School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

We protect our sporting events with guns. I recall news coverage of the recent Super Bowl's security measures, snipers on the roof top, roaving patrols, metal detectors ect. Everyone was ok with guns there and I believe many expected it. We protect shopping malls, celebrities, politicians, money, anything of value we protect with guns. So I ask why is it so unthinkable to protect our schools with guns?

I agree. I think that all of the schools should have a security level like, for example, an airport. The incorporation of metal detectors near every entrance of schools, inspection of the person and backpacks with constant police supervision for the whole day of school; in my opinion would mitigate the chances of a student bringing in guns to the school.

This is how it would look like:

Start of school:

-IDs: students would line up and scan their IDs at the entrances of the school (mandatory; if they don’t bring their IDs then they cannot enter) and there would be police supervison during the process. (Checking-in process would be open for 1.5 hrs (.5 hrs to accommodate for the tardy students). After the checking-in period closes the entrances of the school would close. Students that don’t arrive during the checking-in period would have to go to a mini police office of the school to check in (the original checking-in process would be repeated) after they go to the mini police office and they are assessed they can enter the school.

-The mini police station would have monitors that are connected to the cameras on school campus/buildings.

-If for some reason the student manages to get in without going to the mini police station first, and alarm would go off alerting everyone.
We protect our sporting events with guns. I recall news coverage of the recent Super Bowl's security measures, snipers on the roof top, roaving patrols, metal detectors ect. Everyone was ok with guns there and I believe many expected it. We protect shopping malls, celebrities, politicians, money, anything of value we protect with guns. So I ask why is it so unthinkable to protect our schools with guns?

Talking about guns; I think this forum is interesting in regards to metal detectors:

Is it possible to make a concealable firearm that is undetectable to metal detectors?
-IDs: students would line up and scan their IDs at the entrances of the school (mandatory; if they don’t bring their IDs then they cannot enter) and there would be police supervison during the process. (Checking-in process would be open for 1.5 hrs (.5 hrs to accommodate for the tardy students). After the checking-in period closes the entrances of the school would close. Students that don’t arrive during the checking-in period would have to go to a mini police office of the school to check in (the original checking-in process would be repeated) after they go to the mini police office and they are assessed they can enter the school.
How big of a high school did you go to? I went to one with 4000 students and I gotta be honest, this sounds like a complete logistical nightmare to pull off there, even with a whole hour to do it.

I'm not saying that there couldn't be additional security added, but to this extreme feels like a waste of time and money to me (especially given how underfunded schools seem to be in the first place).
I know, right?? What was he, an instructor at West Point?

News is making this toad out to be some kind of fucking Jason Bourne.

Despite media outlet thoughts, most military members are not trained assasins. Cunts.

Never let a tragedy go to waste, besides that, making military members sound like complete, unhinged domestic terrorists.
Despite media outlet thoughts, most military members are not trained assasins. Cunts.

Never let a tragedy go to waste, besides that, making military members sound like complete, unhinged domestic terrorists.

I made an assertion years ago that placing vets on a pedestal like we did would pendulum back in a hard, hard way. Some of y'all laughed and ridiculed the thought, which is fine.

Y'all still think how Vietnam vets were treated will be worse than how this is going? Don't get me wrong, Vietnam vets were treated horribly, but we're rapidly moving towards condemning vets as a whole now, and marking them as unhinged criminals or criminals-in-waiting. Seditious, murdering people (mostly white men!) wanting to overthrow our government and install some right-wing pseudo-fascist utopia.

Give it time before this goes from the current fringe theory to more of a mainstream belief.

"My dad fought in Iraq."
"'Really?' she said, as the protective mother nervously shuffled her child away from the terrorist's progeny."
I made an assertion years ago that placing vets on a pedestal like we did would pendulum back in a hard, hard way. Some of y'all laughed and ridiculed the thought, which is fine.
I remember that and I was not one who laughed or ridiculed. Most vets are not a humble bunch, and as soon as I started seeing dudes creating websites calling out restaurants not giving them free shit, or running around airports on camera LOOKING for stolen valor, or the million-plus self-proclaimed combat hardened bad asses pimping sun glasses, knives, guns, and offering ‘the’ tactical class you need to protect your neighborhood…I knew the gig was up. It was a nice run though.

Slight thread drift, but Larry David brilliantly demonstrated this 5+ years ago…

Thank you for your service
Aw shucks it was nothing
Thank you for your service you're a hero
The real heroes are still there
Thank you for your service
It's nothing really
Hi, nice to meet you
AAAGGGHHH - you didnt thank me for my service - why do you hate veterans - AAAAGGGHHHH

It's almost like the mental illness that people keep talking about.
The world said I was special - why aren't they treating me special...


Then stand around and ask "why does this happen" while blaming a fork for obesity
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A tactical assault fork at that. A regular fork doesn't give you regular weight gain, you need a fork of war.

Make no mistake its not just the tactical assault forks that they are after...
...they want ALL of your forks.
...and your spoons.
...and even your dull assed butter knife.
...they want it all.
...and they'll get them if people keep falling for shit like "common sense fork laws"
...or "nationwide fork registration"

It's not about fork control.
It's NEVER been about fork control.
It's why nobody in government actually cares about the fat fucks that keep using the forks to eat too fucking much...
...once they control your silverware, they can control EVERYTHING that you eat.
I went to a high school that had about 4,000 students too. You’re right It is a “logistical nightmare” and waste of time.

4,000 students\90 minutes (original check-in period)= 44.4 students checking in per minute.

5 seconds check-in per student= 20,000 seconds total.

60 minutes/44.4 students= 1.36 seconds per student checking in to complete 1: 60 minute cycle on time, which is not possible.

Hypothetically it would take about 333.3 minutes (or 5.55 hours) at a rate of 5 seconds per student to get 4,000 students checked in to the school which is a waste of time.

Money: a good metal detector can cost between $200-$600, but it can also cost as much as $1,000+. Add the costs of maintaining the metal detectors, hiring police/security guards and having an office for them and it is very expensive.

How Much Does a Metal Detector Cost?.
News is making this toad out to be some kind of fucking Jason Bourne.

Despite media outlet thoughts, most military members are not trained assasins. Cunts.

Never let a tragedy go to waste, besides that, making military members sound like complete, unhinged domestic terrorists.

The media doesn't know a SEAL recon beret from a Motor T or suppo guy. I don't blame them, really, they just don't care to parse the community. So any military member will be that elusive Jason Bourne-John Rambo.
Why didn't law enforcement release at least part of this? Keeping it in the dark spawns all sort of conspiracy theories, so what do you gain by not releasing even a redacted copy initially?
The nerd in me picked up on the center logo. That's for The Umbrella Corporation, the bad guys in the Resident Evil franchise.
Umbrella Corporation

Though it resembles Blue Umbrella more: Blue Umbrella

A few years ago, we went to a Horror Con of some form here in Orlando. There were a number of cosplayers dressed as Umbrella Corp. soldiers.

Anywho, I'd love to hear if it is something other than a shitty version of the UC's logo.