Presidential Tweet Thread

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It's super cool that the president accuses the opposition party of big-T treason (in all caps, no less) on a near-daily basis, and our response is a collective "Eh".
I mean.... he’s been accused of being a Russian operative and unfit for office for a solid 2 years... so... 🤷🏽‍♂️

It’s just where our politics happens to be at the moment. That and as I have long said, he’s a man child that shouldn’t have Twitter.
For the love of Christ above, if he was a member of this board and made that statement, we would demand a link and ask him to back it up.

Sad really.

I'm confused - so, were two US troops NOT stopped - and Mexican officials did NOT take a service pistol from one of the Americans ??

The POTUS outruns his headlights on twitter more times than people can count - but Fox, Newsweek, Army Times, and CNBC have all reported on the incident. Resolved peacefully under the explanation that the Mexican force were unclear about the true location of the border - but the fact remains, armed Mexican troops disarmed two American troops on the border because they "thought" the Americans were in Mexico.

I did at least a few days near the border throughout the 1990's doing JTF-6 rotations and shitty Mexican "security" supporting Coyotes and Drug smugglers directly or indirectly by causing diversions or by just looking the other way is hardly a "stretch" of a claim.
Post it over twitter? Sure - sophomoric tweets are a constant source of WTF moments but overall, fuck Mexico
They have been providing direct and indirect support to thugs on the border for decades - I don't think the POTUS tweeting about it erases decades of suspicion.

Proof? I don't have proof of either direct or indirect support but I don't need a rock dropped on my head as proof that boulders are hard and heavy either.
They have been providing direct and indirect support to thugs on the border for decades - I don't think the POTUS tweeting about it erases decades of suspicion.


I get so frustrated by these posts.

Is this really how you (and by 'you' I mean the general population) want your President to discuss foreign policy? A late night Twitter rant with not-so-veiled threats to a bordering nation?

I'm not saying I disagree with anything he said, but....

I don't "want" a lot of things that we are stuck with in government.

The biggest problem is that American culture as a whole has decided that everything we do is going to drag out into social media. I'm just not as outraged at the Tweet Storms as most - not when the only things that ever come out on the TV news tend to go one of two ways:
A) Focus on negative angles of anything that is done by Non-leftists
B) Focus more on the fact that a 70 year old man posts shit on social media than a 21 year old kid that just had his first few shots of Jack Daniels - and less on the fact that what he is tweeting about "DID HAPPEN"

I beat MY head on the same wall - so - the POTUS posted ANOTHER sophomoric tweet -
A tweet about Mexican Troops that are doing the same shit they have been doing for decades - the same shit that other politicians have NEVER called them out on in public. The same shit that other politicians claim to want to address - but never address, instead sending more money in aid in hopes that passivity will get it done.
I also get so frustrated by these same posts - because this is the same shit that TV media would prefer NOT make the news because it takes away from the messaging agenda that NOTHING bad is happening on our Southern Border.
The Mexicans are our best friends and doing all they can to help.

I actually prefer the antics of our 70 year old frat boy over the shit I have been force fed for the last 30 years.
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@Box -

Thank you for sharing your perspective, I appreciate understanding the ‘why behind the what’ on posts that I disagree with. There is a lot you just said that I agree 100% with.
When I was stationed in El Paso, I hunted dove and duck down near where those guys got rolled up on. Those Mexican Soldiers know the border like the back of their hand. They knew what they were doing, they know they can't cross the river.

Sorry it took so long to post; I had to comb through the last 30 pages worth of talking about a nothing investigation that shouldn’t have happened and wasn’t worth mentioning for two years.

The CINC says we got hostages, eh? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm cool.
Military Tribunal, then execution. Ex. See WWII Nuremburg Trials.
So, these civilians that we’ve taken hostage will stand trial in a Tribunal with whom? The US and... ? And since when do we take hostages?

It’s almost like the guy in charge of the military has no fucking clue what he’s doing and shouldn’t be tweeting.

At least he’s good at international policy and doesn’t cow-tow to mass murderers that openly disregard his ‘fire and fury’ threats.


So, these civilians that we’ve taken hostage will stand trial in a Tribunal with whom? The US and... ? And since when do we take hostages?

It’s almost like the guy in charge of the military has no fucking clue what he’s doing and shouldn’t be tweeting.

At least he’s good at international policy and doesn’t cow-tow to mass murderers that openly disregard his ‘fire and fury’ threats.

Did you forget the designation of the Taliban? These are enemy combatants. Not civilians. They also committed atrocities. The world would benefit from them all taking a dirt nap.
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