
Will save for later. Seems like a must-watch. Not for nothing, wasn't the big time Afghani guy who was whacked before 9/11 also named Ahmad Massoud?
This is his son, stepping in his father's footsteps.
It's eye opening, the abandonment of the Afghan people was worse than we could ever imagine.
More for discussion, but @amlove21 feel free to DM if you think a more closed discussion.

What is your opinion on active duty military influencers on social. There is a female LTC, who was on your podcast a few years back. There's a lot of content she puts out that I'm just like, this is kinda cringe. Some stuff is decent. She's not the only one I think about, just that this post by her about how she was on Ones Ready sparked my brain.

There's tons of influencer types in the Army that are all over the place on twitter and I just don't get it. When did this become a thing, and I get it...I used to tweet a LOT. But that wasn't when I was on active duty either.
More for discussion, but @amlove21 feel free to DM if you think a more closed discussion.

What is your opinion on active duty military influencers on social. There is a female LTC, who was on your podcast a few years back. There's a lot of content she puts out that I'm just like, this is kinda cringe. Some stuff is decent. She's not the only one I think about, just that this post by her about how she was on Ones Ready sparked my brain.

There's tons of influencer types in the Army that are all over the place on twitter and I just don't get it. When did this become a thing, and I get it...I used to tweet a LOT. But that wasn't when I was on active duty either.
It's just a new world, dude. We are in this weird place where all of these things are true.

- Every single person in the military (99.99%) is active on social media in some form or another. Sure there are outliers (old fucks) that resist almost to be contrarian and don't have this profile or that profile- but the fact remains. The troops live on social media.

- Irregardlessly (kidding) of how you feel; the military writ large does not move at the pace of social media. Everything breaks there. From current events to alerts (not kidding) to policy decisions to scandals and the list goes on. You want to actually message a policy? You put it out on social. No one is reading your dorky words on your plain letterhead.

- Commanders (squadron/battalion and lower) are people. Those people (the vast majority) are under 50. They have social media and a responsibility to understand where their troops are, what they're talking about, their experiences, etc. A really weird thing (I had to do it, you should too) is go through any service branch's leadership doctrine but do it from the perspective that social media is a real-time feedback tool and should be utilized by the chain of command to support and strengthen health, morale, and welfare of the force. Read in that sense, and in the context and reality of today, I would actually argue that commanders *should* have an official page, and should engage.

- The DoD has no idea how to police the space- and pursuant to the 1st amendment, they largely can't. And this infuriates them to no end because they don't understand the top 3 points. The stories I could tell about breathless calls from JAG and 2 Stars and Wing Commanders that got butthurt at something I said...

So all of the above is true. At the same time. Of course you're going to have super cringey folks that do super cringey stuff. Know why? They're probably dorks in real life and they're trying to hard, for whatever reason. Could be genuine, could be narcissistic. I can't tell you people's motivations.

Here is what I will say about the LTC you mentioned- I get why people cringe at some of her stuff. I get the criticisms. We got shit for *just having the audacity of having her on to talk about her failures*. However, I know her very well, I consider her a friend, and we have spoken a couple times about specific things she might have gotten wrong. She takes input, she listens- and think what you want of her social presence, I will say she is one of the best commanders I know- beret wearer or not.

Like all changes in the DOD (huge ship), it takes a long time to turn that bad boy, and that's what you've been seeing.

There are lots of early adopters (like us at Ones Ready) who went to "where the kids are" immediately, and have engaged there for a long time. We've made mistakes, I have been personally doxxed and threatened and libeled and the whole deal. But this genie isn't going back in the bottle.


Anyway, that's my shot at it. It's hard for me to see the forest through the trees on this one; I live in that space and depending on whom you ask, I could be the very person you're talking about.
Using social media is a pretty significant part of Marine Corps recruiting school, and I understand the Corps encourages its use. I'm old--56 on November 8th, I take my gifts in size whiskey please and thanks--and barely navigate Twitter. I'm on no others aside from FB and a couple forums like this.

I used to live in the space a lot, when I was running a small media company, I wish we had even 10% of the Ones Ready following. I wouldn't say I'm a public figure, but I've been doxed and my phone number is on the internet. Fortunately rugby weirdos are rugby weirdos and I'm out of the journalism space. That doesn't stop assholes from having my phone number. If someone wants to harass me it's pretty easy to find me unfortunately.

I appreciate the response. And the general idea of being where the troops are. This was something I did at the platoon level, all those dudes I was friends with one Facebook. But a lot of the stuff I see from mil-influencers is just annoying (maybe that gets people to join), especially the amount of folks who built a platform who then became political shills regardless of party affiliation.
Outside of this post, I'm just happy to give you this thread's first eggplant. Not the first eggplant you've received, and I won't speculate on that, but the the first for this thread.
It was like I felt it IRL.

“Why is my mouth watering?”, I thought to myself as I went about my day.