School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

In post #370 I did imply that they have the right to speak, but IMO there are many obvious reasons why they should have no say in the decision making process, such as a combination of the fact that the brain is still developing and that they don't have any life experience. That's enough for me.
I don’t think they have any say. They are led to believe that they do by the communist agenda(chinas infil of our education system). When nothing happens they disappear.
You would be considered an "adult" but you admitted to wasting away the past few years.

I don't think I follow, are you saying because I screwed my chances at a good college due to me not knowing how to handle my father passing and since learning from my mistake, discredits me in some way? If I misunderstood you please correct me.

If it wasn't the "support", read direction, from the Democrat's with an agenda; all these kids would be back to eating Tide pods.

So we're going to take the vocal few that MSM love to plaster over the network and make blanket generalizations? I understand where you're coming from though.

So why should a bunch of privileged 16 year olds have a voice on a subject that requires more political will than most politicians have. Most of the time they can't even agree enough to approve a budget. How do you expect them to reopen the Constitution and rewrite the basic fabric of America?

I'm not saying that what "they" want should be implemented, all I'm saying is they have a right to be at the table and whether we like it or not they're the ones going to be running the country in about 15-20 years. But like @Topkick says in post #380, they will most likely change their position once they start educating themselves. Hell, I know I've changed my stance dramatically since I was in HS. Also, is it maybe because they have more political will than the politicians we have in office currently? The same politicians who get elected on empty promises and change their platform for the highest bidder or whatever keeps them in office.

In post #370 I did imply that they have the right to speak, but IMO there are many obvious reasons why they should have no say in the decision making process, such as a combination of the fact that the brain is still developing and that they don't have any life experience. That's enough for me.

But is it that much of a developmental process that they're incapable of critical thinking? Passionate and reactionary sure, but that's part of being young. I don't want what they want to occur but I feel like if we start discrediting and trying to shut out groups of people because we feel differently it leads to a further divide than we already have.

No. We don't all have the same ideas. There are many differing views from members of this site, yet I respect most of them simply because of the amount of life experience the members do have.

Thank you for calling me on this, it was extremely poor wording on my part and I'm sorry. In my mind at the time it made sense however looking back it was ignorant. I think I was trying to say that because they're wanting to ban guns completely a lot of people are being dismissive completely, but it came out completely wrong.
@SaintKP I didn't intend to offend you but you admitted to being immature as a child. You've since learned from it and are an "adult" now. That should be enough to understand that at 16 you are not mature enough to know what can be rationally done. But even at 19, your brain is still developing...
@RackMaster You're fine, I was the one who jumped to conclusions. I agree with you and @Topkick, it takes time to fully mature and figure out who you are and what you stand for, christ I'm 23 and I'm still trying to figure it all out.

I hold the protesters in the same way I hold people like Alex Jones, or "news" sites like Salon and Breitbart in the same regard. I don't agree with them whatsoever but I still feel like they should be allowed to participate in political discourse.

I don't know, it's hard trying to defend something you don't agree with/play devil's advocate.
they will most likely change their position once they start educating themselves. Hell, I know I've changed my stance dramatically since I was in HS.

You validated my point. This statement is exactly why kids should have NO say in the decision making process. I am not saying we should just tell kids to "shut up and go away." Parents should certainly educate their kids by having discussions. This is called parenting...something, IMO, we are lacking in this country. There is so much anti- American rhetoric in the classrooms of America today and kids often only hear the views of their liberal educators, whom themselves live an idealistic life viewed from only a textbook.
I'm not saying that what "they" want should be implemented, all I'm saying is they have a right to be at the table and whether we like it or not they're the ones going to be running the country in about 15-20 years. .
What is this proverbial table that they supposedly have a right to sit at? I argue that it doesn't exist.

No, they won't be running the country. If anything, these kids in question are a small non-representative sample of who will be running it.
@RackMaster You're fine, I was the one who jumped to conclusions. I agree with you and @Topkick, it takes time to fully mature and figure out who you are and what you stand for, christ I'm 23 and I'm still trying to figure it all out.

I hold the protesters in the same way I hold people like Alex Jones, or "news" sites like Salon and Breitbart in the same regard. I don't agree with them whatsoever but I still feel like they should be allowed to participate in political discourse.

I don't know, it's hard trying to defend something you don't agree with/play devil's advocate.
Alex Jones??? How many listeners does he have? 7? 8? Any "news" source who gives Alex Jones serious attention, positive or negative, should be ignored.
Alex Jones is a tool bag of the highest degree.
Any day now, Alex Jones may annoince that he's apolitical and that he was just having fun at everyone else's expense. Then, he's going to retire to a life of fly fishing.
The same kids, and their parents were in the State Building (FL) yelling “no justice, no peace.” So if you don’t get what you want you’ll commit violence? The kid that shot up the school probably felt he didn’t get the attention he wanted, either. Everyone understands there’s an issue, unless you’re being attention to a workable solution take your sign and sit down.
Adding to my above comment; it’s hard to come up with a solution, even harder still to implement that solution. Arming the teachers was my solution, you may agree or disagree. Getting it implemented has been a challenge. Our youth stands up and says, “look at this problem, someone needs to do something.” Which results in all kinds of praises for doing nothing. It’s the same as getting a trophy for 4th place...
I think we as American people need to look at the root of the issue.

When it boils down this issue has absolutely jack shit to do with guns and everything to do with the school administration and the kids. Since everyone is so god damn ready to go gungho about gun control why don't they put some of that energy into looking after their class mates instead. There is one way these shootings can be avoided and it has nothing to do with taking away or restricting firearms and has everything to do with standing up for those who are struggling.
What is this proverbial table that they supposedly have a right to sit at? I argue that it doesn't exist.

No, they won't be running the country. If anything, these kids in question are a small non-representative sample of who will be running it.

In regards to them running things I hope you're right.

Alex Jones??? How many listeners does he have? 7? 8? Any "news" source who gives Alex Jones serious attention, positive or negative, should be ignored.

I'm willing to bet there are people out their who take him seriously regardless of how much of a complete and utter bag of moldy dicks he is. Considering the fact that we had a portion of the population believe with sincerity that #44 was a Muslim terrorist planted by foreign actors. All bets are off.
In regards to them running things I hope you're right.

I'm willing to bet there are people out their who take him seriously regardless of how much of a complete and utter bag of moldy dicks he is. Considering the fact that we had a portion of the population believe with sincerity that #44 was a Muslim terrorist planted by foreign actors. All bets are off.
We have a much more substantial portion who denies the horrors of socialism.

Alex Jones, 'Obama was a Muslim,' etc. are fear mongering arguments. Move on and free your mind.
The right or privilege of voting; also known as political franchise is the constitutionally granted right that serves as the "cut-off for when people no longer have the emotional and mental depth of a puddle".
21 is the age when people are constitutionally granted the right to join in the political discourse for "rational and logical solutions"

Admittedly, there are 12 year olds that have better sense than some of the 30 year olds in our society.
It's also a fact that the same ones demanding that someone else's gun rights be taken away (a Bill of ?Rights item) are upset that they might be made to carry a clear back pack (packages carried into public spaces is NOT addressed in the bill of rights)

It interesting to hear what young people have to say. It is beneficial that elected representatives say aware of the entire spectrum of the collective society we all share.

Its also exactly correct to paint ALL soap eating minors with the same broad brush being used to paint ALL gun owners.