RWC 2015

Well done Aussie, it was a good game and despite some of your media outlets you remain somewhat classy, well as classy as a nation descended from convicts can be.
Was great to see the darkness come out for the second half, after the cricketers performance the other day, I wasn't sure if they would...

Great rugby by the All Blacks, controlled the game from the start and took their opportunities. Fitting result to cap the careers of two of the all time greats.
Yes, pretty good & all cudos to the ABs', they played a great game. Well done to Richie & team. One of the great teams of all time, even by kiwi standards. We had some weak areas, particularly the line out. A forward pass, but hey, the result is in the book & we got away with it in the Scotland game.

Maybe that's what we needed to do, put Ben Roberts Smith VC, MG into the change room, or he'd probably actually go alright in the second row.
My son has been a Rugby guy since VMI, was on the USMC Rugby Team, and has coached at the college level. From day one, my favorite team has been the All Blacks; Congratulations !!
It's some team, stats here give them about a 98% win rate over the last four years. Lost one, drew two. The best we did with John Eales as captain was about 84%. Bill will no doubt do a tour of NZ. The guys did one here when we won it and Bill sometimes went walkabout and couldn't be found, (drinking from Bill is quite the thing).
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