National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I wholeheartedly welcome you to reveal to us all these violent offenses Floyd committed prior to the 2007 aggravated robbery charge that landed him in prison.
It's all in post #1,639.
Felonies so prison, not necessarily violent though I have a hard time thinking felony theft from person is "non-violent".
In short, the post you cited listed no other violent offenses, you contradicted your own initial claim by pointing out that all that was listed were felonies that aren't necessarily violent, and then expected your own inference to pass for the evidence you failed to show.

And this is before even recognizing that this point is only important for those attempting to work backwards to conclude that Floyd was imprisoned instead of jailed due to passing the violent status threshold for crimes in Texas.
My point is that the differentiation between prison or jail is a moot point, just like questioning if the women he robbed was pregnant or not. If she said she was, well she probably was. Arguing against that without evidence to the contrary is an attempt at obfuscation.
As I've mentioned before, the case people want to make about Floyd's character can easily be accomplished without adding false and maligning features to a situation that already incriminates his reputation by itself. The extent to which one considers the material claims in the meme to 'matter' doesn't change the level of falseness in the claims, and it is disingenuous to ignore the power of false details in presenting a far different perception of events - particularly when that specific portrait is what some seem committed to maintaining in this discussion.
In short, the post you cited listed no other violent offenses, you contradicted your own initial claim by pointing out that all that was listed were felonies that aren't necessarily violent, and then expected your own inference to pass for the evidence you failed to show.

And this is before even recognizing that this point is only important for those attempting to work backwards to conclude that Floyd was imprisoned instead of jailed due to passing the violent status threshold for crimes in Texas.As I've mentioned before, the case people want to make about Floyd's character can easily be accomplished without adding false and maligning features to a situation that already incriminates his reputation by itself. The extent to which one considers the material claims in the meme to 'matter' doesn't change the level of falseness in the claims, and it is disingenuous to ignore the power of false details in presenting a far different perception of events - particularly when that specific portrait is what some seem committed to maintaining in this discussion.
General question, what state do you currently reside in? As I've already mentioned, the naming of the facilities is pretty irrelevent. TCDJ facilities are permanent detention facilities (Post Sentencing) and not temporary detention facilities (Pre-Sentencing).

If I know what State you're currently in I can illustrate the system for you. But your pedantry is getting very weird. Floyd had a violent criminal past as much as he had a petty criminal past.
Full stop. Someone can either post what he was convicted of and where he spent his time, or this argument goes away. This isn't to protect Floyd, this is a "We don't want Shadowspear to traffic in bad information" post.

"He had a felony, he was in prison." Was he? Seriously. A charge, a conviction, and where you "lived" are different things.

So, his criminal history is no longer conjecture or "the laws state" but what actually happened. Bring that to the fight or stay home.
Sadly, I don't have access to my Lexis account atm. This, SPN: 01610509, is the closest I could find to an accurate link. In Texas, first degree felonies are 5-99 years depending on the case. Section 29.03. is the Aggravated Robbery section of the penal code for Texas. Floyd seemingly got the minimum of 5 years when he plead guilty.

Since it got brought up earlier, apparently in Texas minor criminals (read two years of less for minor offenses) are housed in state jail facilities whereas more severe criminals (felons) are placed in The Correctional Institutions Division (Texas slang for everything is bigger in our prisons).

I hope this helped move the conversation forward.
Sadly, I don't have access to my Lexis account atm. This, SPN: 01610509, is the closest I could find to an accurate link. In Texas, first degree felonies are 5-99 years depending on the case. Section 29.03. is the Aggravated Robbery section of the penal code for Texas. Floyd seemingly got the minimum of 5 years when he plead guilty.

Since it got brought up earlier, apparently in Texas minor criminals (read two years of less for minor offenses) are housed in state jail facilities whereas more severe criminals (felons) are placed in The Correctional Institutions Division (Texas slang for everything is bigger in our prisons).

I hope this helped move the conversation forward.

Not what my last post said. Go do pushups.
Wait.....Why are we defending George Floyd's rap sheet?

I musta woke up in some alternate reality where guys who spend their entire lives not breaking the law and living by the book are now defending a multiple law breaking offender.

I don't like the whole idea of "this dude was killed by cops, let's see if he has a criminal history so we can blame his death on him" that has become super common.

Somebody can be a massive piece of shit AND treated like shit/killed by the police.
I don't like the whole idea of "this dude was killed by cops, let's see if he has a criminal history so we can blame his death on him" that has become super common.

Somebody can be a massive piece of shit AND treated like shit/killed by the police.
A lot of Fentanyl in his system. Complained he couldn't breath before being placed on ground. Was an APPROVED restraining technique. Who killed who?
A lot of Fentanyl in his system. Complained he couldn't breath before being placed on ground. Was an APPROVED restraining technique. Who killed who?

You're also leaving out the few minutes where Floyd is clearly unresponsive yet is still being held to the ground. After stating that he wasn't able to breathe multiple times. Don't really see the point you're trying to make here at the end of the day Chauvin still technically killed Floyd, now whether it meets the charges set by the AG is an entirely different discussion.
A lot of Fentanyl in his system. Complained he couldn't breath before being placed on ground. Was an APPROVED restraining technique. Who killed who?
A tragic chain of events all the way around that no one saw happening when they woke up. I wouldn't say there were any compleatly innocent parties.
You're also leaving out the few minutes where Floyd is clearly unresponsive yet is still being held to the ground. After stating that he wasn't able to breathe multiple times. Don't really see the point you're trying to make here at the end of the day Chauvin still technically killed Floyd, now whether it meets the charges set by the AG is an entirely different discussion.
My point was supposed to be Floyd was also responsible in a way. Had he not been on fentanyl he probably wouldn't have died according to everything I've heard and what little I have read. BUT I agree having a knee on his neck didn't help. Had it been a sober individual and not someone suffering from a fentanyl overdose like you or me then we probably wouldn't have died BUT we also wouldn't have freaked out and lost our shit when the officers tried to place us under arrest. I'm not completely defending or completely accusing anyone. I'm just saying it was a bad chain of events that could have been avoided if Floyd had stayed home that day where he could have died on his own in his own home of a fentanyl overdose.
I just read his autopsy (yeah, I'm bored). No medical evidence that the neck thing caused death; in fact, there is no medical evidence that the cop's actions caused the death. There are a lot of different drugs on board. To be fair, a lot of notes about bruising/contusions/abrasions on his shoulders and torso; a few minor on his cheeks and nose.

Any potential jurors in the SPAM area have already made up their minds, so it's not going to matter.

For your viewing pleasure:

Autopsy 2020-3700 Floyd | Coronary Circulation | Tetrahydrocannabinol
I wouldn't say there were any compleatly innocent parties.
I don't know. I watched the full body can footage from both officers. I don't really see any significant issues with their actions. Just a tragic outcome.

The following point is moot but, keep in mind, Floyd's death was not by asphyxiation and that was never mentioned in the autopsy report. Death was due to "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." (Edit: @Devildoc posted a link to the autopsy report above, it was also posted earlier in this thread).

We'll never know the answer to this but given Floyd's complaints about breathing and his chest while the officers were still trying to get him into the squad, if Chauvin had restrained him some other way - across the shoulders, simply held his head down/immobilized his head or something - would Floyd have still died? I'm not sure it can be said with certainty that he wouldn't have.
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