The Military Recruiting Crisis: Even Veterans Don’t Want Their Families to Join
Don't have anymore free articles so I'd be interested to read this.
But honestly it's pretty clear. Since moving to the All-Volunteer Force we created a Warrior Class. An infinitesimally small segment of the population serves, and their children have served, and their grandchildren are currently serving...but you have the current generation with children nearing enlistment or college age who are being diverted.
- Wokeness is a major problem, but the woke political elite within the 4 star community dismiss this. This matters though because the recruiting base tends to be conservative no matter the color of their skin.
- In-Service bullshit. The service treats you like shit. It treats your family like shit. If you were enlisted and married with children for an extended period of time...your experience in Army housing could have been horrible, the schools shit, lack of healthcare options, struggling to put food on the table.
- Public treats you like shit and doesn't appreciate your sacrifice, but hey thank you for your service, here's your discount. Nevermind they spit at you behind your back. Or, they spit in your face.
But yeah, don't have Children yet but it will be hard to encourage mine or my nephews serving your country is worth it.