National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

There are too many things that just don't fit. Media malfeasance/incompetence and the death of a thug doesn't start a brushfire Marxist movement.

I wouldn't call him a thug. I also wouldn't call him an upright citizen. With that said, I think we are naive to view the..."protests" as a spontaneous result of Floyd's death. I think we're seeing "canned Spam" reactions to an incident that shouldn't have occurred. Floyd shouldn't have died, his actions didn't warrant that IMO, but the results of his death are also unwarranted.

I'm just to the left of a Mongol warlord and even I think this country needs to sort out its issues with race. There are things IMO that need to change for Black, White, and everyone else for the better. I think we should honestly look at what and who we are as a country, but destroying what we have is a goddamned travesty.

This is coming from a guy who would machine gun everyone in Pakistan between the ages of 0 and 500.

America, do the fuck better or else we'll all pay a price. That writing is on the wall.
I wouldn't call him a thug. I also wouldn't call him an upright citizen. With that said, I think we are naive to view the..."protests" as a spontaneous result of Floyd's death. I think we're seeing "canned Spam" reactions to an incident that shouldn't have occurred. Floyd shouldn't have died, his actions didn't warrant that IMO, but the results of his death are also unwarranted.

I'm just to the left of a Mongol warlord and even I think this country needs to sort out its issues with race. There are things IMO that need to change for Black, White, and everyone else for the better. I think we should honestly look at what and who we are as a country, but destroying what we have is a goddamned travesty.

This is coming from a guy who would machine gun everyone in Pakistan between the ages of 0 and 500.

America, do the fuck better or else we'll all pay a price. That writing is on the wall.

I knew I liked you. ;-)
Brief update from the other day...

Attorneys for one of the officers tried to have Hennepin County Attorney, Mike Freeman (see above), removed from the case due to "compromised ethics" and "inability to be impartial". The request was denied.

I find the request interesting given that Ellison is the lead and has said much worse publicly. It felt more like they were just taking a shot at getting a competent prosecutor removed from the case.

Ellison also added another civil rights attorney to the prosecution.

Request to dismiss Hennepin County Attorney Freeman from George Floyd case denied; Ellison adds attorney to prosecution team

Also, in re: to the comments about the body cam availability, video was available to all media, they just couldn't make copies and had to view it in person. Public could also view it by appointment. So, availability wasn't really so much the issue, it was accessibility and the ability to rebroadcast it. As stated earlier, defense for at least 3 of the officers wanted it released publicly because they felt it helps their case. Since Chauvin's cam was knocked off during the arrest, it's unlikely there's much to be gleaned from it that can't be obtained from the others.
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At least some articles are calling them "rioters" instead of protesters.

This group had enough when the antifa crowd went after a veteran in a wheel chair near Ft. Collins. These assholes have no reason for this and no connection to the Floyd incident whatsoever. When is the rest of the media going to get it?
Antifa Beaten After They Allegedly Went After Man In Wheelchair: ‘You Guys Came To The Wrong City’

This is more than just simple battery
When officers moved to disperse the rioters, they “were hit with projectiles and commercial grade fireworks,” the department said. “Because of life safety issues created by members in the group, CS gas and crowd control munitions were used. While dispersing efforts continued, a truck associated with the group attempted to run over several officers.” The police officers were also attacked by rioters who threw large rocks at them.
This is like the 10th fire or something like that started by the Black Bloc in Portland Police Union hall. I'm pretty sure in any decent city, all rioters apprehended would be held in remand.

At least some articles are calling them "rioters" instead of protesters.

This group had enough when the antifa crowd went after a veteran in a wheel chair near Ft. Collins. These assholes have no reason for this and no connection to the Floyd incident whatsoever. When is the rest of the media going to get it?
Antifa Beaten After They Allegedly Went After Man In Wheelchair: ‘You Guys Came To The Wrong City’
Well none of these are protests anymore. They haven't been protests for months. They are all riots using the sheeps clothing of peaceful demonstrations to then assault people.
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I wouldn't call him a thug. I also wouldn't call him an upright citizen. With that said, I think we are naive to view the..."protests" as a spontaneous result of Floyd's death. I think we're seeing "canned Spam" reactions to an incident that shouldn't have occurred. Floyd shouldn't have died, his actions didn't warrant that IMO, but the results of his death are also unwarranted.

I'm just to the left of a Mongol warlord and even I think this country needs to sort out its issues with race. There are things IMO that need to change for Black, White, and everyone else for the better. I think we should honestly look at what and who we are as a country, but destroying what we have is a goddamned travesty.

This is coming from a guy who would machine gun everyone in Pakistan between the ages of 0 and 500.

America, do the fuck better or else we'll all pay a price. That writing is on the wall.
Floyd was a thug, the dirtbag lived of the misery of others and preyed upon his community for his own personal gain. World is better without him.

