SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

My latest update...
Touched down in San Diego on 14Jun11 and got a nice bus ride over to the NAVSPECWARCOMM facility. 2 of our instructors were driving and they went over a few of the rules with the 36 of us newbies. We asked some questions, BS'd a little bit and then we arrived at the base. I'll try to keep this brief and hit the high points.
-Boots issued here are superior in every way to the boots we were issued at boot camp. They are MUCH lighter, more flexible, semi-comfortable to run in and MUCH lighter.
-You jog in formation everywhere you go. Jogging in formation after chow, regardless of how short the jog is, is never pleasant...especially after being told to eat as much as you can because you'll burn it off during the day.
-Never go anywhere without a swim buddy and never leave your swim buddy.
-Doing real PT in the San Diego weather after not really working out for nearly 3 months felt AWESOME. It was tough, but it felt good at the same time.
-Every time we enter our building or exit our building, we do 10 pull ups. Average 80-100 per day just on that premise alone.
-Running on soft sand, in boots, even at a 9:30 min/mile pace was brutal. Words don't do justice to the kind of torture that is. This was the first time us new guys had done anything like that and we did 3 miles. As much as I hated it while I was doing it, once it was over I realized I was still alive and I was not injured. Evidently these conditioning runs, once we're classed up, are done after beach PT and after a few trips into the ocean...I guess that's when we'll truly learn what it means to "embrace the suck".
-I have a feeling that Monday is going to be a kick in the balls. We're supposed to have all our gear stenciled and have the SWCC Creed & Code memorized. As I type this, I think I'm the only person in my hall that's here. Everyone else is at the beach. I guess the instructors will start to see who the real shit bags are on Monday. And I realize the whole class will get beat due to the misguided few.
-Eating real food and wearing civilian clothes is strange and wonderful. A few buddies and I had sushi/beer, coffee and (I had) frozen yogurt last night. All within a 25 minute walk of the base.

This is all the calm before the storm. And then it will happen again before we class up and get into BCT. And then again going from BCT to CQT. I'll try to keep updating as much as possible, but it will probably only be on the weekends. If there's a better place for this or if this is not the kind of update you're looking for, mods/admin please say so.
I'll try to keep updating as much as possible, but it will probably only be on the weekends. If there's a better place for this or if this is not the kind of update you're looking for, mods/admin please say so.

Rock on, just be aware of your audience. While you may want to tell us everything that goes on, don't do that because events and standards are undisclosed for a reason (stomp, stomp).

Yes, n00bs, there will be no "G2-ing" of SOF courses on this board.

Congrats and good luck!
Rock on, just be aware of your audience. While you may want to tell us everything that goes on, don't do that because events and standards are undisclosed for a reason (stomp, stomp).

Yes, n00bs, there will be no "G2-ing" of SOF courses on this board.

Congrats and good luck!

My bad FF. I'll be sure to keep all standards/numbers/expectations out of any future posts. I was more worried about PERSEC stuff, LOL. Thanks for the heads up.
SL you're upedate was more than enough for us wannabes who aren't in our selection process yet, or for me it was at least. I don't have a 2 cents to contribute or even penny but ill say keep your head in the game we are pulling for you. Whatever nervousness you're feeling, if any, I envy you your position because youre so close to achieving your goal even if there is a lot of pain in they way before you do it. Like I said I've got no ponies in this race and I have another year of school but you can do it...stay focused.

Ps...quit or not you still owe the navy whatever you signed up for so you might as well be HSLD while you're there bro haha.
Keeping the thread turning in my medical paperwork for my knee scope and the email from my academic advisor on Monday. The physical at MEPS is my next step and then playing the waiting game for an 11x option 40.
Thank you for the congratulations! We're getting a head start on our honeymoon by going to the Riviera Maya tomorrow before we get our marriage license :D .

No updates as far as recruitment goes, though. Still in wait mode, sticking to my PT plan, and putting my energies towards other distractions until I receive good news (hopefully). It's inspiring to see the updates as someone enters the SOF pipeline. Good luck SL!
I just hope that if something happens you are not too proud to admit it. This goes for all of you. If you fail, or quit don't be a pussy. You will have nothing to be ashamed of. Continue your service with pride, and post here what happened. My cousin, was med dropped from SWCC training. He dislocated his hip while hitting the surf, he was med rolled, this is week 6 mind you. He then classed up again and had the same thing happen. NOt at all his fault, but he was dropped. Keep up the good work and never quit.
Latest update:
Took a PST today
500 yard swim - 10:29. Only about 30 seconds slower than my normal 10:00 min average and today's PST was in a 50 meter pool.
Push Ups - 54. I think my counter miscounted a few, but it is what it is.
Sit Ups - 75, PR
Pull Ups - 12
1.5 mile run - 10:25, PR. It's amazing how great it feels to run in tennis shoes after 2 weeks of running everywhere in boots.

Seems that those numbers were good enough to get me a paddle, life vest, sea wallet and gray helmet today. That's all I'm really going to say for now. I don't know who is lurking out there. Mods/Admin, if you think it's OK to divulge any more info, just say so.
SL, awesome work. As CBack said, keep pushing and never quit!

Personally, I like how you describe the hardships the instructors put on you guys and how you overcome them mentally and physically... like writing down your thoughts. Least that's what I liked about Lutrell's book. :)
Quick update...
The ITB monster has reared its ugly head. It started out as what felt like a sore quad last Thursday (we ran sprints on the pavement in boots without stretching) and quickly progressed to more serious pain on the side of my left knee. So I went to medical today and was given some Motrin and some stretches to do. I was then sent on my merry way.
Guys who are looking to get into the NSW pipeline, in DEP, etc...prepare for your side stroke to be rebuilt multiple times.
Tomorrow is looking like it's going to be our first real test of who has the mettle to be here. I'll be stretching/icing/stretching tonight. I'll try to provide another update tomorrow after all the dust has settled.
ITB is no joke but can be managed. Get one of these
and use it as much as you can. You should see improvements.

I don't know if this stuff is a "No No", but if you are allowed to have it, invest in Biofreeze. I don't know anyone who it hasn't worked for. It definitely made training for a triathalon manageable right after spending weeks at a desk studying for finals. It works miracles.

Not sure why you wouldn't be able to get your hands on any, but I couldn't forgive myself if I got anyone in trouble.
Biofreeze is good, but the roller will help the actual problem with ITB and all other stress/overuse injuries, it is great for shin splints as well.
Biofreeze is good, but the roller will help the actual problem with ITB and all other stress/overuse injuries, it is great for shin splints as well.
Yeah, that's important to mention. Biofreeze will not solve your problems, it will just make them feel like minty heaven.
Another vote for roller. It's too late now since you are already there, but might as well get started anyway, and for everyone else in the world who claims to be an athlete- Check it out, it will change your life.
Another vote for roller. It's too late now since you are already there, but might as well get started anyway, and for everyone else in the world who claims to be an athlete- Check it out, it will change your life.

Great site, X2 on the roller and for people with access to one, I would suggest taking time to walk backwards on a treadmill. Great for thighs, calves, ankles.