Hello Everyone,
I am really at a crossroads in my life and need some guidance. Ever since I was a child it has been my desire to become a Green Beret. Unfortunately, I faced some very strenuous adversity at a young age. I was diagnosed as a child (back when almost all kids were) with ADD (not ADHD, big difference). In 2012 I was dealing with probably the lowest point in my life, I came from a very physically abusive household (was the victim of a domestic battery at 11 years old, In the police report my mother said I had ADD for some reason, as if that's what caused me to be assaulted) and went to go live with my Father. I had a very hard time adjusting to this new school, I was bullied on a daily basis, physically assaulted and beat in the bathrooms on a weekly basis. Nobody listened to my cries for help. in 2012 I kinda snapped, I had a festering anger problem and needed to get help, otherwise, there would be more severe consequences that I wouldn't bounce back from at such a young age. I self-admitted myself to a behavioral health program to handle all my emotions and get some help. When I was in high school, I was an average student. I played football, I was the director of a business club managing finances and philanthropy. I also managed a business from my Sophmore to Freshman year in college. Moved on, learned from my experiences and did great things. I have been off of ADD medication for over 9 years now. It was causing me many problems.
Fast forward to now, I have been working with an amazing recruiter who said he will go to any length to get me a waiver. I had lost about 100 lbs, had perfect PT scores, high scoring ASVAB (70 Overall-115 GT). I never gave up on that desire to earn the tab, I have pushed myself beyond my limits and overcame my challenges. Here are the things I need some guidance on.
*I have also gotten a clean bill of health and my doctor recommended me for military service*
This is the section in the AR40-501 I'm worried about. I have been told when calling the USASOC recruiting line that they will issue a waiver since its a non-issue most likely, but it's not official.

Thank you very much, I appreciate all the help I can get!
I am really at a crossroads in my life and need some guidance. Ever since I was a child it has been my desire to become a Green Beret. Unfortunately, I faced some very strenuous adversity at a young age. I was diagnosed as a child (back when almost all kids were) with ADD (not ADHD, big difference). In 2012 I was dealing with probably the lowest point in my life, I came from a very physically abusive household (was the victim of a domestic battery at 11 years old, In the police report my mother said I had ADD for some reason, as if that's what caused me to be assaulted) and went to go live with my Father. I had a very hard time adjusting to this new school, I was bullied on a daily basis, physically assaulted and beat in the bathrooms on a weekly basis. Nobody listened to my cries for help. in 2012 I kinda snapped, I had a festering anger problem and needed to get help, otherwise, there would be more severe consequences that I wouldn't bounce back from at such a young age. I self-admitted myself to a behavioral health program to handle all my emotions and get some help. When I was in high school, I was an average student. I played football, I was the director of a business club managing finances and philanthropy. I also managed a business from my Sophmore to Freshman year in college. Moved on, learned from my experiences and did great things. I have been off of ADD medication for over 9 years now. It was causing me many problems.
Fast forward to now, I have been working with an amazing recruiter who said he will go to any length to get me a waiver. I had lost about 100 lbs, had perfect PT scores, high scoring ASVAB (70 Overall-115 GT). I never gave up on that desire to earn the tab, I have pushed myself beyond my limits and overcame my challenges. Here are the things I need some guidance on.
*I have also gotten a clean bill of health and my doctor recommended me for military service*
- I've been told to lie about this and never mention the behavioral health inpatient program.
- I am worried about doing the above because of security clearances ( I know a bit too much on how the process works, still afraid that something is on some database to bite me in the ass).
- I have been told that SF gives you a physical and that I can be denied the ability to attend selection. My recruiter said otherwise, that as long as I have a waiver, I will be able to do any and everything I'd like once I'm in.
This is the section in the AR40-501 I'm worried about. I have been told when calling the USASOC recruiting line that they will issue a waiver since its a non-issue most likely, but it's not official.

Thank you very much, I appreciate all the help I can get!