I may want one of those shirts. lol
Better have one of your American friends order it, lol.
I may want one of those shirts. lol
Better have one of your American friends order it, lol.
0699, because you're a Marine, and I know you guys like a challenge, I'll let you read a bit and answer your own question. Cool? :)
0699, because you're a Marine, and I know you guys like a challenge, I'll let you read a bit and answer your own question. Cool? :)
Thanks for the support guys. While I'm in the offending mood I might as well post this:
lol I think I'm gonna have to get a PO Box across the border...
So he knows we only put up with him for comic relief.... He's both Bob and Doug MacKenzie on the boards, eh ya hoser, where's the beer, eh?
Not really, since he didn't make a sale...
Dude, I'm just busting your balls. I thought Marines had a sense of humor???
Dude, I'm just busting your balls. I thought Marines had a sense of humor???
He must be running low on light bulbs to munch on, that always make them Jarheads a little humorless.