Quitting smoking, need some encouragment!

I quit smoking 9 January after 30 years. Sucks. I still want a cigarette about every 10 minutes.

Are you off the Champix yet? I found it easier once I came off it to be honest, taking them every morning/night was just another reminder of what had changed in my life. I can honestly say I'm a non smoker now, I can drink with smokers, talk to people smoking and not have the urge to try and scab one. The drinking I thought was going to be my Achilles heel.

Hang in there bro, I can honestly say as a 20-30 a day smoker since I was 15 (35 now) that it gets so much better when your brain clicks.
Are you off the Champix yet? I found it easier once I came off it to be honest, taking them every morning/night was just another reminder of what had changed in my life. I can honestly say I'm a non smoker now, I can drink with smokers, talk to people smoking and not have the urge to try and scab one. The drinking I thought was going to be my Achilles heel.

Hang in there bro, I can honestly say as a 20-30 a day smoker since I was 15 (35 now) that it gets so much better when your brain clicks.

I stopped taking it in May. I couldn't deal with the dreams anymore. Honestly, I'm still highly pissed that I don't get to smoke anymore. I'm dealing with it, but I find myself muttering "lucky bastard..." whenever I walk past someone smoking. :mad:
You can do it. If you slide back, quit (again). You'll eventually break the cycle.

Good luck.
Wasn't sure if this was best to put under this thread but seemed apt. Anyhow, like the title says I'm quitting (attempt number four) and intend to make this one stick. I'm into day two so far without a smoke, this one without any nicotine what so ever (used the gum yesterday, but have felt ok without using it today).

So far so good, still have those cravings that last for a bit, but usually remembering the site of the poor vet at the VA quitting group talking and hardly being able to breathe when he did sets me back on course, along with my fervent want to not only improve my psoriasis (which is exacerbated by my smoking) but to get myself closer and closer to being ready in a few years (after college, maybe a bit earlier than that) to try to re-join the military for SOF selection.

Anyhow, since I consider all on here not only friends but brothers in arms, wanted to post this as a sort of "status update" as well as a place for helpful words of encouragement! Thanks to all on here! Semper Yut Yut!

Stop smoking or I'll put you in the Camel Clutch.
I missed my anniversary! Man, time really flies.

As of May 1st, I have gone three years without smoking a single cigarette. I don't even have the temptation to smoke any more. It feels pretty good! :D

EDIT: Shiiiiiiiit, I just looked at my post history in here and it looks like JUNE is actually the 3 year mark. Whatever, still counts!
I missed my anniversary! Man, time really flies.

As of May 1st, I have gone three years without smoking a single cigarette. I don't even have the temptation to smoke any more. It feels pretty good! :D

EDIT: Shiiiiiiiit, I just looked at my post history in here and it looks like JUNE is actually the 3 year mark. Whatever, still counts!

Congratulations on the accomplishment!

That is great news! :thumbsup:
I missed my anniversary! Man, time really flies.

As of May 1st, I have gone three years without smoking a single cigarette. I don't even have the temptation to smoke any more. It feels pretty good! :D

EDIT: Shiiiiiiiit, I just looked at my post history in here and it looks like JUNE is actually the 3 year mark. Whatever, still counts!

We forgive you, everyone here knows Marines can't count. Congrats!