Quitting smoking, need some encouragment!

Into day 3 of quitting, been using the patch to try and take the edge off and lessen the chances of traumatising my family with my snappy temper. Can't stop eating, will definitely have to up the PT or else I'll get fat but I'm feeling pretty happy about quitting this time as opposed to the last time. Plus I get to tell me missus she's a filthy smoker.
Into day 3 of quitting, been using the patch to try and take the edge off and lessen the chances of traumatising my family with my snappy temper. Can't stop eating, will definitely have to up the PT or else I'll get fat but I'm feeling pretty happy about quitting this time as opposed to the last time. Plus I get to tell me missus she's a filthy smoker.

Good on you mate. Don't eat carbs.
Into day 3 of quitting, been using the patch to try and take the edge off and lessen the chances of traumatising my family with my snappy temper. Can't stop eating, will definitely have to up the PT or else I'll get fat but I'm feeling pretty happy about quitting this time as opposed to the last time. Plus I get to tell me missus she's a filthy smoker.

You're doing a good thing for yourself and your family. If you have never seen someone die from a smoking-relating illness... it is not pretty. I'm glad that's not going to be your fate.
Thank you very much guys. The encouragement from people I like and respect is a big thing. I feel a bit jack now when I have seen this thread in the past and said nothing due to to the fact I felt guilty because I'm still smoking.

I am quitting due to purely selfish reasons, it costs too much and I want some shiny things like a new truck and to be able to buy my sons a new hot wheels car every time we go to the mall. I don't want to be the dad who is grumpy because the budget is getting tight and
I might not be able to get my nicotine fix, I know it sounds full on Cback white trash :p but things have been that way sometimes and I wont let it happen again. Hopefully my fiancée follows suit as she is already starting to feel rather poor as when she goes out for a smoke she gets the stink eye.

My entire family smokes and they all happen to be here staying right now so I am the social pariah, I did clock COD again though lol. If i can make it through the familia I should be fine though

But seriously thanks, thanks a lot.
Besides the suckiness of cravings, there are almost no downsides to quitting.
-Save money
-Become physically more fit
-Don't die of lung cancer (typically, there's always those "lucky" few)
-Stay warm by not going outside to light up!
I haven't posted here well because I have not kicked the habit yet. I told myself that Iwould stop after the trail because then I wouldn't be as stressed. Well I didn't and work its too easy to dip, almost everybody does it. But I just finished my last can and won't be buying any more. I am sick of acting like a little bitch and need to woman the fuck up.
I haven't posted here well because I have not kicked the habit yet. I told myself that Iwould stop after the trail because then I wouldn't be as stressed. Well I didn't and work its too easy to dip, almost everybody does it. But I just finished my last can and won't be buying any more. I am sick of acting like a little bitch and need to woman the fuck up.

Best of luck to you and to NZ!! It can be done, even on the first or second try. If you are having trouble, develop a plan on the next go-round. The only real failure is when you stop trying.

RF 1
Well folks, I realized about a week ago that I had an important anniversary coming up. It has been agonizing waiting for the clock to tick over on this important day, but its finally arrived and I'm incredibly proud to post it:

One year of no tobacco. One whole year. No smokes, no dip, nothing at all. I feel very accomplished!