outrageous rationales, the Minnesota Supreme Court has stated that physical control requires some evidence that the alleged driver “has or is about to take some action that makes the motor vehicle a source of danger to themselves, to others, or to property.”


"... court has reversed a conviction for an individual taking no steps toward driving the vehicle. In Shane v. Commissioner of Public Safety, the ignition was running, and an intoxicated individual was sitting in the passenger seat. This passenger leaned toward the steering wheel and touched the gas pedal. However, the passenger never moved to the driver’s seat, placed his hands on the steering wheel, nor shifted the stick shift..."

This isn't directed at you

Someone mentioned God earlier and His plan coming to fruition; it was going to be this or something else. There are plenty of incidents to choose from, and if media is good at anything it's exacerbating emotions and capitalizing on them. Like water, these particular people with grievances will penetrate any weakness in their opposition, and covert or drown the ones that can't swim.

As uneducated as I am; I still think it's important to note the similarities between what we're experiencing now and what happened to Russia early into the century and China in the 60's. I'll only name a couple things. First and most controversial being the similarity between the Kulak displacement and appropriation of their lands for Soviet use and the demonization of the "white man" which I'm using as a broad term for anyone that believes in American National Values regardless of race or religion or origin (Same way you'd say white hat and black hats in westerns). The 75+% of people that are consumer and producing peoples (Kulak equivalent).

The second thing I'll mention, according to wikipedia, there were at least 800k Red guard under Mao, I can't find a total figure. Even then it's safe to say it was a fraction of the population that caused the entire destruction of their heritage, which once their use had been fulfilled were dismantled by the PLA. Right now, we're seeing the galvanization of our youth and have-nots being used in the same manner; all the while the real benefactors bide their time. The talk is there; people calling for violence against Americans, it's dystopic- but we're repeating old patterns. Desensitization to carnal and base instincts (Onlyfans is an epidemic bruh), concentration of wealth, empty threats of punishment, State and "Expert-backed Science" becoming the new God essentially (Not Trump's state).

I find it funny that McCarthy was brought up for what I assume was a Red Scare reference, like BLM and associates didn't just fund and stage riots/protests all over the world simultaneously. Even in Japan, for Christ's sake. Racially homogeneous Japan lol. And if there hasn't been a leftoid slant and subversion going on throughout all levels of education.

It's cyclical. Like a low level Fermi Paradox Filter, many nations behind us have failed; FORTUNATELY, we have road maps for what happened. Or it could be none of that matters and it all happens anyway. I do believe to an extent the next stage of human social structure is for the world to be united; however perilous and fearsome that may be to opposing parties. It is important who leads it and what moral character they have to the degree that it will define Humanity's next step.

With all this pedo action (For and against), watch for a 2nd Weimar too; interesting times.
I want to also point out how bad "Snopes" fact checking is... Some of the more colorful statements bolded. The page reads "partly false" instead of "mostly true" like it should.
The article reeked to me of heavy bias in favor of George Floyd, if for nothing other than the tone and the wording.

But if this is the meme they are referencing:


... and it needs this many corrections to be true:

1998 10 months in prison jail armed robbery.
2002 8 months in prison jail for cocaine
2004 10 months in prison jail for cocaine
2005 10 months in prison jail for cocaine
2007 5 years in prison for armed robbery of a pregnant woman in her home
When he was killed, he was high on meth had trace amounts of methamphetamines in his blood that registered below even the legal therapeutic minimum given to treat ADHD getting ready to drive a car and possible kill your kid sitting in a parked vehicle.
Too bad the pregnant woman didn't have a gun.

... then a categorization of partly false is more than justified for it or any other meme with that many abjectly false and misleading claims attached to literally every salient point in it while presenting as fact.

First, regarding your post above, on FB there was a meme that went something like this: "If COVID is that bad why aren't all the essential workers dying?" Under it was a comment that said "because we're already dead inside." It was 'censored' as 'partly false,' not even understanding it was satire/sarcasm.

Anywho, second...I have lived a life of service in which I have been surrounded by people who probably should not live, and sometimes (military) I could do something about it, and other times (paramedic, ED RN, tactical medic), I could not. Even St. Mattis opined ".... That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot." I absolutely understand @Ooh-Rah point, I also see @R.Caerbannog point. For the people who work in the tension, it can be hard to stay above it.
First, regarding your post above, on FB there was a meme that went something like this: "If COVID is that bad why aren't all the essential workers dying?" Under it was a comment that said "because we're already dead inside."
That is a great one!
It was 'censored' as 'partly false,' not even understanding it was satire/sarcasm.
I did a search on that Snopes site for the meme you're talking about. If you have a link to the Snopes page, that would be really useful for context, but I don't think it's necessary to tackle your point.

So, let's assume that Snopes responded to someone asking about the truth in the premise of the joke by saying it was partly true. If Facebook chose to censor a meme (if this is what you're saying) due to this characterization by Snopes, it adds even more to the list of reasons why people are increasingly critical of that social media platform.
Anywho, second...I have lived a life of service in which I have been surrounded by people who probably should not live, and sometimes (military) I could do something about it, and other times (paramedic, ED RN, tactical medic), I could not. Even St. Mattis opined ".... That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot." I absolutely understand @Ooh-Rah point, I also see @R.Caerbannog point. For the people who work in the tension, it can be hard to stay above it.
Very well said.
Apparently with enough violence, the Democrats who run cities change their mind and adjust fire. Mayor Lightfoot now wants looters prosecuted to the full extent of the law, no catch and release, as has been going on.

Don't hold your breath for Chicago, I'm certain it is just political jockeying. "We won't accept this" lacks the bite when it has been going on for a while. I am just growing tired of the posturing, seems like there is just too much of that these days.

The damage and destruction this morning was extensive, it was a shit show getting into the Loop this am. I am debating sending my wife and daughter to the burbs for a few days again as I did the last time the rioting happened.
Seattle PD will have to lay off 100 officers following the current budget cuts. The Command Staff of SPD also took it in the shorts on their salaries.

Seattle's first ever black woman police chief faces $100,000 pay cut thanks to Black Lives Matter

I know I can't be the only one to see the irony that Black Lives Matter--BLACK LIVES MATTER--created the circumstances in which the first black female police chief will now be in the 10th percentile of large city police chief salaries....