Not Work Safe Ohhh Canada....

Not sure how that's going to play out with this...

Wow. A lot to unpack in that article.

I'll admit that when I saw this was news out of Canada I thought it was more info about the Drake/Kendrick Lamar beef. That's all my social media feed seems to want to show me. That, and ads for the new Star Wars series, which I am never, ever going to watch.
@RackMaster How close is this? Was Christina Freeland pulling the strings behind Castro's son?

Yes and no. Freeland was definitely behind the change in foreign policy. Her hate for Putin and Russia, is probably the #1 driver. I can't find them anymore, likely scrubbed, but she was involved in the 2014 Ukrainian "revolution/coup". As a former journalist, it wouldn't surprise me if she's an intel asset, whether ours or the US. She's the likely successor but she's tainted, she was finance minister for most of the destruction of our economy.

Trudeau hand picked a lot of long time family and personal friends. Both to be elected and into cabinet roles, the current Finance Minister that replaced Freeland was Trudeau's babysitter.
He then put all sorts of personal friends in unelected advisor roles, making a lot of the day to day decisions. All of which are beholden to a variety of special interest groups. A lot like Biden the past 4 year's. I think he let them all run in different directions. Why one day he'd pander to the Jewish community and next the Hamas supporters.
Yes and no. Freeland was definitely behind the change in foreign policy. Her hate for Putin and Russia, is probably the #1 driver. I can't find them anymore, likely scrubbed, but she was involved in the 2014 Ukrainian "revolution/coup". As a former journalist, it wouldn't surprise me if she's an intel asset, whether ours or the US. She's the likely successor but she's tainted, she was finance minister for most of the destruction of our economy.

Trudeau hand picked a lot of long time family and personal friends. Both to be elected and into cabinet roles, the current Finance Minister that replaced Freeland was Trudeau's babysitter.
He then put all sorts of personal friends in unelected advisor roles, making a lot of the day to day decisions. All of which are beholden to a variety of special interest groups. A lot like Biden the past 4 year's. I think he let them all run in different directions. Why one day he'd pander to the Jewish community and next the Hamas supporters.
Interesting. The more time passes, the more do I start seeing a global network of people that hate the western world. Either through malice or incompetence. At this point, I'm wondering where these people are being raised/educated. Cause they are an anathema to the foundational values of our respective nations and culture.

Add on: Obligatory, "fuck Trudeau".
So he's resigning but only after the party chooses a new leader and after he prorogued Parliament until March 24th. So this prevents a vote of non confidence against him and calling an election until he's replaced. A lot of Liberal's that said they wouldn't vote for him, will likely vote Liberal again with a new leader. Likely Freeland, so those that want a woman Prime Minister will vote because she has tits. An election at this point is likely summer at the earliest.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will resign after Liberals choose new leader
So he's resigning but only after the party chooses a new leader and after he prorogued Parliament until March 24th. So this prevents a vote of non confidence against him and calling an election until he's replaced. A lot of Liberal's that said they wouldn't vote for him, will likely vote Liberal again with a new leader. Likely Freeland, so those that want a woman Prime Minister will vote because she has tits. An election at this point is likely summer at the earliest.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will resign after Liberals choose new leader
Holy crap I just learned a new word.

""Prorogued?" that's not a thing. What did he mean there, "prolonged?" that doesn't really fit. But he doesn't normally make spelling errors."


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Holy crap I just learned a new word.

""Prorogued?" that's not a thing. What did he mean there, "prolonged?" that doesn't really fit. But he doesn't normally make spelling errors."


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