School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

After some study of timeline of these events it seems to me to have originated on the obama watch and the residual is flowing over to the current watch. I could be wrong but the previous agenda of extreme left thinking is in my mindset the most obvious denominator. Then the twisted mind of perception causes the acts to follow.

This seems interesting. No mention of firearms training. :rolleyes:

Good. It’s a start. More to follow. Doing nothing is worse. Firearms in the hands of teachers isn’t the answer. To carry you have to train. Perishable skill sets need honing. Get pros who do train to DA the shooter. Active shooter training gets the innocent out of the way.
After some study of timeline of these events it seems to me to have originated on the obama watch and the residual is flowing over to the current watch.

Are you suggesting that Obama’s administration was the catalyst for school shootings?
Good. It’s a start. More to follow. Doing nothing is worse. Firearms in the hands of teachers isn’t the answer. To carry you have to train. Perishable skill sets need honing. Get pros who do train to DA the shooter. Active shooter training gets the innocent out of the way.

I agree that it's a start and that's a good thing. I still think, at the very least, the teachers should be trained in the use of a pistol. Then, if by some chance the pro can't down the shooter and the shooter is able to get into a room where the teachers and students are hunkered down the teacher has a fighting chance.
Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego) - Wikipedia

It's been going on for years, as I stated before. This is 1979, the only difference is we see them more often. However, our population has increased by over 100 million people since 1979... think about that.

US Population by Year

Now let look at mental health, what has changed?

By the mid-1960s in the U.S., many severely mentally ill people had been moved from psychiatric institutions to local mental health homes or similar facilities. The number of institutionalized mentally ill patients fell from its peak of 560,000 in the 1950s to 130,000 by 1980.(9) By 2000, the number of state psychiatric hospital beds per 100,000 people was 22, down from 339 in 1955.(10) In place of institutionalized care, community-based mental health care was developed to include a range of treatment facilities, from community mental health centers and smaller supervised residential homes to community-based psychiatric teams.(11)

A Brief History of Mental Illness and the U.S. Mental Health Care System

It doesn't take rocket doctor thinking to figure out what the problem is, and why it's happening more often.

Just sayin, you know like instead of just random thoughts and opinions, do a little research on the subject. Maybe open the viewing lense a bit more...Crazy people have always done crazy shit, guns have been available since before this countries inception. So what changed? Why are more crazy people doing more crazy shit, at a more common pace?
Alright, there seems to be some confusion as to the rules on the site by members and staff regarding name calling of public figures. Honestly, I could care less what you say, as long as your comments violate the site rules. Hate on Trump or Hillary all you want and you won’t be dinged for it. I have no intention of including this as a rule, because I hate excessive rules and I love free speech. This site isn’t run by the military or the USG.

With that said, think before you post. We try to maintain a professional environment and some comments can easily be taken out of context. I’m also not trying to run a prison state where mods hang on every word you post. Have fun.

The caveat: Military members might want to exercise caution with any disparaging comments, since we can’t protect you from your chain of command. What you post on this site is on you.

There. All cleared up.
My mistake for not clearly understanding the rules, and adding to the confusion.
My mistake for not clearly understanding the rules, and adding to the confusion.


Jesus, Joseph and Mary it appears that the FBI may have really dicked-the-dog on this one.

FBI knew Nikolas Cruz was stockpiling weapons in Florida | Daily Mail Online

Florida governor Rick Scott is calling for Christopher Wray to step down from the top spot at the FBI after the agency admitted to ignoring information it had received about Nikolas Cruz from a source close to the the shooter.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary it appears that the FBI may have really dicked-the-dog on this one.

FBI knew Nikolas Cruz was stockpiling weapons in Florida | Daily Mail Online

Florida governor Rick Scott is calling for Christopher Wray to step down from the top spot at the FBI after the agency admitted to ignoring information it had received about Nikolas Cruz from a source close to the the shooter.

Gives credence to the FBI has run amok accusations.

Press conference right meow....FBI admitted information about shooter never made it to the Miami FBI field office.
Any information the FBI received should have been routed to the local LEO who have jurisdiction....this wasn't at DT or CT thing.

