
Mar 15, 2019
Hello Everyone,

I am really at a crossroads in my life and need some guidance. Ever since I was a child it has been my desire to become a Green Beret. Unfortunately, I faced some very strenuous adversity at a young age. I was diagnosed as a child (back when almost all kids were) with ADD (not ADHD, big difference). In 2012 I was dealing with probably the lowest point in my life, I came from a very physically abusive household (was the victim of a domestic battery at 11 years old, In the police report my mother said I had ADD for some reason, as if that's what caused me to be assaulted) and went to go live with my Father. I had a very hard time adjusting to this new school, I was bullied on a daily basis, physically assaulted and beat in the bathrooms on a weekly basis. Nobody listened to my cries for help. in 2012 I kinda snapped, I had a festering anger problem and needed to get help, otherwise, there would be more severe consequences that I wouldn't bounce back from at such a young age. I self-admitted myself to a behavioral health program to handle all my emotions and get some help. When I was in high school, I was an average student. I played football, I was the director of a business club managing finances and philanthropy. I also managed a business from my Sophmore to Freshman year in college. Moved on, learned from my experiences and did great things. I have been off of ADD medication for over 9 years now. It was causing me many problems.

Fast forward to now, I have been working with an amazing recruiter who said he will go to any length to get me a waiver. I had lost about 100 lbs, had perfect PT scores, high scoring ASVAB (70 Overall-115 GT). I never gave up on that desire to earn the tab, I have pushed myself beyond my limits and overcame my challenges. Here are the things I need some guidance on.

*I have also gotten a clean bill of health and my doctor recommended me for military service*

  1. I've been told to lie about this and never mention the behavioral health inpatient program.
  2. I am worried about doing the above because of security clearances ( I know a bit too much on how the process works, still afraid that something is on some database to bite me in the ass).
  3. I have been told that SF gives you a physical and that I can be denied the ability to attend selection. My recruiter said otherwise, that as long as I have a waiver, I will be able to do any and everything I'd like once I'm in.

This is the section in the AR40-501 I'm worried about. I have been told when calling the USASOC recruiting line that they will issue a waiver since its a non-issue most likely, but it's not official.


Thank you very much, I appreciate all the help I can get!
Gather all documents you can, showing that you are CURRENTLY good to go and hopefully they will also show a progression from 2012 or whenever the incidents occurred to now showing how you improved over time and you no longer have symptoms.

Luckily it happened 9 years ago so time is on your side from that standpoint. I would not recommend lying all you can really do in the waiver process is gather as much detailed information as possible and submit it. Just try the waiver process to keep you protected and showing that you went about it the right way
So heres what the current state of all that is. Most if not almost all the medical records are deleted from the incident. I have 2 very detailed statements which my recruiter said would be a perfect supplement, mine is the standard personal statement, about 2 pages long. The other is from my father who witness all of this, its roughly 7 pages long and is extremely detailed. On top of that I'm currently in school with a 3.5+ GPA getting a dual degree in criminal justice and history, I'm also a leader in a few large clubs at my school. Given all this and the clean bill of health. Given all the information, my recruiter said there should be no issues in getting a waiver. My biggest concern is being barred from SF selection. My other option is to go the marine corps route and possible commission as an officer (working with a great OSO right now)
Look up the SF86 on Google. In the mental health section the big question says “in the last 7 years.” Thus, you would not be lying for your clearance if you answer no and do not disclose IF the most recent treatment/event was 9 years ago, though you said 2012 as well, so depending on the dates it may have been or more less than 7 years from when you stopped treatment. I don’t know if a mental health professional recently formally evaluated you in such a manner that you’d need to disclose it or not either, and I’m by no means a clearance expert. Look at the whole document to see if there’s anything that might trip you up, and definitely DON’T lie on it. But, if you don’t need to disclose, you don’t need to disclose. Basically, do your research if you haven’t already.

If you come to the conclusion that you’re good to go on the SF86 without lying, then at that point it’s up to you if you want to bring it up at MEPS or not.
Look up the SF86 on Google. In the mental health section the big question says “in the last 7 years.” Thus, you would not be lying for your clearance if you answer no and do not disclose IF the most recent treatment/event was 9 years ago, though you said 2012 as well, so depending on the dates it may have been or more less than 7 years from when you stopped treatment. I don’t know if a mental health professional recently formally evaluated you in such a manner that you’d need to disclose it or not either, and I’m by no means a clearance expert. Look at the whole document to see if there’s anything that might trip you up, and definitely DON’T lie on it. But, if you don’t need to disclose, you don’t need to disclose. Basically, do your research if you haven’t already.

If you come to the conclusion that you’re good to go on the SF86 without lying, then at that point it’s up to you if you want to bring it up at MEPS or not.
I'm more worried as to if I get a waiver for this, will I be unable even once in, to attend SFAS