SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

We had a class on wellness/nutrition today, one part of which was how to use a foam roller. I'll be picking one up this weekend.
Another vote for a roller. Awesome bit of kit.

Best of luck SL, kick balls.
I went to see my recruiter today about pulling an option 40, NO-GO. My recruiter called the ROC about a slot and was told they can't pull me one, right now, because of my timeline of not leaving until after I graduate from college in May 2012. The way the ROC explained it to him then he explained it to me was that because the option 40 applies to training after the initial training(OSUT) that it would actually take place in FY 2013. Therefore, they are not as of yet authorized to pull ANY extra training for that time period even getting a simple airborne option couldn't be done. In order to remedy this problem I have to contact my academic advisor at school and have him send a letter with my academic progress(the 3rd such one) but also my specific date of commencement not just the month as on previous renditions. My recruiter asked would I only take an 11x Option 40 to which I replied no that I would more than happily take 11x, 13F, or 68w which I think will make it easier to acquire option 40 but also because the more I think about it the more attractive those MOS's become but if all that was available was a support MOS I would just take an airborne option and volunteer at OSUT/ABN. All in all, slightly frustrating but nothing more than an obstacle this merely the first gate of the pipeline starting to cull the herd...eyes on prize.
Today I am happy to say that I went to MEPS and signed an 11x Option 40 contract with a ship date 20120604. This is one of the best days of my life but I know the road ahead is long, hard, and worth it. The ball is officially in my court.
Today I am happy to say that I went to MEPS and signed an 11x Option 40 contract with a ship date 20120604. This is one of the best days of my life but I know the road ahead is long, hard, and worth it. The ball is officially in my court.

Now it is only on you to not quit, barring an injury by Oct of next year you should have a tan beret on your head.
I quit 10 days into INDOC.
About a week ago I started to develop some pain in my right heel/ankle area. I went to medical last Friday, they gave me some Vitamin M (800mg Motrin) and some Tylenol and set up a follow up for Tuesday, 6JUL11. Over the long weekend I iced, foam rolled, medicated etc all to no avail. I went back for my follow up on Tuesday and told the HM2 and Doc that the pain had not subsided. It hurt to walk, run, pronate my foot, etc. So, Doc ordered X-rays to ensure there was no stress fracture. The X-rays came back negative on Wednesday morning and I was told it's a case of Achilles tendonitis. It wouldn't get any better unless I stay off of it for 2 weeks...not an option here. Doc told me that I was not in enough pain to be medically rolled or dropped, that I was fit for full duty and he sent me on my way.
I hobbled over to the school house and talked to Chief about dropping. I'm not the guy to keep running until something breaks/tears, not at this point in my life. 10 years ago, maybe. The talk with Chief was basically to make sure that my brain wasn't all fucked up. I think they just want to ensure that the DOR guys aren't going to jump off a building after quitting. Fast forward through some paper work, gear being returned and checking out at NAB Coronado, I'm now at NAS North Island.
At some point, hopefully early next week, I'll be talking with a classifier about a new rate. I checked and CTI (Crypto) really caught my eye. I know it will be needs of the Navy, but I'm hoping that won't be an overmanned rate. I'm going to try and find a current CREO list online today. Any advice on anything would be greatly appreciated.
WANNABES: Be prepared to have to play through the pain. The most you'll get from medical is what I got. There's a little bit of luck involved when it comes to not getting hurt/injured. I know you've all read books and seen documentaries on TV, but until you see the guys/are one of the guys going through Hell Week or The Tour (speaking only for NSW here) in person, you have absolutely no idea what it's all about. I didn't have what it takes. I hope you guys do.
Fucking a man, that is too bad, can't help an injury though. Thanks for being a man and admitting to quitting.
Goddamn SL. That sucks hard. From what Ive seen, CTI is a good rate but be prepared to deal with some super smart dudes.

On my end: Found out today that Im probably not going to make it.
Fucking a man, that is too bad, can't help an injury though. Thanks for being a man and admitting to quitting.

That's what you asked for cback. And I'm OK with the decision I made. I think there was more anticipation leading up to it. I've been fine since.

Goddamn SL. That sucks hard. From what Ive seen, CTI is a good rate but be prepared to deal with some super smart dudes.

On my end: Found out today that Im probably not going to make it.

I am a super smart dude! I never took Calculus 18 or Physics 9 or anything like that, but I learn quickly, I know how to pay attention, I have plenty of common sense and great attention to detail.

