So I was looking at furniture...

oh god, I'm having a hilarious conversation with the midget about what kind of a bed she wants.

Here's what I'm working off of for a design as dictated by the minor midget of mayhem:


Dis gon be gud. lol
Looks like a coffee table with a mattress on it to me...
She's 4.... be nice. LOL

Please note the post above yours, The Troll's. He thinks he is artist, because the waitress at the cafe we went too gave him some crayolas and a coloring menu.

That did not bother me so much, why did he have to eat the crayolas?
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She's 4.... be nice. LOL

I know the little princess.... she would actually like a coffee table with a mattress for a bed... she'll sleep anywhere, like her dad.

No dis on the artwork... it's damn good for a 4y/o.

@HOLLiS .... last time we went to the diner near you.... you shared the crayolas with me and the COL....
I'm looking for some small project idea's to start getting back into woodworking. My father was huge into it, taught me a lot and I've inherited his tools and several volumes of how to books (basically a full on wood shop). I've been thinking of using some wood pallets as they are free and hardwoods, specifically I have access to unlimited pallets made of oak.

So basically I was wondering if anyone has done, or has had some idea they are willing to share. Currently I've been thinking of building something small, like a set of end tables or maybe a coffee table. But any ideas or input would be awesome.

Once I get started I'll post some progress pictures. Feel free to do the same in the thread if you wish.

I took the path of restoring, not refinishing, older pieces of furniture. It often presented problems that included structural repair before looking to restoring the finish. In some cases, the finish was so badly worn, or damaged that I had to refinish the piece. Some of the worst damage had come from cats usting the furniture piece for claw working by the cat(s). It can be profitable, but is rather labor intensive. Good power sanders are a must. I was able to pick up a piece of furniture that I knew someone was looking for. Some pieces I picked up for $200.oo or so, and in the end would get $700.00 +, for a nicely restored piece. I was looking to get at least $25.00 to $30.00/hr labor in each piece. I stsrted doing this right after I retired, and enjoyed the hell out of seeing the final restored piece.

Just my $.02 in the wood working craft.
Oh. On wood working. Anybody ever see that company, Southern Pines Wood Working, out of N.C., makes those U.S. flags from old barrels. I would cut my sisters beating heart out and sell it on the Asian black market for one of those flags....

I merged two threads, but the DIY link remains for those who want to contribute to either.
Oh. On wood working. Anybody ever see that company, Southern Pines Wood Working, out of N.C., makes those U.S. flags from old barrels. I would cut my sisters beating heart out and sell it on the Asian black market for one of those flags....


You'd get more cash value if you harvested her kidneys, liver, and perhaps ovaries (to harvest any remaining eggs). Her heart is obviously defective. }:-)