Presidential Tweet Thread

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I guess that's one viewpoint.

I voted for him and I think he's made politics more disgusting than they ever were, and his tweets are embarrassing.

In 2016, I would agree 100% but now, not so much. I don’t care not one bit what he tweets or what he says at rallies.

Action and policies are my metric. Until a better horse comes along, I’m in but realizing God help us in the 2024 campaign season as it will be crazy vs crazy. Oooffff.
If Trump loses in 20 I’m gonna be sad asf. He’s made politics fun his tweets are pure gold
You’ll be fine I think. The Dems seem insistent on trying to fist fuck themselves.

When you think about it though, that’s the best thing that could happen re: President tweets. The dude thrives off manufacturing false underdog status. I can only imagine when he loses.
...I voted for him and I think he's made politics more disgusting than they ever were, and his tweets are embarrassing.

Brother, what we got was Trump. It's not like he got elected and became Trump. No surprise he makes smart-ass comments. He's the male version of Joan Rivers. He even talks like her. (I did appreciate his Pocahontas branding of Elizabeth Warren, which, in her case, I thought was deserved...and hilarious.

My ideal POTUS's died at Mount Vernon, Ford's Theater, Warm Springs Georigia and Los Angeles. The rest are an eclectic collection of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I take what I can get. Trump got us out of the insane Iran nuclear deal, unabashedly supports our Jewish allies in the Mideast and brought some relief to a half-century of hair-trigger tension between the Koreas...and if a Democrat had done that he or she would've been handed a Nobel Peace Prize.

When I was a boy I loved JFK. He was my hero, my ideal of what a man, a father and a President and a CinC should be. I followed his every word and went to his war in Vietnam because of the things he said. And what a paragon of virtue he turned out to be...:rolleyes:

Trump posts stupid embarrassing public tweets. Nixon did all his skullduggery in secret. Which habit is the more reliable?

I don't think anybody, even Trump, could color the water in the political cesspool any darker than it already is.
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The primary difference that I see is that Trump used his money to break into politics - most of the scumbags we have been handicapped with over the years seemed to use politics to break into money.
and to help the children - everyone wants to help the children

He is the same kook that he has always been - look into the history of the overwhelming majority of our most notorious hucksters and then consider how they started to live and act after they lied their way into office - if people were "fooled" by president Trump it is their own fault for not paying attention.

Pre-Trump, politicis in this nation was like dealing with little kids:
Who made this mess?
Not me.
Not me.
Not me.
Everything was someone else fault - or else the 'lamp' was broken by an imaginary friend.

With the current POTUS, he publicly slings shit all over everything within his blast radius - and then brags about how yuge it is - and he doesnt apologize. He is the walking political embodiment of "I'm Rick James bitch"
The last 30 or 40 presidents seemed comfortable with taking "not me" as an answer. Personally, I prefer action movies to romance novels - the love affair with democrats just doesn't quench my need for entertainment.
and if a Democrat had done that promised to do that he or she would've been handed a Nobel Peace Prize.
President Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize |

In explaining their decision, the Peace Prize Committee talked about Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons, or weapons that can cause massive destruction. They also mentioned the President's belief in negotiation, or discussion, as a key tool for resolving conflicts among countries.
That one was a real head-scratcher for a lot of people. Like, is it really appropriate to award the Nobel Peace Prize because someone has the promise and potential to do great things? If I recall, even Obama himself was sort of embarassed to win the award, which makes sense in hindsight because his administration didn't really do much to advance the cause of peace.
That one was a real head-scratcher for a lot of people. Like, is it really appropriate to award the Nobel Peace Prize because someone has the promise and potential to do great things? If I recall, even Obama himself was sort of embarassed to win the award, which makes sense in hindsight because his administration didn't really do much to advance the cause of peace.

Nothing against Obama. It's not like he asked for it. But it cheapened and politicized the Nobel Prize itself. And in fact he became a wartime president who was pretty good at authorizing drone strikes and other offensive operations.
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