ETA: I'm still extremely proud to be a Sailor in the US Navy.
Damn, sorry to hear that SL. I hate to hear stuff like that. Thanks for the insight though. Good luck with whatever you plan to do next.
SL, it was a good run, man. You took it as far as you can without getting yourself hurt.

I say be proud of what you've accomplished, and Good luck on your next undertaking!
The SWCC class I was a part of started with 48 guys. Tomorrow, at 0500, they start the Tour with 13 warriors. The men that are left are all good, solid guys. I couldn't be happier to know they'll be going through it together. I really fucking hope they all make it through, there's no reason they shouldn't.
Anyone who thinks SWCC is an "easier way to get into SPECWAR" or is a primer course for BUD/S...I'd take those 13 guys and put them up against anyone in 1st phase of BUD/S without thinking twice. Just sayin'...

ETA: After watching Surviving the Cut and talking to a few of my buddies here in GLKS who are in Pre BUD/S, I realized that I didn't suffer an injury in Corondao. There are plenty of guys who have pushed through worse things than I experienced to get their respective pins. I was just not the guy to do it.
The SWCC class I was a part of started with 48 guys. Tomorrow, at 0500, they start the Tour with 13 warriors. The men that are left are all good, solid guys. I couldn't be happier to know they'll be going through it together. I really fucking hope they all make it through, there's no reason they shouldn't.
Anyone who thinks SWCC is an "easier way to get into SPECWAR" or is a primer course for BUD/S...I'd take those 13 guys and put them up against anyone in 1st phase of BUD/S without thinking twice. Just sayin'...

ETA: After watching Surviving the Cut and talking to a few of my buddies here in GLKS who are in Pre BUD/S, I realized that I didn't suffer an injury in Corondao. There are plenty of guys who have pushed through worse things than I experienced to get their respective pins. I was just not the guy to do it.
Any plans to try and go back?
Any plans to try and go back?

Negative. I'll be 30 in December. I don't want to have to wait 2 years and then try to get a bunch of waivers for being old as dirt. And I wouldn't be in it mentally either. I'm going to try and make the most out of my 6 year obligation and HOPEFULLY make a career out of the military. If not, so be it. But I won't be going back through any NSW pipelines in the future.
Negative. I'll be 30 in December. I don't want to have to wait 2 years and then try to get a bunch of waivers for being old as dirt. And I wouldn't be in it mentally either. I'm going to try and make the most out of my 6 year obligation and HOPEFULLY make a career out of the military. If not, so be it. But I won't be going back through any NSW pipelines in the future.
No shame in that. You tried, and you're still part of a fraternity that makes up less than one percent of the country. Thanks for all the info SL
SL, sorry you didn't make it, but you manned up and admitted why and that counts for a LOT in my book.

Something to think about, but two of the men killed in the Chinook were an Information Systems Technician and a CT (Collection). NSW has some support billets after you do your time in the fleet. Even if you never kick in a door, the time will be very rewarding and SOF needs great enablers to do their jobs.
As I stated Sunday, the SWCC class I was a part of (I won't mention class numbers due to PERSEC) started The Tour with 13 guys. Today, around 1300 (more than the 50 hours of ass kickery Surviving the Cut claimed...) left coast time, The Tour was secured with all 13 warriors still standing. I could not be more fucking proud of this group of guys. I may or may not have talked to a few of them on the phone today and I told them that they were my heroes. They are. I went through boot camp with 9 of the guys, so I know them well.
20-22 weeks of CQT and they'll have their Special Warfare pins. Then they'll be fucking shit up in the name of freedom in no time!

FF, I wish I could "like" your post more than once.
Time for a little intel on my current situation. I'm still stuck in the reserves.
Tried to get into OCS - failed because I failed to prepare.
My military is different from the US. Right now we've got problems concerning available slots in almost any unit.
Funny because the problem does not apply to SOF - go figure.
But, right now my rank is too low to try and get into the Regiment. In order to be able to get any kind of slot, I would need to rank up to Corporeal First Class.
In order to do that I have to find a unit, any unit and serve about 18 months there. Then, and only then I will be allegable to try out for the Regiment.

Still, there is another option. About 6 weeks ago, an MP unit in Gliwice was stood down, in it's place a new SOF unit is being made - AGAT, our version of the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment. AGAT will start recruiting reservists aprox. in september. It's a long shot but I'm looking at all available options.

Anyway, I'm hoping to attend Selection in eighter October or April. Long road, but I belive it's worth an up-hill battle.....