Fairly certain being exempted from 501(c)(4) nonprofit status makes it very hard for small organizations to generate and spend capital in regards to organizing political movements at the grassroots level. In fact, I remember talking to some gals in 2011 and learning that their 501(c) status was being denied over suspicions of them being associated with the tea party.
The other thing we need to remember, was that during the 2011-2012 time frame there was alot of political discontent coming from conservatives over the spread of rampant gov spending, Obama's re-election, and the proposed affordable care act. Maybe I'm being provincial, but the IRS killing opposition groups in their infancy, by denying them 501(c) status, seems like stealing/influencing elections.
As for the 'Deep State' being 'fake news', c'mon man. We all know that there is massive government corruption, especially at the high levels of government. I mean, how are the husbands and wives of highly placed civil servants making millions on
real estate,
stock speculation, and
defense contracts? We also have a thread on cronyism at Ivy league schools and how the people who move the levers of power in this country are predominantly graduates from those places.