Active shootings are not the jurisdiction of the FBI, they can assist state and local law enforcement when they are asked by those agencies. If they received any tips on something like this, it should be documented and passed to the appropriate department....which in this case, did not happen.

"The Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, signed into law by the president in January 2013, permits the U.S. attorney general—at the request of appropriate state or local law enforcement personnel—to provide federal assistance during active shooter incidents and mass killings (defined by the law as three or more people) in public places. The attorney general delegated this responsibility to the FBI."
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If someone wants to kill someone or a group of people they are going to do it. People can blame American gun laws all they want, but at the end of the day it’s just as easy to mow down crowds of people with a vehicle or fly a plane into a building. Maybe focus the blame on the person?
Recently, near where I live there was a sentencing (finally) for Alex Hribal. He stabbed 21 people at his high school with kitchen knives. If a person is mentally deranged and is bent on violence he/she will find a way to act out. Alex Hribal sentenced to 23 1/2 to 60 years in Franklin Regional stabbings

Minutes before he was to be sentenced for the 2014 knife attack at Franklin Regional High School, Alex Hribal broke off his statement to the court and crumpled up his prepared remarks.
Holding the ball of paper tightly between his hands, the 20-year-old looked out at the packed courtroom Monday afternoon and spoke — as victims and their families listened from the gallery for any reason as to why he slashed or stabbed 20 students and a security guard in a school hallway that April.
"I would also like to say that bullying is such a problem these days,” Hribal said. “Treating each other the way people would like to be treated is the solution.”
He paused.
"I feel horrible about everything.There's no words I can use, and nothing I can say, to make it all better. There's nothing I can say to fix it."
Soon after, Hribal, who pleaded guilty to 21 counts each of attempted homicide and aggravated assault in October, was sentenced to 23½ to 60 years. He was also ordered to pay slightly more than $269,000 in restitution. Hribal was 16 at the time of the attack, in which four students suffered life-threatening injuries, but all survived.
Westmoreland County Common Pleas Court Judge Christopher Feliciani rejected the defense's argument that Hribal's actions were a result of bullying, and said Hribal's sentence was based on the seriousness of his actions and the physical and emotional scars left on the victims and their families. He also ruled that Hribal get mental health treatment while serving his sentence.
I'm wondering where members who are equating mass shootings with mental illness are getting their information.

Less than 1% of gun related homicides are mass shootings by people with serious mental illness.
I'm wondering where members who are equating mass shootings with mental illness are getting their information.

Less than 1% of gun related homicides are mass shootings by people with serious mental illness.

Because mentally healthy people don't go into schools and randomly kill innocent unarmed kid's?

The reports you are looking at, or more so the rebutal news your reading, is only taking into account licensed diagnoses. If you are looking at legal defense to prosecution, the bar is very high to be found mentally incompetent vs suffering from a mental illness.

But then again, with modern psychology, anyone and everyone could be diagnosed with some sort of mental illness... so maybe it's a moot point.

The reality is you have off your damn rocker to want to go randomly murder people in mass...
Because mentally healthy people don't go into schools and randomly kill innocent unarmed kid's?

The reports you are looking at, or more so the rebutal news your reading, is only taking into account licensed diagnoses. If you are looking at legal defense to prosecution, the bar is very high to be found mentally incompetent vs suffering from a mental illness.

But then again, with modern psychology, anyone and everyone could be diagnosed with some sort of mental illness... so maybe it's a moot point.

The reality is you have off your damn rocker to want to go randomly murder people in mass...

I admit that the production of this sort of reply was my fault for not including evidence.

I am interested in what supports your assertions, unless you are a mental health care professional.

Mass Shootings and Mental Illness
I just read this and this teacher has the problem by the proverbial balls.

Florida Teacher of the Year's gun violence post goes viral after school shooting

“Until we, as a country, are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care for the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parental support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at school (oh no! Not MY KID. What did YOU do to cause my kid to react that way?), lack of moral values, and yes, I’ll say it – violent video games that take away all sensitivity to ANY compassion for others’ lives – as well as reality TV that makes it commonplace for people to constantly scream up in each others’ faces and not value any other person but themselves, we will have a gun problem in school,”