As for Floyd's deification and race being used as justification for burning, looting, murdering, etc... I'm calling bullshit. To me, the people pushing the race angle and using it to justify their actions are useful idiots. Same goes for the retards acting as political and literal shields for Marxist trash. People don't think commie uprisings be like they is, but it do.

If I we're a nihilist, I'd think this was part of a scorched earth political policy fomented by a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats. You know, the deep state types who've sold out our national interests, for the sake of globalism, and trips to pedophile island.
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Floyd was a thug, the dirtbag lived of the misery of others and preyed upon his community for his own personal gain. World is better without him.
I just don't get you man. I really just don't get you.

How is it better? I mean serious question, how it it better?

He's dead.

Is it better for his family who loved him? Probably not.

Is it better for the businesses and cities that burned because of him begin gone? They'd probably say 'no'.

Is it better for the cops and first responders who overnight when from some semblance of feeling good about their job, to becoming public enemy #1, with cities looking for ways to shut their departments down? I'm thinking not.

All because some cop who knew him personally, murdered him in front of 3 other officers.

So tell me @R.Caerbannog , how the fuck is the world better without him?

Christ on a crutch, man. Sometimes.....
I just don't get you man. I really just don't get you.

How is it better? I mean serious question, how it it better?

He's dead.

Is it better for his family who loved him? Probably not.

Is it better for the businesses and cities that burned because of him begin gone? They'd probably say 'no'.

Is it better for the cops and first responders who overnight when from some semblance of feeling good about their job, to becoming public enemy #1, with cities looking for ways to shut their departments down? I'm thinking not.

All because some cop who knew him personally, murdered him in front of 3 other officers.

So tell me @R.Caerbannog , how the fuck is the world better without him?

Christ on a crutch, man. Sometimes.....
One less habitual criminal and drug addict off the streets.

Question, which family? Cause the guy was the epitome of a deadbeat dad. Fathered a bunch a kids who didn't get anything before or after his death.

Businesses and cities are being burned down by Marxists/useful idiots. Shit would stop if you ventilated the perps... but, they're special and have political top cover. Unlike law abiding citizens and businesses who just get shit on.

Again Marxists, commies, subversion, etc. Bleeding heart liberals allowed the deluge of quislings and useful idiots to take over those cities/counties/states. This is a case where you get what you vote for. MN's commie AG is a good example of this.

Floyd died of a heart attack cause he was doing "all the drugs", with a side covid, and resisted arrest. Dude killed himself.

(My grammar and syntax is crap. Hence all the edits.)
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One less habitual criminal and drug addict off the streets.
Shit would stop if you ventilated the perps.
Floyd died of a heart attack cause he was doing "all the drugs", with a side covid, and resisted arrest. Dude killed himself.

This is literally the only thing you’ve said that I can agree with.
My grammar and syntax is crap

Maybe I’m the idiot.
I dunno what to say @Ooh-Rah.

Like I mentioned 30+ pages ago (I think), this entire incident reeks of Marxist subversion. As time passes, my assumption and guesses are only solidified.
I didn't know the guy BUT I do know GOD and Jesus have a plan for us all. I feel like we get closer every day to seeing that plan come to fruition.

Sometimes it is easy to speak ill of the dead but it is best sometimes to just leave the obvious unsaid.

GOD Bless Guys and Gals.
Can we at least not call the former officer a murderer here? Or at least put alleged in front of that as a qualifier. I significantly doubt that he woke up that day to do anything but train the rookie he was with. Sure, he has a few complaints in his record, he's also got a couple handfuls of commendations.

He had his knee on the guy's neck, but we now know that it was an approved restraint technique. We also know that while he was standing, Floyd stated the phrase "I can't breath" multiple times.

We also know that he was resisting arrest throughout the process. Did Chauvin's actions lead to the death of Mr. Floyd? Yeah I could agree with that. But as shown earlier in this thread, Mr Floyd was high as stunt kite, which is a significant factor in this whole thing.

Was Mr. Floyd a "good person". The answer is no. And yes, whenever there is an officer involved shooting, it always seems that it is a person that is a former criminal or someone caught in a crime that gets deified. It keeps happening and happening. Is there a problem with the system? Or are we all just human? We're not paying LEOs enough to get the BEST. Just like we aren't paying boot Soldiers and Marines enough to get the BEST.

Do most people do their job because they have a calling to serve that is extrinsic to them? Yes.

Have Marxists taken control of a narrative and are using protests to continue violence against our institutions whilst elected leadership cowers to them? Yes.
All because some cop who knew him personally, murdered him in front of 3 other officers.
In the interest of keep things factual, there is absolutely no evidence to support, no has anyone with any real credibility, suggested the two knew each other. On the contrary, even the club owner where they worked suggested it was very unlikely they ever met or knew of each other.

And as for murder, that's still TBD. Did Floyd die while he was being restrained? Yes. However, that alone doesn't constitute murder.