snyopsis for lone survivor

It's only a minute part of the story. I'm certain that to tell the story accurately in the time allotted would be hard. But if Steven Segal is the lead...I'm there! :evil:
What's the problem?

1. Marcus Luttrell didnt make the decision for the team. They all made a decision. From what I remember Lt. Mike Murphey finalizing it.

2. Marcus Luttrell wasn't in charge of the team.

Hollywood is gonna mess this up.
I'm sure that's just how the review wrote up the synopsis. I'm not worried...yet.

If you ever get the chance to meet Luttrell, ask him about the shenanigans he and his brother pulled together in BUDS....before his brother was in.
I'm sure that's just how the review wrote up the synopsis. I'm not worried...yet.

If you ever get the chance to meet Luttrell, ask him about the shenanigans he and his brother pulled together in BUDS....before his brother was in.

I could only hope to meet Mr. Luttrell. Did his brother retire as well? and yes, this story needs to be told in the exact detail. Why does hollywood do this? I mean honestly, whats so hard?
I'm sure that's just how the review wrote up the synopsis. I'm not worried...yet.

If you ever get the chance to meet Luttrell, ask him about the shenanigans he and his brother pulled together in BUDS....before his brother was in.

Like switching places in class. :D
1. Marcus Luttrell didnt make the decision for the team. They all made a decision. From what I remember Lt. Mike Murphey finalizing it.

2. Marcus Luttrell wasn't in charge of the team.

Hollywood is gonna mess this up.
I read somewhere else that they have it as that they all voted.

We'll see. Even if they try 100% for accuracy they will never get it completely right.
I read somewhere else that they have it as that they all voted.

We'll see. Even if they try 100% for accuracy they will never get it completely right.

I want the facts dead on- there are some things that are unquestionable ie number of guys on the rescue helo, unit that recovered marcus, the backgrounds of all the guys.

There is no way to really be 100% accurate on what occured during the initial firefight. Lots of stuff goin on, and only one man lived to tell about it so that part may be left up to the directors interpretation.
I think you might be getting carried away with your assumption that hollywood will ruin this. Peter Berg is not the kind of fuck tard who will mess this up.
Also.. last I checked, MSN Movies does not have the final say on what a movie will be about. There is no official synopsis released.. I don't even think there is even a cast listing.

By the way, from what I remember reading in the book; Marcus was the senior enlisted on the ground and the final decision on letting the shepherds go was when Lt. Murphy asked Marcus what he thought. Marcus said to let them go and Lt. Murphy based his final decision on what he said.

Have some faith brother. I firmly believe this movie will be a strong memorial for the fallen. Just have some faith...
I think you might be getting carried away with your assumption that hollywood will ruin this. Peter Berg is not the kind of fuck tard who will mess this up.
Also.. last I checked, MSN Movies does not have the final say on what a movie will be about. There is no official synopsis released.. I don't even think there is even a cast listing.

By the way, from what I remember reading in the book; Marcus was the senior enlisted on the ground and the final decision on letting the shepherds go was when Lt. Murphy asked Marcus what he thought. Marcus said to let them go and Lt. Murphy based his final decision on what he said.

Have some faith brother. I firmly believe this movie will be a strong memorial for the fallen. Just have some faith...

Ok, fine- in Berg I trust. But I still think this is one of those things that can't be turned into a movie. Berg has done good movies, but not every book transitions well into a movie.
Shit, I still need to read the book. But Im torn on whether a movie should be made or not.
Ok, fine- in Berg I trust. But I still think this is one of those things that can't be turned into a movie. Berg has done good movies, but not every book transitions well into a movie.

Why not? I think it can be put into a movie. Quite easily in a 2 hour and thirty minute time frame (kinda the standard for movies like these).

Before BHD some would have said that it would be too complex to put into a movie. I think BHD was a great movie and served to be a good memorial/dedicatin to the fallen(other than the part: "we are not some sorry ass JROTC, we're Rangers, we're elite"). A complicated story of an 18-hour battle put into a 2.45 hour movie.

I am one who is a "neat freak" when it comes to movies, I've seen almost all of them and usually quite disappointed. I even passed up watching GI Joe because I knew it was going to be garbage, considering I spent 12 years of my youth side by side with my GI action figures...
Before BHD some would have said that it would be too complex to put into a movie. I think BHD was a great movie and served to be a good memorial/dedicatin to the fallen. A complicated story of an 18-hour battle put into a 2.45 hour movie.
I agree. I can't speak for the depiction of the firefight, but I can speak about the mannerisms and the commradery that was depicted in the movie for the time frame. It is still the most accurate war movie ever IMO.

I nit pick every military movie. I pisses me off to no end when Hollywood can't even do the little things like get the uniforms right.
There was some rather big factual mistakes in BHD and there will certainly be factual mistakes with this movie I'm sure. The important thing is to tell the story about the men and there sacrifice. I think even with the factual mistakes in BHD they told the story well and I think they can do the same for this movie.
Movies aren't the officical record, nor should they be treated as such. They're useful to "us" because they deliver our stories to greater masses than any other medium. If you go in to a movie thinking you're going to get reality, you're a 'tard. So, no point in bitching about it. The exception being if you were a part of the subject event. Then you get to criticize all day long and everyone has to be contrite. You earned it.

I'm only concerned with the message and how our guys/gals are portrayed. If the MSN write up turns out to be correct and ML is portrayed as the team leaders but people leave the theatre thinking, "Wow, those SEALs are amazing. Those Night Stalkers are so brave." that's a fucking WIN.
If the MSN write up turns out to be correct and ML is portrayed as the team leaders but people leave the theatre thinking, "Wow, those SEALs are amazing. Those Night Stalkers are so brave." that's a fucking WIN.

X2 on that. Hoping that the 160th will be shows as more than just 'taxi cabs'.
The crew of Turbine33 deserves more than that !
There was some rather big factual mistakes in BHD and there will certainly be factual mistakes with this movie I'm sure. The important thing is to tell the story about the men and there sacrifice. I think even with the factual mistakes in BHD they told the story well and I think they can do the same for this movie.

Not to hijack but one of the more "realistic" movies based on a war event was "The Great Raid".